You do. You support the religious entities that are greatly benefitting from this.
God Damn you're a moron. Do people need golf to live? Do people need food?
When you can provide the numbers of private school attendees who are at or below the poverty line you can use that line of argument. Until then it's just you spinning a family that makes $80K plus who were sending their kids to private school are now being subsidized.
God damn you're a moron? Translation: I am getting owned here.
Try to post just once where you don't feel obligated to insult the poster you are replying to.
Yes. I support the use of tax dollars to use towards the school of my choice. One could make an argument that we should only be credited the amount of your tax dollars that would go to education prior, to be used towards your new school so as to not have others subsidizing it. But, that has never been the case in the entire history of state education funding. People that don't have kids, or whose kids are out of school, have always funded everyone else's.
The way it works is you get to take the money the state would have spent on you to educate you in public education and take it to the school you'd like. The money simply get diverted from the public school to the private one. Are you arguing that the public school should still get your dollars even though you aren't attending their school? Why does the public school need those dollars? They aren't educating your kids with them.
You and I will disagree I'm sure but the solution to the public school woes is not more money. I will wager right now that we don't see an appreciable decline in public school student performance post this law. We will see. I am not for the law if we see significant declines directly attributable to it.
Lastly, how can you on one hand argue that hardly any students moved to parochial school and on the other claim that schools are gonna suffer if any students at all take advantage of this?
It's because you have one interest only. That is perpetuating the falsehood that public education and the extraction of tax dollars from taxpayers to fund it is the only option we should be allowed to have. Public education, whether primary, secondary or post graduate, is the method in which the left is attempting to move the Overton window and indoctrinate our children. I want no part of your liberal agenda. That ideology dominates the educational landscape. Conservative opinions are not considered valuable. This is the primary reason my wife and I sent my kids to parochial school. Reminder she teaches 1st grade in public school.....We agree that some of the exposures kids get in public school are not things they need exposed to at an early age. Do I think schools focus on this? No I don't. But I don't want some things discussed at all. I especially don't want an environment where it is considered the responsibility of the school to keep things such as gender confusion from the parents if the school is aware of it.
Primary school should be about socialization and math reading and science. Not how to value other cultures over being an citizen of America.