Close friend pleading with me to not vaccinate our baby

Can you prove there is no vaccine causation?
They engaged in fraud to attempt to disprove any causality/connection.

Thompson is a PhD who works in the National Immunization Program at the CDC where he has been employed for 16 years. His revelations were first made public after he reportedly made wide-ranging claims and confessions in a series of telephone conversations with autism advocate and researcher Brian Hooker of Focus Autism. Hooker, also a PhD, is an assistant professor of biology and the parent of an autistic teenager. Because of the significance of Thompson’s allegations, Hooker began recording some of the conversations without Thompson’s knowledge.

“It’s the lowest point in my career that I went along with that paper,” Thompson tells Hooker in a recording played on the online Autism Media Channel. “I went along with this, we didn’t report significant findings.”

The CDC’s DeStefano acknowledges that he and his study co-authors
changed their study analysis plan midstream, which resulted in reducing the statistical vaccine-autism link among black boys. But he says they did so for good scientific reason.

“[Vaccine] exposure around [three years of age] is just not biologically plausible to have a causal association with autism,” DeStefano says. “I mean autism would’ve already started by then…it probably starts in the womb. So I think from a biological argument, it’s implausible this was a causal association.”
They engaged in fraud to attempt to disprove any causality/connection.


There are clear studies - including European ones - which prove no relationship.

Why are we back to "autism", when:
  • The original paper claiming a correlation was disproven to be fraudulent
  • Subsequent analyses by several independent groups have found nothing there.
They engaged in fraud to attempt to disprove any causality/connection.

Thompson is a PhD who works in the National Immunization Program at the CDC where he has been employed for 16 years. His revelations were first made public after he reportedly made wide-ranging claims and confessions in a series of telephone conversations with autism advocate and researcher Brian Hooker of Focus Autism. Hooker, also a PhD, is an assistant professor of biology and the parent of an autistic teenager. Because of the significance of Thompson’s allegations, Hooker began recording some of the conversations without Thompson’s knowledge.

“It’s the lowest point in my career that I went along with that paper,” Thompson tells Hooker in a recording played on the online Autism Media Channel. “I went along with this, we didn’t report significant findings.”

The CDC’s DeStefano acknowledges that he and his study co-authors
changed their study analysis plan midstream, which resulted in reducing the statistical vaccine-autism link among black boys. But he says they did so for good scientific reason.

“[Vaccine] exposure around [three years of age] is just not biologically plausible to have a causal association with autism,” DeStefano says. “I mean autism would’ve already started by then…it probably starts in the womb. So I think from a biological argument, it’s implausible this was a causal association.”
Yes. And this is but one of many examples of the truth about vaccines and autism making itself known. It's like the curtain being pulled on the emperor several times, seeing him spinning his wheels and pushing his buttons, and still thinking he doesn't exist.
You're comparing rando "conversations" to actual data.

BAU for you idiots.
What a fool. So if it's not in a publication somewhere, it didn't happen? Life happens outside of published data Joe. Yes fraud can be discovered externally from publications and data.
There are clear studies - including European ones - which prove no relationship.
They're all flawed to the max. We've discussed this so many times. They're fraudulent MMR and Thimerosal studies. None of your retrospective epidemiological studies are vaxxed vs. completely unvaxxed.
You're comparing rando "conversations" to actual data.

BAU for you idiots.
The event that MichaelKeller posted about is not insignificant. You saying it is shows just how biased you are. For Joe ANYTHING, even if it's true, gets canned if it's not good for vaccines. That's obviously a dangerous mindset to be in.
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You have zero credentials to make any such claim.
I read the critiques other doctors and scientists post. I've posted so many of them here through the years that left you speechless, REMEMBER JOE? Those studies are nothing but complete fraudulent BS.
It's very insignificant

Because it produces no testable data to support it.
You have the top CDC scientist who is a human with a guilty conscience knowing he f'd up people's lives and can't live with himself anymore because he went along with it. Only hardcore vaccine injury deniers could sweep that under the rug and act like it never happened. Very sad.
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That seems like a distraction from Hotez being a pussy, and the fact that nobody from your camp seems to want to debate, even when offered enormous sums of money. If they corner the market on truth, then debate it out. Very simple.

Here are a few publications:

This is not a full publication; it is an abstract only (and a "Case Report", NOT AN ACTUAL STUDY).
Ergo, it's worthless to verify any of your claims here.

This was a SURVEY. Not a STUDY. Ergo, it cannot justify your claims here as a Pilot Study.
"We did not set out to test a specific hypothesis about the associationbetween vaccination and health."
Ergo: also worthless to justify your claims here

This study makes zero conclusions; it only asks questions.
Ergo, worthless to support your claims

I've looked at 3 of your links, and I find absolutely nothing of merit in them.
Probably not worth the time to look into any others, because you haven't read any of them, either. All you want to do is make wild claims and push nonsense links purporting to support those claims. They do not.
Here's the deal with Joe. You and I and others have backed our position many times with many, many studies through the years. Then he comes here and posts that all we ever post are twitter/videos and that we've never posted a study. So he wants us to post studies, but he doesn't acknowledge the ones we do post. So Joe, why bother?
You don't even read the articles you post, moron. This was a SURVEY. Not a STUDY. Ergo, it cannot justify your claims here as a Pilot Study.
"We did not set out to test a specific hypothesis about the associationbetween vaccination and health."
Ergo: also worthless to justify your claims here
Yes, it's a pilot study, and a survey, it's has its limitations. That said, here we have a vaccinated vs. completely unvaccinated study unlike the studies you've presented in the past which are of poor design. If anything of significance is found in a study like this, then you follow it up with further studies that address the limitations. The authors feel their findings were significant enough to suggest further studies. It's called a signal, bub. You follow it up.

Did you even read the conclusions? I see conclusions.
When it comes to medical decisions, a good
Rule of Thumb is to get your advice from people who graduated from medical schools and have actual experience in their fields. Everything else is noise.
Spoken like a soiboi that has never done a home repair after watching a few YouTube videos. You can learn anything at YouTube University.
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There's a greater correlation between getting a hep b shot in the first 30 days of life and having autism than there is having lung cancer after 20 years of smoking a pack a day. Think about that for a minute..
No it isn't.
You van literally pull the data from the study, it's public record lol not that you even listened to it anyways given the time stamp on your post vs mine and the duration of the clip. You're living in chosen ignorance lol
If you want a much greater chance of an autistic child, vaccinate away!
I don't even want to discuss the stupidity of this but go ahead.

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I don't even want to discuss the stupidity of this but go ahead.

Very strong correlation between ASD and early childhood infections, bacterial or viral.

Posted that many times here. Kryptonite for the anti-vax crowds