Close friend pleading with me to not vaccinate our baby

You're the one who needs to be educated. It's an absolute kangaroo court. It's designed to work against the injured families. This court exists to provide just enough of a buffer so the injured families don't visibly rise up in outrage against these manufacturers. This short interview is a pretty good description of the court system. What a sham.

You do realize that "Epoch Times" is a Chinese propaganda site, that is labeled as "Conspiracy Level" nonsense, right?
YOU are the one who claimed other people "needed to be educated".

So, what's YOUR educational background here?
Aside from YouTube University and Epoch Times Prep....
This is at least the 4th time I've told you. I graduated with honors from UNI with a degree in Biology with environmental emphasis. I've put my degree to good work for 22 years. Try me.
This is at least the 4th time I've told you. I graduated with honors from UNI with a degree in Biology with environmental emphasis. I've put my degree to good work for 22 years. Try me.
So a guy with no graduate or doctoral degrees, who (probably) vaguely remembers how chlorophyll works thinks he's smarter than 99+% of clinicians, immunologists, and virologists.

Kinda arrogant, really.
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So a guy with no graduate or doctoral degrees, who (probably) vaguely remembers how chlorophyll works thinks he's smarter than 99+% of clinicians, immunologists, and virologists.

Kinda arrogant, really.
Yep, that's what I get told every time I tell you guys, lol. I'm not an expert, though apparently MDs aren't either from what I'm told. I just listen to the experts.
Yeah, they were. Why else were they threatening to stop making vaccines altogether? Why else were they granted blanket immunity?
These people are naive.

A 1982 TV news report entitled Vaccine Roulette suggested that the whole-cell pertussis vaccine was the cause of permanent brain injury. Subsequent studies indicated that while the whole-cell vaccine was associated with febrile seizures, it was not associated with long-term brain damage. However, those studies took at least 10 years to exonerate the vaccine.

In the meantime, as vaccine manufacturers were flooded with lawsuits, some decided to stop making vaccines rather than face continued legal pressures. Consequently, production dropped, leading to concerns about vaccine supply and subsequent vaccination rates.
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This is at least the 4th time I've told you. I graduated with honors from UNI with a degree in Biology with environmental emphasis. I've put my degree to good work for 22 years. Try me.
Environmental biology.

So, zero medicine.
Zero immunology.
Zero experience in regulated medical environments.

Pretty much zero, across the board here.
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I'm not an expert,

No shit.

And you also cannot tell what an actual "publication" is.
One of your buddies on here tried to point to a Pfizer "white paper" from 4 years ago, as superseding an actual publication from this past year. This is the level of idiocy folks with actual educations put up with here.
There were still 2000-4000 deaths/yr BEFORE vaccines.

Now there are TEN PER YEAR.

Notice that TREND?
No. There weren’t. The numbers were considerably less than 2,000 and dropping like a rock.
And then they plummeted to 10.

It was not a "linear trend" from there, Cletus.
Did I claim that, Fluffer? That’s why I averaged the numbers over a 25 year period.

You can check out the annual mortality reports from cdc/hhs to verify everything I’ve said. But you won’t, because you’re lazy and it would contradict all the bullshit you’re spewing.
No. There weren’t. The numbers were considerably less than 2,000 and dropping like a rock.
That's when vaccinations started.

You posted, yourself, it was "4000" in 1940.

Now, it's 10 a year. And most of those probably aren't vaccinated, either.
No. There weren’t. The numbers were considerably less than 2,000 and dropping like a rock.

Here are some trends in pertussis cases in the United States after the introduction of the vaccine:
  • 1940s: The whole-cell pertussis vaccine was introduced, and cases began to decline:

    • 1960: 15,000 reported cases
      1970: Fewer than 5,000 reported cases
      1980–1990: 2,900 reported cases on average

No. There weren’t.

A 1982 "TV news report"!!!!
Correct. Straight from the mind of Dr. Paul Offit, one of this country’s most brilliant infectious disease specialists, as well as being a renowned vaccinologist, immunologist, virologist and pediatrician.

You and Sal said vaccine makers weren’t threatening to kill the industry because of liability.

Dr. Offit says you and Sal are morons.
Correct. Straight from the mind of Dr. Paul Offit

And what does Dr. Paul Offit say in his publications about vaccines, today?
(you won't quote any of that, because it doesn't follow your bullshit here)

Meanwhile, you got your ass kicked on pertussis data.
I was reporting annual deaths

On the basis of the rate of decline before 1940, 4,000–8,000 deaths from pertussis would be expected to have occurred in 1970–1974; however, only 52 such deaths occurred. It is unlikely that factors other than pertussis vaccine caused this decline in mortality.

Maybe you can email your buddy Dr. Paul Offit and ask him about the effect of the pertussis vaccine on incidence and mortality.
No. You're listening to quacks.

You attack the actual experts, when they inform you that your quacks are lying to you.
Dr. Bernadine Healy
Dr. Kathryn Edwards
Dr. Stanley Plotkin
Dr. Peter Aaby
Dr. Chris Exley
Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Luc Montagnier
Dr. RK Gherardi
Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. Julie Gerberding
Dr. Paul Offit
Dr. Andrew Zimmerman
And the room full of "experts" at the WHO's Vaccine Safety Summit in 2019, that was fun.

Just to name a few.
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