Convince Me that Brian Ferentz isn’t the Problem…

276 yards today boyz

we are inept on offense, like a limping whore
That is with 3 successful explosive passing plays down the field. Take those plays away and yikes! Petras was very good on his deep throws today, which is encouraging. BF might be more of an issue than people think.
OL play is still garbage. Petras had a decent day passing but the pass protection is still awful and the running game is still doing a whole bunch of nothing.

24 points against a likely 3-9 G5 team isn’t just bad. It’s unacceptable.
That is with 3 successful explosive passing plays down the field. Take those plays away and yikes! Petras was very good on his deep throws today, which is encouraging. BF might be more of an issue than people think.
Take the big plays away? You can't bitch about the OC while ignoring the success. C'mon
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This team's offensive problems are not the coach, the running backs, the tight ends or the receivers. The team's problem is the offensive line. Where is the pocket, collapsing or blitzed? Running holes much less running lanes?

We ran a great offensive game plan today. Showed a lot of versatility given the complete inability to maintain a running game.

I have some concern that the inexperienced freshmen are developing slower than expected.
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“The 2021 Iowa Hawkeye offense is an enigma wrapped inside a sh!tshow rolled in a clusterf#ck”.

Winston Churchill
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Today showed that we have one great lineman in the center and 4 below average lineman in the other positions. The guards are especially disappointing to me, I knew the tackles would struggle but the guards have enough experience under their belt that they should be better than this.

Petras being a statue with a bad line is a recipe for the struggle. Furthermore Petras STILL hasn't developed out of his bad habit in the pre-snap deciding who he would pass the ball to.

I am not sure that Brian Ferentz has been a horrible coordinator, lets face it not very many coordinators can be great with Stanley and Petras as their QB's.
Today showed that we have one great lineman in the center and 4 below average lineman in the other positions. The guards are especially disappointing to me, I knew the tackles would struggle but the guards have enough experience under their belt that they should be better than this.

Petras being a statue with a bad line is a recipe for the struggle. Furthermore Petras STILL hasn't developed out of his bad habit in the pre-snap deciding who he would pass the ball to.

I am not sure that Brian Ferentz has been a horrible coordinator, lets face it not very many coordinators can be great with Stanley and Petras as their QB's.

Brian likes to call plays that are unnecessary, at the worst times.
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This team's offensive problems are not the coach, the running backs, the tight ends or the receivers. The team's problem is the offensive line. Where is the pocket, collapsing or blitzed? Running holes much less running lanes?

We ran a great offensive game plan today. Showed a lot of versatility given the complete inability to maintain a running game.

I have some concern that the inexperienced freshmen are developing slower than expected.

Richman, DeJong, and Colby all need at least another year of S/C to be consistently effective. Ideally, they wouldn't need to be starting yet. It is what it is. Plumb has probably reached his ceiling and Richman/DeJong seem to have passed him. The line will have everyone but Linderbaum back next year (big loss). They are going to have to gameplan around the reality of what they have on the line.
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There is plenty of blame to go around for Iowa’s offensive woes. I do think Brian gets into predictable patterns of play calling, but it’s also hard to dial up plays when you can’t run the football and your offensive line doesn’t give your quarterback a lot of time to throw.

I know the elite thinkers and true Hawk fans will disagree with me, but Iowa needs a real offensive coordinator. The offense should not be this bad.
I haven’t read much of this thread, so SIAP, but I just had to post somewhere that Iowa’s jailbreak screen from the 14-yard-line had to be the worst combination of play-calling and QB decision-making I have seen in my half-century of existence. That play alone should drop Iowa 7-8 spots in the polls.
Averaged over 30 ppg last season. This line is THE problem. The calls would look much better if the offensive line could simply execute their blocks on short side stretches-designed to cut back. But you can't cut back if someone misses that specific block. Etc...

Think we'll see more Arland and Keagan. Like Tyrone and Nico but you can see the freshmen's athletic superiority. Those kids are going to be fantastic; and, sooner than most expected. They can get open faster and, to some extent, offset the shitty pass blocking.

The optimist would say Iowa's O Line typically improves over the season. It needs to happen or this season will be disappointing.
Petras found his wideouts often today. I was pleased to see that. Keep in mind that he also had a beautiful pass dropped by Tracy and another called back on a BS reversal. And he still completed 70% of his passes. I'd certainly like to see more downfield throws and fewer check downs, but at least he's not forcing anything.
Petras completed 70% of his passes because he’s the reincarnation of Captain Check Down. Now… it did get better today and give credit where it’s due.
My god just think about all the bitching when they do lose a ball game or two! We all know it will happen but in my opinion the main problem is the offensive line and it ain't going to get any better! If the line were better the play calling would improve, the passing percentage would go up and the running attack would really look good but we can only play the guys that on on the field. All this bitching from couch potatoes who don't know s--- until after the plays are over. 4-0 guys...
OL play is still garbage. Petras had a decent day passing but the pass protection is still awful and the running game is still doing a whole bunch of nothing.

24 points against a likely 3-9 G5 team isn’t just bad. It’s unacceptable.
Game 4 and we are still shuffling the OL up. No continuity. Need to figure out our main 5-6 guys and roll with them. It’s like the old adage if you got 2 qbs you are playing means you really have none. Can argue same thing with playing 8-9 OL. Conference play is upon us we need to stop rotating OL continuously through out the game.
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Lots of great nuggets from this last game ... tons of great calls.

I know that Brian can definitely be a bit of a dick ... but he's a damn smart coach. What we saw against Maryland was pretty impressive ...

We've seen lesser Iowa offenses fail to benefit from all those turnovers ... Brian and the O made sure that we cashed in! Quite impressively done!

You remembered to just smile, right? ;)
Lol. Always.

Brian called a good game tonight. He came out throwing, which obviously took Maryland by surprise, and that opened up the running game.

As I’ve always said, Petras is a much more effective quarterback when you don’t put him behind the chains. Yes, a Captain Obvious statement, but that point is for all who had been piling on Petras as a shit quarterback. Get him in a manageable down and distance and he’s pretty good.

Very pleased Brian decided to help his quarterback out tonight. 😝
They set it up all week by saying they wanted to get the run game going. Also, the true freshmen receivers are playing more, shooter back etc. Probably not as vanilla either.
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Did Brian convince anyone he’s not the problem?
I will say there’s been a game like this about every season since Brian took over in which the offense exploded. There’s still a lot of football left to be played and we’ll see if tonight was an anomaly or the beginning of continued improvement. I honestly think Iowa has enough playmakers on the field to be respectable on offense, but we’ll really find out about the offense next week.

And for the record, the whole reason I started this damn thread was to get people thinking beyond just blaming Petras for Iowa’s early season offensive woes.
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My god just think about all the bitching when they do lose a ball game or two! We all know it will happen but in my opinion the main problem is the offensive line and it ain't going to get any better! If the line were better the play calling would improve, the passing percentage would go up and the running attack would really look good but we can only play the guys that on on the field. All this bitching from couch potatoes who don't know s--- until after the plays are over. 4-0 guys...
OMG ---- 5-0 This can't be with shi--y coaches, QB and a terrible offensive:mad:
I will say there’s been a game like this about every season since Brian took over in which the offense exploded. There’s still a lot of football left to be played and we’ll see if tonight was an anomaly or the beginning of continued improvement. I honestly think Iowa has enough playmakers on the field to be respectable on offense, but we’ll really find out about the offense next week.

And for the record, the whole reason I started this damn thread was to get people thinking beyond just blaming Petras for Iowa’s early season offensive woes.
Penn State is another level of Defense Iowa has not seen this year. Hopefully Iowa gets the offense rolling and Petras has a career day. But I think the 6-4 game from the history books is much more likely. And I would also like to note that this Iowa defense is something else. It is comparable to some of the great Wisconsin D's when Leonard first got there.
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Brian certainly convinced Spencer Tillman he's not the problem. Tillman was gushing with praise.

So, I think everyone would be best served if Tillman and @BlackNGoldBleeder met up in the octagon until every one of BNGB's orifices dripped of black and gold. Pfft, probably not gold - just yellow :mad:.
Lol. Always.

Brian called a good game tonight. He came out throwing, which obviously took Maryland by surprise, and that opened up the running game.

As I’ve always said, Petras is a much more effective quarterback when you don’t put him behind the chains. Yes, a Captain Obvious statement, but that point is for all who had been piling on Petras as a shit quarterback. Get him in a manageable down and distance and he’s pretty good.

Very pleased Brian decided to help his quarterback out tonight. 😝
BF does this more than you have noticed obviously (maybe you were drunk 😀). One game which was a masterpiece was the MN game in 2019. BF has been pretty good for a while but it is hard to see at times when bad execution gets in the way …. He has had some bad games too obviously (everyone does, but the critics seem to forget that fact).
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6 turn overs from the defense probably helped a bit by keeping Maryland's defense on the field, but hey what do I know. It was a well called game by Brian, and getting Spencer in the groove early is important. Getting those game changers in the game at WR is huge moving forward, not to mention Goodson in the passing game.
Brian called a good game. Kudos.

And Spencer showed improved play.

let’s keep it rolling

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