Cannon dismisses the docs case in FL

Guess we know this will be going up the appeals process. Funny how it has taken them this long to determine it wasn't proper on step 1...

Gonna be a rough day for Huey, chis and @St. Louis Hawk who laughed at me when I told him the trump trials were all about to come crashing down

Um what? You said not one word about dismissal on an apportionment claim and special prosecutor appointment and funding.

Your argument was that other statutes allowed Trump to review and posses post-Presidency.

Stop making shit up.

Guess we know this will be going up the appeals process. Funny how it has taken them this long to determine it wasn't proper on step 1...

This might be the most ridiculous move she’s made yet.
Have to admit, I figured this would be a bridge to far even for her.

The timing is interesting, but it always seemed like the intent was to delay delay, hit a time frame where "it is too close to an election to try the case!" and then send it up for more delays. I guess Im not really surprised. Gives a LOT of talking points for this week in Milwaukee.
But if Trump is elected, this and a lot else just goes away. Thats why this election is so important.

And your spelling sucks. You must really be worked up. :)

Yes, yes I am. And I don't spellcheck on ROT. You guys get my C- game. But this is absolutely absurd. Court of Appeals have roundly found special counsels are legal and appropriate at times.
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