Dems on this board are full of sh**


HB Heisman
Sep 17, 2006
A lot of dems on here think they are the smartest people in the world while Republicans are stupid. Looks like a lot of idiots on here fell for the left propaganda.

The thread below has a poll showing who thought biden would be the candidate.

Yes...yes they are.
A lot of dems on here think they are the smartest people in the world while Republicans are stupid. Looks like a lot of idiots on here fell for the left propaganda.

The thread below has a poll showing who thought biden would be the candidate.

You represent unintelligent, archaic mouth breathers who hijacked the GOP because your lack of education and drive left you behind most of society
If you support the current dems then you are supporting the lying and propaganda they have fed us. You support them mutilating kids and men competing against women in sports and allowing millions of illegals into this country.

You think you are better than me, but really you are just brainwashed.
If you support the current dems then you are supporting the lying and propaganda they have fed us. You support them mutilating kids and men competing against women in sports and allowing millions of illegals into this country.

You think you are better than me, but really you are just brainwashed.

You’re the one that speaks likes he’s been brainwashed, but given your intelligence level, it’s hardly a surprise that you’ve repeated every fear mongering buzzword we’ve heard over the last few years in the above quoted post. You need to get out of Iowa once in awhile
If you support the current dems then you are supporting the lying and propaganda they have fed us. You support them mutilating kids and men competing against women in sports and allowing millions of illegals into this country.

You think you are better than me, but really you are just brainwashed.
Trump had sex with kids. Where are you going with this?
A lot of dems on here think they are the smartest people in the world while Republicans are stupid. Looks like a lot of idiots on here fell for the left propaganda.

The thread below has a poll showing who thought biden would be the candidate.

I'm sorry your own VP candidate has said the GOP is the party of uneducated white trash. Trump does love the poorly educated though, most conmen do.
Trump welcomes anyone to support the republican party. I'm sure that's hard for a dem to imagine since you are used to pushing away everyone who speaks against the globalist ideology.

Globalist ideology. Trump is the epitome of a globalist in practice but you’re too dense to see it.
Dems now claim trump is a globalist and a nationalist. You might want to check the dem playbook so you can get your story straight.
He is a globalist. Both parties are filled with these people. You say it like it’s a bad thing. Only the uneducated seem to struggle with that concept. We’ve been a globalist society since before the Viking age.

Almost any business worth a damn does business with or relies on a product or entities overseas. It’s the digital age, we’re all intertwined and connected economically and politically. The “globalism” argument is a stupid one to make and reeks of a lack of common sense.

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