Close friend pleading with me to not vaccinate our baby

If "Sharyl Attkisson" says so... 🙄
They would’ve been just fine til that damned Sheryl had to go snooping into things.

In 2004, Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay up to $90 million to settle US lawsuits involving more than 300 deaths and 16,000 injuries related to cisapride.
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They would’ve been just fine til that damned Sheryl had to go snooping into things.

In 2004, Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay up to $90 million to settle US lawsuits involving more than 300 deaths and 16,000 injuries related to cisapride.

Cisapride made headlines in March 2000 when Vanessa Young, 15, of Oakville, Ont. died of a heart arrhythmia after taking the drug to ease bloating related to bulimia. Cisapride was contraindicated for patients with bulimia.
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Riiiiiiiight. Just said when I argued against your position with GMO's and glyphosate. I don't see you arguing for your position much anymore.

Maybe because you lost. Which you still can't bring yourself to admit to.
Lost what? I assume you haven’t read just about every worldwide government agency’s stance on the issue.
Cisapride made headlines in March 2000 when Vanessa Young, 15, of Oakville, Ont. died of a heart arrhythmia after taking the drug to ease bloating related to bulimia. Cisapride was contraindicated for patients with bulimia.
Now do the dozens and dozens of deaths that occurred from 1993 up until Young’s ‘Whoopsie!’ death.

1993 being the year the Los Angeles Times wrote an article exposing how the tag team of J&J and the FDA knew all about cisapride-induced dysrhythmias yet continued to allow it to harm and kill.
Nothing says autism like posting the same things responding to the same things over and over and around and around for years on end.
Born in the 70's, so no, I don't have autism. Children are being damaged senselessly by vaccines and these people who are supposed to be on the side of science actually stand up for the cheapjack safety science that backs them. That's a good enough reason to keep posting.
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Lost what? I assume you haven’t read just about every worldwide government agency’s stance on the issue.
Sal just loves this clip. This is Sal, folks. Sal likes his NH Lymphoma, but he prefers when other people get it, not him. Sal, Joe, and HIWB were on the GMO glyphosate offensive back in the mid 20 teens, but they've been extremely quiet on that front lately. I wonder why.
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1993 being the year the Los Angeles Times wrote an article exposing how the tag team of J&J and the FDA knew all about cisapride-induced dysrhythmias yet continued to allow it to harm and kill.

Sounds like if you're talking about a few hundred deaths over 40 years, that's a pretty low rate.
Not really a signal you'll see in clinical trials.
They would’ve been just fine til that damned Sheryl had to go snooping into things.

In 2004, Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay up to $90 million to settle US lawsuits involving more than 300 deaths and 16,000 injuries related to cisapride.
Yet guns kill so many more and especially children. Why do they suffer the same repercussions?
Yet they posted not one single shred of evidence to back their claims. Just an unrelated snippet and an exhortation to wade through nine HOURS of your horseshit.
Who's "they"? Plotkin? He's the one making the "claims". Siri's just asking questions. So then are you questioning Plotkin's evidence for his claims? Your uncontrolled rage toward anything negative towards vaccines is affecting your ability to reason.

Just so ya know. It's YOUR OWN cult leader who is talking shit about your horseshit cult!
Who's "they"? Plotkin? He's the one making the "claims". Siri's just asking questions. So then are you questioning Plotkin's evidence for his claims? Your uncontrolled rage toward anything negative towards vaccines is affecting your ability to reason.

Just so ya know. It's YOUR OWN cult leader who is talking shit about your horseshit cult!
9 solid hours of sworn testimony by the world’s foremost authority on vaccines, yet these clowns refuse to watch or listen to a single word.

Facts are scary.

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Grooving Dancing GIF

So fun news out of Omaha yesterday. Apparently there is a pertussis outbreak and my oldest grandson was exposed at his high school. His 2 younger brothers are 2(as of today) and 10 months. And apparently this could be especially dangerous for the baby. Even though he is vaccinated. Today the baby started with a runny nose. :mad:
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So fun news out of Omaha yesterday. Apparently there is a pertussis outbreak and my oldest grandson was exposed at his high school. His 2 younger brothers are 2(as of today) and 10 months. And apparently this could be especially dangerous for the baby. Even though he is vaccinated. Today the baby started with a runny nose. :mad:
Please educate yourself.

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So fun news out of Omaha yesterday. Apparently there is a pertussis outbreak and my oldest grandson was exposed at his high school. His 2 younger brothers are 2(as of today) and 10 months. And apparently this could be especially dangerous for the baby. Even though he is vaccinated. Today the baby started with a runny nose. :mad:

Serious shit.

Pertussis can cause infants to stop breathing. Lethal for them.
She’s concerned that the pertussis injection will do nothing to prevent the kids from getting sick, and you can’t really blame her given its history.

In September 2013, local county health officials in Tallahassee, Florida, USA, were notified of a laboratory-confirmed pertussis case in a 1-year-old preschool attendee. During a 5-month period, 26 (22%) students 1–5 years of age, 2 staff from the same preschool, and 11 family members met the national case definition for pertussis. Four persons during this outbreak were hospitalized for clinical management of pertussis symptoms. Only 5 students, including 2 students with pertussis, had not received the complete series of vaccinations for pertussis. Attack rates in 1 classroom for all students who received the complete series of vaccinations for pertussis approached 50%. This outbreak raises concerns about vaccine effectiveness in this preschool age group and reinforces the idea that recent pertussis vaccination should not dissuade physicians from diagnosing, testing, or treating persons with compatible illness for pertussis.
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None of which relates to peer-reviewed data.
It's all just legal manipulation and "gotcha" moments. Something many scientists are not good at.
Preposterous. So what you're saying is that scientists aren't "good at" reasoning? Siri was simply asking questions, and Plotkin was answering them to the best of his ability.

The trouble is, when you dissect the line of reasoning as they did here, you discover that it doesn't make sense. THIS right here is how truth is discovered. The science is where the manipulation happens.

As far as your "peer-reviewed data", there is none that indicates "Vaccines do not cause autism" as you are well aware of this is a statement the CDC USED to have up on their website. A statement they've since backed off of. HMMMMMMMM.
She’s concerned that the pertussis injection will do nothing to prevent the kids from getting sick

But it does prevent them from getting sick.
Which is why it's recommended, because that also minimizes the risks to infants who are not yet vaccinated and might die from it if they are exposed.
As far as your "peer-reviewed data", there is none that indicates "Vaccines do not cause autism"

There are dozens that absolutely claim "there is no link to autism".

And, I've posted several times for you now that early childhood infections - bacterial or viral - ARE 100% linked to autism.
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But it does prevent them from getting sick.
Which is why it's recommended, because that also minimizes the risks to infants who are not yet vaccinated and might die from it if they are exposed.
naturalbornhawk debunked that in post #622 above. Here it is in a more reader friendly form with all the fda, cdc and nih links included. Educate yourself.

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naturalbornhawk debunked that in post #622 above.

No; he did not.

Neither did you.

If folks in that community were unvaccinated, 100% in the class would have gotten it.
Regular boosters for pertussis are necessary. And no kid has full immunity against it until the full course of 5 doses is administered.

Just like you need a tetanus booster every 10 years, you need pertussis boosters.
(Kind of blows the claims out of the water that "Covid vaccines are not vaccines because you need more than one of them", too)

naturalbornhawk debunked that in post #622 above. Here it is in a more reader friendly form with all the fda, cdc and nih links included. Educate yourself.

I posted "prevent"

Not "stop" or "eradicate".

Pertussis vaccination DOES prevent infection. Just not 100%. And requires additional boosts later in life if you want extended protection.
There are dozens that absolutely claim "there is no link to autism".
Actually, hundreds. And they're all fraudulent manipulated mmr and thimerosal studies. Not completely unvaccinated vs. vaccinated studies. They don't test the SCHEDULE against completely unvaccinated children.
No; they are not good at "legal debating".
Just because someone is smart doesn't mean they are good at debates and "gotcha" questioning.
But if the reasoning was sound, then the "gotcha" doesn't occur. Plotkin's thread of sound reasoning was clearly and thoroughly severed.
It's less dangerous for babies who have been vaccinated. But still dangerous under 1 year. Prior to the vaccine it was a leading cause of illness and death among children. Over a million cases between 1940 and 1945. By the 70s it was less and 3,000 per year. The vaccine is not 100% effective but much better than nothing.