Covid Vaccines Linked to Increases in Heart, Blood and Brain Disorders

It is no different than VAERS.

Raw, unverified information.

Yet, here you are, posting more memes and videos that have no fundamental science underlying their premises.
"We had enough data in VAERS alone in January 2021 to shut down the rollout of the COVID shots...There were 634 reports of death that were successfully filed to VAERS by January 30, 2021...In 1999, a rotavirus vaccine...was pulled from the market due to a intussusception safety signal emanating from VAERS which comprised 584 cases. So my question is if 584 intussusception cases were enough to prompt product removal, why weren't 634 death cases not enough to prompt product removal?"

"Safe and effective" lol leftists would ban you from social media if you supplied the truth about these "vaccine" side effects. Trust "the science" and "the experts" 🙄


You may be one of the dumbest people roaming the planet, little Scrubs.

Long covid is no joke I knew people who lost their sense of taste for months.

No thanks.
It’s all personal choice.
Personally, I know of no one who has suffered unreasonably from a Covid shot. No one I know has ended up dead or hospitalized because of the vaccination.
Now, I do know several folks a who chose not to vax…or “re-boost” who I have ended up in the hospital…..and one even died. Again…’s all personal choice.
Myself, I have had “open heart” and diagnosed with Cardiac Arterial Disease and I have had all the covid shots/boosters and other than a sore arm, I have never had any adverse reaction…..No clots, no nothing…and if advised by my doc to to get another booster, I probably will. Again….my choice.
It’s all personal choice.
Personally, I know of no one who has suffered unreasonably from a Covid shot. No one I know has ended up dead or hospitalized because of the vaccination.
Now, I do know several folks a who chose not to vax…or “re-boost” who I have ended up in the hospital…..and one even died. Again…’s all personal choice.
Myself, I have had “open heart” and diagnosed with Cardiac Arterial Disease and I have had all the covid shots/boosters and other than a sore arm, I have never had any adverse reaction…..No clots, no nothing…and if advised by my doc to to get another booster, I probably will. Again….my choice.
It is a personal choice but it’s also a community spread disease. I often wonder how that line of thinking would have worked when polio was around.

You may be one of the dumbest people roaming the planet, little Scrubs.

You're still using an unreliable far leftist to claim other people are extremists. You're still a joke and not taken seriously.
It is a personal choice but it’s also a community spread disease. I often wonder how that line of thinking would have worked when polio was around.
People were a little more concerned about others and community in the 1950’s than they were about “ my rights” like many are today. Selfishness of modern day America has compounded the Covid problem.
What's that number? And how many times have you had covid?
7….I tested “positive”once…two days later I tested normal….Never went to a doc…had a really bad sinus cold for a couple of days….BUT again, I was never told the Covid vaccine would prevent me from getting Covid….my docs told me it would probably mitigated the virus where I would avoid hospitalization or dying….and understand I am a guy with diagnosed heart disease (CAD) and been on medication for 24+ years now….
So your spewing here just doesn't ring home as true for someone like me who has “been in the trenches” for as ;one as I have Not seen it firsthand either with any family or friends….Sorry.
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7….I tested “positive”once…two days later I tested normal….Never went to a doc…had a really bad sinus cold for a couple of days….BUT again, I was never told the Covid vaccine would prevent me from getting Covid….my docs told me it would probably mitigated the virus where I would avoid hospitalization or dying….and understand I am a guy with diagnosed heart disease (CAD) and been on medication for 24+ years now….
So your spewing here just doesn't ring home as true for someone like me who has “been in the trenches” for as ;one as I have Not seen it firsthand either with any family or friends….Sorry.
Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci and Rochelle Walensky all lied and said the clot shot would prevent infection from covid. Please stop lying and spreading misinformation. It is a national threat.
Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci and Rochelle Walensky all lied and said the clot shot would prevent infection from covid. Please stop lying and spreading misinformation. It is a national threat.
None of them are my doctors, scruffy. Neither was Donald Trump. Even my pharmacist told me the shot would “mitigate” the virus…..and no one ever promised my it would guarantee I wouldn’t get the virus. I also washed my hands routinely with soap and water….(still do). For a couple of months in 2020 I wore a mask when I was out and about around others, too.
Sorry I didn’t hear the same message you heard, but I just didn’t. When you start rereading shit on the inner-web it’s best to back away and talk to someone who might actually know something…..that has been my experience, anyway.
None of them are my doctors, scruffy. Neither was Donald Trump. Even my pharmacist told me the shot would “mitigate” the virus…..and no one ever promised my it would guarantee I wouldn’t get the virus. I also washed my hands routinely with soap and water….(still do). For a couple of months in 2020 I wore a mask when I was out and about around others, too.
Sorry I didn’t hear the same message you heard, but I just didn’t. When you start rereading shit on the inner-web it’s best to back away and talk to someone who might actually know something…..that has been my experience, anyway.
Yes they all knowingly lied and said the clot shots prevented infection. Same scholars you call the experts. Comical.
It's a shame that Russia force vaxed him like that. That's a truly cruel punishment even by putin standards.

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