What do you think the ENTIRE reason was for granting the manufacturers immunity in the first place? Is that not evidence? Is that not factual? The manufacturers were causing enough injury they were threatening to stop making vaccines altogether. How many more vaccines/ingredients have been added to the schedule since? Now, exactly what incentives have the manufacturers had to make their products better after they simply removed liability? HHS was tasked to report to congress every two years of any continued follow-up studies or evidence of improved product safety since 1986. How many times has that been done? Yeah that's right....zero. Hmmmm. What's going on here?
Then you have the incredibly shoddy clinical trial data. Extreme short-term, zero inert placebo, low powered science for idiots that is of course designed to not capture injury. Hmmmm. What's going on here?
Then, you have little over a hundred or so retrospective epidemiological studies and meta analyses of those studies, at least some on pg 4 of this thread that THBB posted. They ALL only look at MMR, or thimerosal, or both. None of the other vaccines, and none of the other ingredients. This science was clearly done to appease the idiots who have no clue. But heck if a guy in a white coat lazily says that's good enough, then the people will lazily listen. Last I checked there are more ingredients and more vaccine types on the childhood schedule. Ask THBB for aluminum studies and he him-haw stutters worse than Porky Pig. The fact is, nobody can produce those studies that indicate safety because they don't exist. Hmmmm. What's going on here?
Then, they try to silence the people who try to talk about this stuff. Youtube, FB, Google searches....it's all disappeared. There used to be countless videos on Youtube about people blaming vaccines for their kid's autism. The only place you can talk about these things now is Twitter. It's almost as if they're trying to hide something, don't ya think?
Then you have the studies that actually do indicate issues with vaccine injury causing some of those chronic conditions, many of which the authors call for more studies to be done. I and others have posted them many times. These studies indicate autoimmune issues, ADD/ADDHD, Asthma, etc., and we know that aluminum and thimerosal are neurotoxic. Do they do any of those follow-up studies the authors call for? What do you think?
Bunsen. What exactly do you expect me to think?