Close friend pleading with me to not vaccinate our baby

Not how lawyers work, Cletus.
These were very honest, straightforward questions. Anyone can go listen for themselves and determine if it was dishonest. If the questions were unfairly manipulated and any way, post your specific objection here.
These were very honest, straightforward questions.

They still aren't a substitute for peer-reviewed articles and summaries.
And, no, they were not "honest, straightforward questions". They are leading questions and intended to mislead you with 'absolutes' for answers.

Medicine is not a science that deals in "absolutes". There are loads of exceptions and caveats, requiring context, which is often not included, or allowed during legal questioning
And you still wouldn't understand them.
I understand they exclusively look at mmr or thimerosal or both. Not completely unvaccinated vs. vaccinated. They don't test the other scheduled vaccines or the schedule as a whole against unvaccinated children.
I understand they exclusively look at mmr or thimerosal or both. Not completely unvaccinated vs. vaccinated. They don't test the other scheduled vaccines or the schedule as a whole against unvaccinated children.
Remember, this is who you’re dealing with: “If folks in that community were unvaccinated, 100% in the class would have gotten it.”

Quite possibly the stupidest, most unscientific post ever made by him. And there’s a LOT of competition in that category.

Did you know pertussis is THE most contagious childhood illness in the history of mankind? I sure hope Joe emails the head of the CDC and informs they/them of this terrifying revelation…shit’s getting real, now. :eek:
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Someone many many times smarter than you on this topic.

If pertussis vaccines "do not prevent cases", then why are cases today a small fraction of what they were before vaccines?
You said this - “If folks in that community were unvaccinated, 100% in the class would have gotten it.”

My daughter is smarter than you on this topic.
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I'll take all your missed vaccines directly into my bloodstream.
"I feel great"
ugly tina fey GIF
It's less dangerous for babies who have been vaccinated. But still dangerous under 1 year. Prior to the vaccine it was a leading cause of illness and death among children. Over a million cases between 1940 and 1945. By the 70s it was less and 3,000 per year. The vaccine is not 100% effective but much better than nothing.
Antivaxxers are SOTE. Lower than Trump voters.

Antivax Trump voters have a dedicated circle in Hell that Dante never got deep enough to see.
Antivaxxers are SOTE. Lower than Trump voters.

Antivax Trump voters have a dedicated circle in Hell that Dante never got deep enough to see.
You people out here just repeating Pharma propaganda.

Deaths from pertussis had dropped >80% in fifty years prior to the introduction of the vaccine ( and, contrary to what @3boysmom said, it wasn’t a ‘leading cause of death’.

Pertussis deaths in the US went from 4,619 in 1931 to 2,926 in 1940, which was 0.2% of the total deaths in the U.S. (

You people out here just repeating Pharma propaganda.

Deaths from pertussis had dropped >80% in fifty years prior to the introduction of the vaccine ( and, contrary to what @3boysmom said, it wasn’t a ‘leading cause of death’.

Pertussis deaths in the US went from 4,619 in 1931 to 2,926 in 1940, which was 0.2% of the total deaths in the U.S. (

So, 3000/yr in 1940
What are they now, AFTER vaccines?

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So, 3000/yr in 1940
What are they now, AFTER vaccines?

Pertussis deaths were rapidly approaching statistical insignificance which is odd, considering your unscientific claim that prior to the jab, 100% of those exposed were doomed to catch it. 🤔

One might think someone with your (alleged) educational credentials would, at some point, have heard of innate immunity…

They still aren't a substitute for peer-reviewed articles and summaries.
And, no, they were not "honest, straightforward questions". They are leading questions and intended to mislead you with 'absolutes' for answers.

Medicine is not a science that deals in "absolutes". There are loads of exceptions and caveats, requiring context, which is often not included, or allowed during legal questioning
You are so full of shit.

You still wearing a mask psycho?
Pertussis deaths were rapidly approaching statistical insignificance

Nope. They were not.

They were in the thousands back then.
You have yet to post what they are today, compared to then.

2023–2024: From January 2023 through May 25, 2024, 15 people died from pertussis in the United States.

This is a FAR CRY from 3000. Which is what YOU posted. Basically, 3000/yr down to 10/yr.
Do the math percentages on that for us, Cletus.
Whooping cough deaths in 1920 - 10,968
In 1931 - 4,619
In 1940 - 2,926
In 1945 - 1,752 (all data via

Notice a trend? No vaccine was needed, but where there’s a buck to be made that’s where pharma profiteers will be found.
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Whooping cough deaths in 1920 - 10,968
In 1931 - 4,619
In 1940 - 2,926
In 1945 - 1,752 (all data via

Notice a trend? No vaccine was needed, but where there’s a buck to be made that’s where pharma profiteers will be found.
Yep the trends for infectious disease were already on the way down, then vaccines introduced, and the idiots still attribute everything to vaccines. Those that and call everyone else stupid. 🤡
And you are so full of "stupid".
Well this genius. Why the need for vaccine companies to be more or less immune from liability. Nice to have money available for vaccine injury but good luck collecting anything meaningful.

A politician can be sued on zero evidence for an alleged sexual assault 30 years ago but people cannot sue vaccine manufacturers in this country.

There truly is zero explanation you can offer that explains this away. Unless you are an evil prick. Which of course you are
Well this genius. Why the need for vaccine companies to be more or less immune from liability. Nice to have money available for vaccine injury but good luck collecting anything meaningful.

A politician can be sued on zero evidence for an alleged sexual assault 30 years ago but people cannot sue vaccine manufacturers in this country.

There truly is zero explanation you can offer that explains this away. Unless you are an evil prick. Which of course you are
Fluffin’ for Pharma, that’s his motto.
Well this genius. Why the need for vaccine companies to be more or less immune from liability. Nice to have money available for vaccine injury but good luck collecting anything meaningful.

A politician can be sued on zero evidence for an alleged sexual assault 30 years ago but people cannot sue vaccine manufacturers in this country.

There truly is zero explanation you can offer that explains this away. Unless you are an evil prick. Which of course you are

Why are people so uneducated about this? There’s a whole federal program dedicated to vaccine compensation. The Reagan administration and Congress (correctly) felt that such a program was necessary to ensure a safe vaccine supply, which had national health and security implications. This was in response to opportunistic litigation utilizing (uneducated) juries (see Monsanto) to pay out large claims, which shut down vaccine production.

The idiotic pricks are people like you and naturalborn who put entire societies at risk due to your inability to think critically
Why are people so uneducated about this? There’s a whole federal program dedicated to vaccine compensation. The Reagan administration and Congress (correctly) felt that such a program was necessary to ensure a safe vaccine supply, which had national health and security implications. This was in response to opportunistic litigation utilizing (uneducated) juries (see Monsanto) to pay out large claims, which shut down vaccine production.

The idiotic pricks are people like you and naturalborn who put entire societies at risk due to your inability to think critically
And the need for that fund is what exactly? Explain it.

We need a safe vaccine supply so in order to have that we need to protect pharma companies from being sued for producing unsafe vaccines.

Uneducated juries excuse is a great way to ensure these companies can behave however the hell they want.

Have you always been a shill or are you just stupid.

Since they are protected from litigation we should expect the protections they have been afforded to also come with an open source expectation on their research. I mean having these vaccines is in national defense interests like you said.
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Wow. You cannot reason with stupid. A shill? I matter of factly laid out valid, common sense reasons for why that fund exists but given that you chose to ignore them, it’s pretty safe to infer that you’re a lost cause or just plain stupid.
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Whooping cough deaths in 1920 - 10,968
In 1931 - 4,619
In 1940 - 2,926
In 1945 - 1,752 (all data via

Notice a trend? No vaccine was needed, but where there’s a buck to be made that’s where pharma profiteers will be found.

There were still 2000-4000 deaths/yr BEFORE vaccines.

Now there are TEN PER YEAR.

Notice that TREND?
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Well this genius. Why the need for vaccine companies to be more or less immune from liability.
Because we set up a vaccine injury compensation fund.

And vaccines are very low-margin medications, compared to your Ozempics.
Well this genius.

When Pharma comes out with a medication to treat diseases, that require 1x/day or week or month, you idiots cry foul, that they are just "profiteering".

So, they come out with vaccines, that are 5x regimen for life, or 1x every 10 years, and you idiots blame them for "profiteering"

Make up your damn idiot minds on this one
Why are people so uneducated about this? There’s a whole federal program dedicated to vaccine compensation.
You're the one who needs to be educated. It's an absolute kangaroo court. It's designed to work against the injured families. This court exists to provide just enough of a buffer so the injured families don't visibly rise up in outrage against these manufacturers. This short interview is a pretty good description of the court system. What a sham.
And vaccines are very low-margin medications, compared to your Ozempics.
The manufacturers were getting their asses handed to them until they set up this scam system in '86. So much so that all manufacturers threatened to all out stop making vaccines. HMMMMMMM.

And, "In 1986, Congress charged Health and Human Services (HHS) with the primary responsibility of ensuring vaccine safety after removing product liability from vaccine manufacturers as part of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act. As part of the 1986 Act, HHS is required to create a task force and submit bi-annual reports to Congress detailing actions taken to ensure vaccine safety. This stipulated order shows that NIH and HRSA have not acted in their duties regarding vaccine safety, forcing 78 million American children into a vaccine program with no safety provisions."

Not ONE such reporting to Congress ever occurred over the course of its 38 year history. HHS didn't fulfill their duty, and more troubling, Congress let it slide year after year.

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There were still 2000-4000 deaths/yr BEFORE vaccines.

Now there are TEN PER YEAR.

Notice that TREND?
Between 1920 and 1945, deaths/yr were trending downward at an annual rate of 368 deaths. By 1950, at that rate, natural immunity would have brought the number down to zero.

Instead, in 1952 - AFTER seven years of the pertussis and the DPT jabs being implemented, there were still 402 deaths.

What do you sciency-types call that? Oh yeah; negative VE. Kind of reminds one of the covid shot. The more you get the more your immune system struggles.