Nothing about the Alito recordings?

He had that flag flying at his house. He is either clueless or complicit - neither is worthy of a SC Justice.

But there's nothing you can do about it, right?

There's nothing I can do, correct.

What are you going to do about it besides gripe on an anonymous message board?
I answered them. I'm not trying to convince you. That would be futile.
You danced around while exposing what you really think. It was never about convincing me, it was about having answers that are sensical and you failed. And that's fine - you choose to believe in things that don't make sense. Lot's of others like you, in fact. IMO it's important to reveal the lack of logic and the massive holes in the arguments you and others (like Alito) have because they are influencing us all.
You danced around while exposing what you really think. It was never about convincing me, it was about having answers that are sensical and you failed. And that's fine - you choose to believe in things that don't make sense. Lot's of others like you, in fact. IMO it's important to reveal the lack of logic and the massive holes in the arguments you and others (like Alito) have because they are influencing us all.

I'm not influencing anyone, I assure you. 😆
I dunno. I'm not an expert on the Supreme Court.

Didn't RBG almost always rule in a partisan left-wing way?
She at the very least kept up appearances that she wasn't biased. Do you recall her having any controversies like Alito is currently going through? And some of the rulings Alito has helped bring in are extreme right wing. Like you I'm no expert but I can't think of anything that's in the same zip code that she brought in that's as extreme as taking away abortion rights. And there is a lot of chatter from Alito and Thomas that Dobbs was just the beginning.

For like the 9433789643 time... both sides are not the same.
She at the very least kept up appearances that she wasn't biased. Do you recall her having any controversies like Alito is currently going through? And some of the rulings Alito has helped bring in are extreme right wing. Like you I'm no expert but I can't think of anything that's in the same zip code that she brought in that's as extreme as taking away abortion rights. And there is a lot of chatter from Alito and Thomas that Dobbs was just the beginning.

For like the 9433789643 time... both sides are not the same.

RBG also didn't get taped undercover without her consent.

Who knows what she said in private?

"Abortion rights?"

WTF, brah.
I'm not influencing anyone, I assure you. 😆
Sigh. No, you aren't because your're just one of millions of gullible rubes who will turn to this nonsense in lieu of the Constitution. And you will turn either a blind eye or outwardly support those, like Alito, who have tremendous influence.

Some of us are trying to expose the nonsense to some of you who might be able and willing to see how foolish your arguments sound.
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Sigh. No, you aren't because your're just one of millions of gullible rubes who will turn to this nonsense in lieu of the Constitution. And you will turn either a blind eye or outwardly support those, like Alito, who have tremendous influence.

Some of us are trying to expose the nonsense to some of you who might be able and willing to see how foolish your arguments sound.


I've always voted Democrat.
RBG also didn't get taped undercover without her consent.

Who knows what she said in private?

"Abortion rights?"

WTF, brah.
What do you mean WTF brah?

And that's the whole point... she didn't allow anything like that to happen. I highly doubt though that she ever talked in any manner close to what Alito did. Not that we can prove it but I would bet my life savings she never thought about helping overthrow the government and installing a far left wing dictator. And if she did name a ruling or any hint at anything she ever did say that even comes close to what Alito has done.

I've always voted Democrat.
I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone miss the point further than you.

I'm done. I think your intentions are good - you're simply consumed by the fantasy that your religion feeds you. It's the same issue with MAGA and Trump supporters, just not as nefarious.
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What do you mean WTF brah?

And that's the whole point... she didn't allow anything like that to happen. I highly doubt though that she ever talked in any manner close to what Alito did. Not that we can prove it but I would bet my life savings she never thought about helping overthrow the government and installing a far left wing dictator. And if she did name a ruling or any hint at anything she ever did say that even comes close to what Alito has done.

I meant the phrase "abortion rights" is nuts. IMHO.

Did Alito try to help Trump overturn the 2020 election?
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I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone miss the point further than you.

I'm done. I think your intentions are good - you're simply consumed by the fantasy that your religion feeds you. It's the same issue with MAGA and Trump supporters, just not as nefarious.

You claimed I support Alito and the Republicans.

I've voted Democrat in every Presidential election since 2008.

So, you don't know what you're talking about. Yes, please quit this thread.
We all know Brian is a religious nut, of course he’s happy about this. Where are the rest of the alito fan club?
Haven't we been purposefully picking justices on the basis of their politics for a long time now?

Like both sides will pick out a justice that represents their political values.
He said his wife did it to annoy their neighbors.

I agree it was inappropriate. I don't know what the answer is.
Speaking of his wife... prolly already in this thread but I haven't read the entire thing:

"I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag for the next month"... Alito's wife...

Rolling Stone reports:

Martha-Ann Alito, wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, is incensed about seeing rainbow Pride flags during Pride Month, according to a new recording obtained by Rolling Stone. If it were up to her, she would be flying a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in response. Or she might design her own flag, one sporting the Italian word for “shame.” “You know what I want?” Mrs. Alito says. “I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag, because I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag for the next month.”
Referencing her husband, Mrs. Alito says, “He’s like, ‘Oh, please don’t put up a flag.’ I said, ‘I won’t do it because I am deferring to you. But when you are free of this nonsense, I’m putting it up and I’m gonna send them a message every day, maybe every week, I’ll be changing the flags.’ They’ll be all kinds. I made a flag in my head. This is how I satisfy myself. I made a flag. It’s white and has yellow and orange flames around it. And in the middle is the word ‘vergogna.’ ‘Vergogna’ in Italian means shame — vergogna. V-E-R-G-O-G-N-A. Vergogna.”
Haven't we been purposefully picking justices on the basis of their politics for a long time now?

Like both sides will pick out a justice that represents their political values.
Obviously I am a lefty. Having said that, I have always been fine with conservative justices…until Roe was overturned and seeing the amount of bribes they take. The radical right has been putting wacko crooked people on the court…not conservative judges like Roberts and others we have seen previously. It’s not good. This isn’t even counting a couple of these guys’ batshit crazy wives.
Obviously I am a lefty. Having said that, I have always been fine with conservative justices…until Roe was overturned and seeing the amount of bribes they take. The radical right has been putting wacko crooked people on the court…not conservative judges like Roberts and others we have seen previously. It’s not good. This isn’t even counting a couple of these guys’ batshit crazy wives.


Maybe it will get better when Alito and Clarence Thomas retire?

I personally believe America is going to collapse...almost certainly within the next 20 years or so.
People always think they are living close to the "End Times." It's one of those universal biases, like everyone thinks they are an above-average driver.
Agreeing that it’s a holy war that needs to be won? Or maybe he can blame it on his wife…

Alito's comments are not surprising, especially since they were in response to leading questions.

I don't mind that he is a right-wing religious culture warrior. I DO mind that he apparently is a sympathizer of election deniers and Jan 6 insurrectionists.
I think I understand the sentiment, but the political and social dynamics of today are completely different from 476 AD.

If anything, the current climate is similar to 16th century France, particularly the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre.

I'm not referring specifically to the "Catholic versus Protestant" theme. It's more about the extreme polarization leading to outbreaks of mob violence.
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