Convince Me that Brian Ferentz isn’t the Problem…

Checking Big Ten Football stats and seeing that Iowa is last in almost every offensive category is a bit of a worry I would say.
Iowa has only played in 3 games ... two of which were against high-quality defenses.

Iowa statistical production against ISU alone significantly brings down the averages.

Hell ... look at Brock Purdy's numbers ... he's currently sitting at a 70% completion percentage ... and that's even after throwing for sub 50% versus Iowa (w/ 3 picks). But then again ... he also played against UNI and UNLV too.

All the same ISU already has a loss in the W-L column ... and that is the stat that matters the most.

In contrast, Iowa's offense production may yet be middling ... but it's still early AND the stats look good where it matters (i.e. the W-L column).

Look at the stats in the PSU vs Wisconsin game ... by most metrics ... it would look Wisconsin woulda/coulda/shoulda won ... but PSU still came up on top in the stat that matters ... they got the W.
We need a few more explosive pieces. I think it's talent; therefore id says not getting done in offensive recruiting. God, if we ever convince a real dual-threat QB to come to Iowa. Brad Banks made us great. We need that extra threat to move chains.
Beathard had good mobility too ... when healthy, he was able to use that to be a difference-maker for us too. Of course, it seems like he was constantly "dinged" for us too. Live by the mobility ... die by it too.
Checking Big Ten Football stats and seeing that Iowa is last in almost every offensive category is a bit of a worry I would say.
It's less than ideal for sure, but I've also posted several times that I believe that the offense (particularly Petras) right now is being coached to play ultra conservative mistake-free football. They know what they have on both sides of the ball. The defense and special teams are elite and the strength of this team. Given the conservative nature of this staff it's likely they've told Petras that all he needs to do is manage the offense and above all do nothing that might put that defense in a bad place by turning it over. I think they believe that if they get any kind of lead that the game is their's to lose.
I guess in discussions with guys that played both for Iowa and for local school and their opinion, well I'll just leave it at that. So call the players ignorant as you will.
I swear some people on this board wishes our special teams and defense wasn’t elite so we could have more yards on offense.
So, Iowa isn't tied for 66th in total points scored this year? This team is great-elite on defense, and if the somehow this team can find that top 25 offense that it has the potential to be we are set for an incredibly special season.
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I've seen more complicated offenses in HS around here.

Either put your foot on the gas and keep it there or get out of the passing lane and put your hazards on. BF is not the answer for the Offense, who is will be determined by the next HC.

I guess in discussions with guys that played both for Iowa and for local school and their opinion, well I'll just leave it at that. So call the players ignorant as you will.
Conceptually, most of football is not complicated.

Furthermore, one of the reasons why Iowa "believes in" zone blocking schemes is because they are both conceptually simple AND because you can execute them out of essentially ANY formation and with ANY personnel group. Thus, in that sense, blocking schemes can certain be somewhat "simple."

Of course, in order to execute it correctly and well ... it is certainly far more nuanced than that.

You can draw up all sorts of different blocking schemes in the running game ... doing "tricky" things with pulling blockers ... manipulating the flow of the defense by the use of misdirection ... running man and power schemes. Iowa certainly does some of those things ... but those are more schematic tweaks in order to adjust things based on the defenses they face and based on the particular strengths of their personnel.

Just look at how Iowa has been manipulating formations while maintaining their I-formation personnel. That is subtle ... but certainly not "simple."

Why do you think Iowa likes using TEs so much? Again, that allows them to play games with personnel groups in order to dictate things to the defense.

Sorry ... but you don't nearly get the same "game within a game" in the high school game.

No offense ... but high school football players are quite often not "intellectual all-stars" ... so you better believe that most high school schemes are devised with that in mind.

I would guess that some of those same folks you've spoken too would be the same types who'd claim that RPOs and stuff like that make an offense "more complicated." Whereas the truth is quite the opposite ... much of the current direction of football ... including spread-offenses and the RPO game ... are all about SIMPLIFYING the game so that players can make quicker decisions and play faster. Most RPOs are based off of reading the keys on a SINGLE player.

In contrast, in Iowa's pro-style offense ... you better believe that Petras is reading a hell of a lot more than a single key. Pre-snap ... he's looking at the personnel group of the D ... also, pre-snap, he's looking the defensive formation. On top of that ... there is still the basic "hat counting" ... to see if there is an advantageous side of the field to attack. Then, since Iowa uses a lot of motion ... he's then seeing how the D responds to the motion to discern if that tips the defense's hand as it relates to what coverage they might be in.

During all this pre-snap business ... Petras now has a bit more freedom to check the O to a different play OR formation AND play based on the personnel group that he has on the field. Based on the different checks ... he then has different primary looks.

I'm willing to bet that the folks you chatted to likely WEREN'T former starting QBs for the Hawks.

While many facets of Iowa's offense MAY have some simplicity ... however, the responsibilities of Iowa's QB is far from simple.

Anyhow ... I know for a fact that there are a bunch of former Iowa WRs who honestly believe that Kirk Ferentz is "old-fashioned" and unique in placing emphasis on blocking by WRs. However, those same "geniuses" (sarcasm intended) seem to be completely oblivious of the fact that WRs at Alabama, OSU, and PSU (to name just a few places) are invariably VERY active and effective in blocking downfield ... and they would be passed by other guys if they DIDN'T.

If you actually understand the game of football, then it's pretty obvious that Iowa's schemes are not as "simple" as some folks indicate. Is there a "unity" in the schemes and philosophy ... sure! Does that make them more "simple" than high-school schemes ... not even close!
For 25 years KF message is the same, play good defense, run the ball, sound special teams and protect the ball.

Protect the ball is primarily referencing the passing game and interceptions. This is KF formula and his team, not Brian...

KF have been quoted saying "three things can happen when you throw the ball and two of them are bad". I don't think he was the first person to say that but he has repeated it in that certainly is his opinion.
For 25 years KF message is the same, play good defense, run the ball, sound special teams and protect the ball.

Protect the ball is primarily referencing the passing game and interceptions. This is KF formula and his team, not Brian...

KF have been quoted saying "three things can happen when you throw the ball and two of them are bad". I don't think he was the first person to say that but he has repeated it in that certainly is his opinion.
It's interesting that Kirk also values playing balanced football so much ... that it actually leads the Hawks to NOT run the ball as much as some folks might suppose. Iowa is "stereotyped" as a run-first team ... and yet it's not infrequent for us to have run-pass ratios that are almost pushing 50-50 (often in the ball-park of 55-45).

Look at teams like Wisconsin and Minnesota ... they're run-pass ratio tends to be skewed FAR MORE toward the run.
Checking Big Ten Football stats and seeing that Iowa is last in almost every offensive category is a bit of a worry I would say.

We're 3 games in, played two ranked teams with highly regarded defenses and another that leads the country in interceptions. We also had significant leads for a good chunk of those games. If you're the OC, in a game vs a good team known for defense and inducing takeaways, and you have a significant lead, are you going to call plays that are conducive to great stats for your offense/QB or are you going to call a conservative game and avoid playing to the strengths of your opponent?

If BF had called a wide open passing game and/or SP had pushed the envelope on offense and the result was turnovers that led to a loss, you (and a bazillion other negative nancies on this board) would be raising holy hell. Look no further than the jNW game last year.

Our staff did the smart thing, played conservatively on offense to burn clock and not give the opponents easy opportunities and momentum.

A smart fan would sit back and see what happens if/when we need our offense to truly be productive before they declare them impotent. There is no way to know at this time if the offensive stats are due to issues with the offense or merely us playing a conservative game. We have seen some head scratcher throws, but pretty much every QB will make mistakes. We also saw SP make some great plays to take the lead vs ISU when down 3-0. You can focus on the bad throws if you want, but that drive may be a good indication of what this offense is capable of as well.

Note I'm not saying our offense is or isn't good. I'm saying at this point, we don't know. SP. specifically, did not impress early last season and now everyone is looking for reasons to assume he's ineffective. Wait and see instead of prematurely going into meltdown mode.

TL;DR: take a chill pill until we see what happens when we actually need the offense to do more.
For 25 years KF message is the same, play good defense, run the ball, sound special teams and protect the ball.

Protect the ball is primarily referencing the passing game and interceptions. This is KF formula and his team, not Brian...

KF have been quoted saying "three things can happen when you throw the ball and two of them are bad". I don't think he was the first person to say that but he has repeated it in that certainly is his opinion.
Well that’s a stupid quote. Three things can happen when you run the ball, and two of them are bad, as well. You get yards, you don’t get yards, or you turn it over. That’s every single play
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“Brian Ferentz is not the problem”
“Brian Ferentz is not the problem”
More like "Brian Ferentz is the problem...Brian Ferentz is the problem".

We'll be hearing this until Iowa loses or wins the championship. Either way, Brian will get blamed for something. He won't get credit for anything, though.
Well that’s a stupid quote. Three things can happen when you run the ball, and two of them are bad, as well. You get yards, you don’t get yards, or you turn it over. That’s every single play
You could has a penalty situation.
Checking Big Ten Football stats and seeing that Iowa is last in almost every offensive category is a bit of a worry I would say.
through 3 games. Can we see at the end of the season? What was Iowa's scoring offense rank just last season? In the Big Ten. And yes this is just like on defense the only stat that really matters is how many points a defense gives up.
Who’s saying that? The Iowa offensive woes have been discussed ad nauseam on here and by national pundits. Obviously, it’s a point of interest.
They have been discussed ad nauseam on here and yet you felt it necessary to make another thread about it? That’s some funny stuff right there.
And yet you opened the thread and responded, slap nuts.

Joke is on you. 😄
Not really. I enjoyed the conversation. I just got a chuckle with your choice of wording. It’s undeniably ironic that you feel it has been discussed ad nauseam but still started a new thread on the topic.
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Kirk has been Iowa’s coach for how long now? And people are still whining about the offensive coordinator? It’s amazing really.

Iowa’s defense has been a strength for much of Kirk’s time here and people want Iowa’s offense to be run and gun, throw it all over the field or something?

The offense is conservative for a reason, get over it. It usually takes the offense more time to click than the defense, so let’s hope they continue to improve.
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yea, Brian is a genius play caller and Kirk is a genius head coach.
we are extremely fortunate having those guys leading our team.
10 win season in 2019
6-2 which equates to 10 wins in 2020
3-0 in 2021 and very much looking like a 10+ win season.

we are in the middle of something very special happening right now in Iowa and this is the greatest time to be a Hawkeye right now.

I must say I appreciate the doubters.. it helps to keep this team sharp.
yea, Phil is a genius play caller and Kirk is a genius head coach.
we are extremely fortunate having those guys leading our team.
10 win season in 2019
6-2 which equates to 10 wins in 2020
3-0 in 2021 and very much looking like a 10+ win season.

we are in the middle of something very special happening right now in Iowa and this is the greatest time to be a Hawkeye right now.

I must say I appreciate the doubters.. it helps to keep this team sharp.
yea, Brian is a genius play caller and Kirk is a genius head coach.
we are extremely fortunate having those guys leading our team.
10 win season in 2019
6-2 which equates to 10 wins in 2020
3-0 in 2021 and very much looking like a 10+ win season.

we are in the middle of something very special happening right now in Iowa and this is the greatest time to be a Hawkeye right now.

I must say I appreciate the doubters.. it helps to keep this team sharp.
You had me going for a while. Decent effort.
This team would rather win 30-7 than 56-28. With Tory and the Defense expect the offense continue to burn clock and play complimentary football. expect more dink and dunk with just enough chunk plays to put games away.
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What was the worst call of the 1st half, handoff to fullback on 3rd and 8, or bubble screen on 1st and 10 from the 14 with around 2 minutes left in the half? Both absolutely terrible.
I will say again, if this defense ends up in the ****ing outback bowl I'm done with Ferentz hawks. You cannot expect your defense to win 12 games. This offense is inept.
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What was the worst call of the 1st half, handoff to fullback on 3rd and 8, or bubble screen on 1st and 10 from the 14 with around 2 minutes left in the half? Both absolutely terrible.
When you have a QB bouncing around/inaccuracy you call plays that put him in best position to perform. He is not and I don’t think they trust SP to do anything but short and dink passes.

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