Chanting FUCK JOE BIDEN during the World Series pregame show is the most white trash MAGA thing ever

Do I think he will do or say anything to stay in power, including breaking the law. Yeah. Do I think many of the other politicians you see on TV are any different. Nope not really.

Do I think he’s a racist, no. Do I think he’s a sexist, possibly. Do I think he’s an elitist, absolutely.

I think a lot of people with power, behind closed doors are exactly the same. He just says the quiet parts out loud, which maybe is becoming contagious as I’m starting to see politicians on the left do the same.
They would've loved you in the 1830s.
Please explain how the First Amendment applies.

Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
"…abridging the freedom of speech…"
Yeah, that’s not new either. I feel like I heard the same rhetoric in 2000 and 2016.
Well when the Supreme Court said no. In 2000 Gore did concede. Orange man kept lying. Held a rally that turned into a riot. That sieged the Capitol and stopped the Electoral Count. And armed soldiers had to be called in to bail out the police. Congressman had to be rescued etc etc. Orange man continues to lie and never concede. So that was NEW.
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“They” (Who ever that is) love me in 2021
You truly are an idiot. Self hating halfrican. Love to see it though. Reminds me there are so many stupid people out there that I could lose half my brain and still be just fine in regards to intelligence and being able to think logically.
Well when the Supreme Court said no. In 2000 Gore didn't conceded. Orange man kept lying. Held a rally that turned into a riot. That sieged the Capitol and stopped the Electoral Count. And armed soldiers had to be called in to bail out the police. Congressman had to be rescued etc etc. Orange man continues to lie and never concede. So that was NEW.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, if America was in trouble of falling on 1/6 by a few hundred people with no weapons we might as well start speaking Russian or Chinese because all hope is lost.
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You truly are an idiot. Self hating halfrican. Love to see it though. Reminds me there are so many stupid people out there that I could lose half my brain and still be just fine in regards to intelligence and being able to think logically.

Seriously though, we are laughing with you not at you.
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I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, if America was in trouble of falling on 1/6 by a few hundred people with no weapons we might as well start speaking Russian or Chinese because all hope is lost.
Countries as powerful as the US die from within. USA wouldn't have died that day. Now the next step leading up and following an election becomes worse.
Bin Laden didn't go from fighting the Soviets to 9/11 in one day.
Operation Rescue didn't go from petty vandalism to blowing up Clinics either.
The next step from the Capitol Siege will be worse. Since enough of us want to ignore it.
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Part of the anti Biden stuff at the WS might have been retaliation for when the Turd was booed at the WS when the Nats played in DC.

But the vulgarity is really disappointing.
Countries as powerful as the US die from within. USA wouldn't have died that day. Now the next step leading up and following an election becomes worse.
Bin Laden didn't go from fighting the Soviets to 9/11 in one day.
Operation Rescue didn't go from petty vandalism to blowing up Clinics either.
The next step from the Capitol Siege will be worse. Since enough of us want to ignore it.

Lots of those people have been in jail. I’m not sure if they have waived their right to a speedy trial but I can’t imagine all of them have. I’m also curious what exactly they are being charged with, as I haven’t seen anything that I can remember specifically.
Lots of those people have been in jail. I’m not sure if they have waived their right to a speedy trial but I can’t imagine all of them have. I’m also curious what exactly they are being charged with, as I haven’t seen anything that I can remember specifically.
But the persons most directly responsible skate. New rules for dirt bag political operatives.
The bigger part of the “Let’s Go Brandon!” gag is that such outbursts during the Trump years were not only not condemned, they were celebrated, as pundits and reporters for the first time told us directly profane insults of presidents were okay. “Robert de Niro’s Comments at the Tony Awards Go Viral,” was CNN’s bemused take, in a story quoting artist Ferrari Shepard saying, “Robert de Niro is my favorite rapper.”

“Robert De Niro drops the f-bomb bashing Trump at the Tony Awards,” was the headline over this USA Today account:

Robert De Niro told the Tonys audience, F*ck Trump.’ He got a standing ovation,” was the Vox headline in a story that did include criticism of de Niro — not for cursing out a president, but for overshadowing Angels in America winner Andrew Garfield, who “referenced the Supreme Court same-sex wedding cake decision in his acceptance speech, calling for more understanding and empathy for the LGBTQ community.”

When Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a “feckless ****” on TBS, she and the network did apologize, but the commentariat was far from unanimous in believing she should have. A New Yorker column that referenced Chaucer, Marvell, Donne, and Shakespeare said of Bee, “She should not have apologized,” while Sally Field said Bee was wrong to use the word to describe Ivanka, because “***** are beautiful, nurturing, and honest.” The Daily Beast headline about the show was a visual high-five, complete with a “DAMN”:

The official canonization of the F-bomb came when Jim Gaffigan, the least potty-mouthed comedian on the planet, entered into a profanity-laden Twitter rant last summer. He said things like “I don’t give a **** if anyone thinks this is virtue signaling or whatever…We need to call Trump the con man and thief that he is.”

Pundits reacted as if Trump had inspired Beethoven to the 9th symphony, or moved Gandhi to the Salt March. “Why Jim Gaffigan, The World’s Nicest Man, Decided He’d Finally Had Enough Of Trump,” was the Forbes headline, in a piece that explained how remarkable it was that a man who “literally” opened for the Pope, a “non-controversial pasty-white Catholic father of five” who admitted “loving bacon,” had been forced to drastic action by Trump.
Yes genius, De Niro saying something during an acceptance speech is exactly the same as a pilot giving out offensive political commentary before he flies you somewhere.
I mean one you can turn your TV off and the other you're strapped in a metal tube and trusting your life to...but exactly the same.
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I love the leftists on here trying to take the moral high ground in this thread. Are you mad people don't love our horrible president? Yeah, yeah I know but big orange man bad.

I think you are misunderstanding the reactions. No one is mad that people don't care for the Biden administration. People think it's odd and pathetic that people are chanting political vulgarities like "FVCK JOE BIDEN" at non-political events like sports entertainment.

Have you ever heard the phrase "there's a time and place", it's a reference to context. Do you think it would be odd to chant "FVCK JOE BIDEN" at work? Well, some people also think it's dumb to chant it at a World Series game, college football games and other similar events.

Most people attend sporting events for entertainment, to socialize with friends or family, some even like sports for the "escapism" effect of sports, to escape from their rough work week, covid, or politics. Yet these days for some people, they're so worked up, that they can't pause their political anger long enough to just enjoy the events without chanting vulgarities.

It's sad and pathetic.
Yes genius, De Niro saying something during an acceptance speech is exactly the same as a pilot giving out offensive political commentary before he flies you somewhere.
I mean one you can turn your TV off and the other you're strapped in a metal tube and trusting your life to...but exactly the same.
It must have been like this for several of the passengers, right?

I think you are misunderstanding the reactions. No one is mad that people don't care for the Biden administration. People think it's odd and pathetic that people are chanting political vulgarities like "FVCK JOE BIDEN" at non-political events like sports entertainment.

Turnabout is unfair play?
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Turnabout is unfair play?

I'm not sure what you're talking about unfair play. I read the stuff you pasted and thought it was strange that the author thought those were reasonable comparisons.

I explained the differences earlier in the thread when someone else said well what about this public figure who tweeted an image with Trump's head.

Keep chanting in public if it makes you feel better, I will continue to think it's both odd, pathetic and worthy of pity. But it won't have anything to do with a game or fair/unfair play.

Edit to add a few more thoughts: I suppose there are millions of people - perhaps you are among them - who have been lead to believe that Joe Biden stole the election and is the unlawful president. That's pretty serious stuff, so I suppose I can understand why these people think it's so important to make their protest known, even at football and baseball games.

So if we take their delusions as granted, I can understand their frustrations, yet the delusions themselves are still pathetic and worthy of pity.
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I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, if America was in trouble of falling on 1/6 by a few hundred people with no weapons we might as well start speaking Russian or Chinese because all hope is lost.

Their chance of success wasn't the issue.
I'm not sure what you're talking about unfair play. I read the stuff you pasted and thought it was strange that the author thought those were reasonable comparisons.

I explained the differences earlier in the thread when someone else said well what about this public figure who tweeted an image with Trump's head.

Keep chanting in public if it makes you feel better, I will continue to think it's both odd, pathetic and worthy of pity. But it won't have anything to do with a game or fair/unfair play.

Edit to add a few more thoughts: I suppose there are millions of people - perhaps you are among them - who have been lead to believe that Joe Biden stole the election and is the unlawful president. That's pretty serious stuff, so I suppose I can understand why these people think it's so important to make their protest known, even at football and baseball games.

So if we take their delusions as granted, I can understand their frustrations, yet the delusions themselves are still pathetic and worthy of pity.
Out of curisoity, do you see award shows as a platform for political opinions, or do you consider that "odd, pathetic and worthy of pity" as well? If not, whats your rationale?
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Out of curisoity, do you see award shows as a platform for political opinions, or do you consider that "odd, pathetic and worthy of pity" as well? If not, whats your rationale?

It would be my preference to keep political statements out of award shows, but since I don't watch them I don't really care much one way or the other. That said, they are also public figures, who are given a platform for their voice, I can understand why they would use that platform to make their statements. Anyone who doesn't want to hear their voice can just not tune into their platform. If you don't want to hear what DeNiro has to say, don't tune into DeNiro.

I think that's quite a bit different than attending a sporting event with the intention of watching the sporting event and instead you have random people shoehorn their political grievances into it with vulgar chanting. Said another way, I don't think that's their platform, the context/venue is odd. That they would rather chant their grievances at a sporting event rather than enjoy the event is pathetic, and worthy of pity.

I'm in no position to have pity for someone like DeNiro, I don't think an award show is that odd of a venue either, I can see why some people would find it pathetic though. I'm indifferent on that.

Does that satisfy your curiosity?
It would be my preference to keep political statements out of award shows, but since I don't watch them I don't really care much one way or the other. That said, they are also public figures, who are given a platform for their voice, I can understand why they would use that platform to make their statements. Anyone who doesn't want to hear their voice can just not tune into their platform. If you don't want to hear what DeNiro has to say, don't tune into DeNiro.

I think that's quite a bit different than attending a sporting event with the intention of watching the sporting event and instead you have random people shoehorn their political grievances into it with vulgar chanting. Said another way, I don't think that's their platform, the context/venue is odd. That they would rather chant their grievances at a sporting event rather than enjoy the event is pathetic, and worthy of pity.

I'm in no position to have pity for someone like DeNiro, I don't think an award show is that odd of a venue either, I can see why some people would find it pathetic though. I'm indifferent on that.

Does that satisfy your curiosity?
What makes an actor's platform any more important or otherwise fitting to give unsolicited political opinions?
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What makes an actor's platform any more important or otherwise fitting to give unsolicited political opinions?

I don't think important is the right word. There's millions of people who couldn't care less what an actor has to say. There's millions more who also don't care, because of what they say.

But they are public figures with fame/notoriety, and specifically given an opportunity to speak. If you want to hear what they have to say, then listen, if you don't want to hear it, don't tune in. Of course that doesn't mean they should say anything they want without recourse, but they are specifically provided the platform.

It shouldn't be a surprise to hear an actor speaking at an award show, because the point of the award show is to recognize them and hear from them. It should be a surprise to hear vulgar political chanting at a sporting event, because the point is the sporting event and presumably enjoyment, as opposed to say a political rally or campaign event.

I don't know if I can explain my view any more simply. If you still don't get it, or don't agree, not a big deal. Keep chanting if it makes you happy, I'm not going to say anything, I'll just think it's pathetic.
Do I think he will do or say anything to stay in power, including breaking the law. Yeah. Do I think many of the other politicians you see on TV are any different. Nope not really.

Do I think he’s a racist, no. Do I think he’s a sexist, possibly. Do I think he’s an elitist, absolutely.

I think a lot of people with power, behind closed doors are exactly the same. He just says the quiet parts out loud, which maybe is becoming contagious as I’m starting to see politicians on the left do the same.
How convenient for you and your feelings.
I don't think important is the right word. There's millions of people who couldn't care less what an actor has to say. There's millions more who also don't care, because of what they say.

But they are public figures with fame/notoriety, and specifically given an opportunity to speak. If you want to hear what they have to say, then listen, if you don't want to hear it, don't tune in. Of course that doesn't mean they should say anything they want without recourse, but they are specifically provided the platform.

It shouldn't be a surprise to hear an actor speaking at an award show, because the point of the award show is to recognize them and hear from them. It should be a surprise to hear vulgar political chanting at a sporting event, because the point is the sporting event and presumably enjoyment, as opposed to say a political rally or campaign event.

I don't know if I can explain my view any more simply. If you still don't get it, or don't agree, not a big deal. Keep chanting if it makes you happy, I'm not going to say anything, I'll just think it's pathetic.
So because unsolicited opinions of those no more or less educated on the subject than you or I have become normalized, that makes it "ok", but regular people aren't afforded that same bandwidth?

Your logic applies to the chanters: if you don't want to hear it, there's a mute button.
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So because unsolicited opinions of those no more or less educated on the subject than you or I have become normalized, that makes it "ok", but regular people aren't afforded that same bandwidth?

Your logic applies to the chanters: if you don't want to hear it, there's a mute button.

No, my argument is that there's a time and place for vulgar political chanting and I don't think sporting events are one of them and that people who do engage in that are pathetic and worthy of pity. What a miserable state to be in, that's why there's pity.

It seems it's not that you disagree with me, it's more so that you aren't understanding what I'm trying to communicate. I cannot explain it anymore simply, it's hard to see a point to continue to try.
No, my argument is that there's a time and place for vulgar political chanting and I don't think sporting events are one of them and that people who do engage in that are pathetic and worthy of pity. What a miserable state to be in, that's why there's pity.

It seems it's not that you disagree with me, it's more so that you aren't understanding what I'm trying to communicate. I cannot explain it anymore simply, it's hard to see a point to continue to try.
Be honest you where fine with it when it was Trump. You've clearly proven that with you're comments in this thread. You're just buttheart because you love Biden.
You have to admit these chants are a whole different level than anything we’ve seen before.
Not really****-trump-chant-video

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No, my argument is that there's a time and place for vulgar political chanting and I don't think sporting events are one of them and that people who do engage in that are pathetic and worthy of pity. What a miserable state to be in, that's why there's pity.

It seems it's not that you disagree with me, it's more so that you aren't understanding what I'm trying to communicate. I cannot explain it anymore simply, it's hard to see a point to continue to try.
Yes, I disagree, but only because you're being intellectually inconsistent. If you have an issue with political opinions outside of political settings, then have an issue with political opinions outside of political settings. Trying to mentally manuever your way through an idea that says award show politics are fine and sporting event politics arent lacks all logic. If youre about it, be about it. If youre not, dont. Dont be selective.
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Yes genius, De Niro saying something during an acceptance speech is exactly the same as a pilot giving out offensive political commentary before he flies you somewhere.
I mean one you can turn your TV off and the other you're strapped in a metal tube and trusting your life to...but exactly the same.
What offensive political commentary did that pilot give?
Be honest you where fine with it when it was Trump. You've clearly proven that with you're comments in this thread. You're just buttheart because you love Biden.

Did this occur with Trump? I would feel the same way about it if it had. You've misjudged again, I have no love for Biden, I don't love any politician.
Yes, I disagree, but only because you're being intellectually inconsistent. If you have an issue with political opinions outside of political settings, then have an issue with political opinions outside of political settings. Trying to mentally manuever your way through an idea that says award show politics are fine and sporting event politics arent lacks all logic. If youre about it, be about it. If youre not, dont. Dont be selective.

You're still not understanding what I write. At this point it's stupidity or intentional because you're a chanter.

You can start your "FVCK JOE BIDEN" chants at Kinnick if you need the emotional support. I won't say anything, I'll just think you're pathetic.

Try it at work too, maybe that'll help you understand the concept of a time and a place.

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