The actual ESPN 4*s on roster are, in what I believe is descending order:
Joey W
Joey T
As for me I read the other services but find ESPN to be the most reliable in predicting difficult outcomes. Only use ESPN when citing a kid's rank or score in discussion. Maintain a consistent(ish) metric from year to year and have the most scouts and contributors. Plus, in the coastal disregard of places like Iowa ESPN under rates our recruits so there's a little erring on the side of caution with their group. Joey T is the first kid I remember climbing after signing with Iowa, an enormously optimistic omen.
The best way to appreciate the talent level on the team is comparison to what the coach inherited. The lowest ranked recruits, CJF, Cordell, Ryan and Jack, would have been the stars of first McC roster, other than Matt G of course.
Although this team is shallow at most positions the first six guys are all big recruits for a school like Iowa. They should play well and, if well coached, will be back in the NCAAs. The last two groups of players seemed very disjointed, never really seemed to play cohesively both in game and long term.
Perhaps the next group will less spectacular but more consistent. There should not be low expectations at this point. The boys will need a little luck but the basketball gods still owe us quite a few strokes of good luck.