Interesting. I actually don't remember anything about the H1N1. Not very impressive I guess.
Those numbers of 13,000 dead out of 60 million infected comes out to a death rate of 0.0002% Normal flu is listed as around 0.1%
Currently reported COVID-19 numbers this morning are at 4359 deaths out of around 120,000 confirmed infections. That comes out to 0.036% which is 36 times worse than the flu and way worse than H1N1
Italy is reporting current death rate of 8% and mostly because of elderly population and health system getting overwhelmed and not able to treat all patients.
US has an abundance of Boomers.........YIKES
The problem with the numbers is that this disease is so new, only been going for a couple months. So 4359 worldwide deaths is not much. Until time passes and you hit 1 million cases and then you have 36,000 deaths at current rates.
How many do you have a couple months later when you have 10 million cases worldwide. The numbers just get staggering if it doesn't slow down or get brought under control.
If we had 60 million infected like with the H1N1 we are looking at 2 million+ dead.
This disease looks more like the 1918 Flu rather than the normal yearly flu.
Hospitals are already struggling with normal flu cases. Adding this new disease can possibly overwhelm the system and cause unnecessary deaths from people not being able to get treatment. That is one reason officials are taking measures to cancel and quarantine things. Trying to slow down the spread of the disease to allow the system to cope.
Thank goodness this virus doesn't spread over keyboards and the internet. We'd all be dead soon.
Stay safe.