DeSantis’s ‘Freedom Summer’ means no rainbow lights for Florida bridges

Probably not, but I never voted for Trump or any of his minions like what does that say about you?
Please tell me this was just a bad down day knee jerk response. You really are (still) smarter than this.
What it very basically says is that I made different choices than you and in America (OMG HOME OF THE APPARENTLY DREADED RED WHITE AND BLUE) we are allowed a choice. More than one person on a ballot.
Minion? Seriously?
Wouldn't the same apply to city officials who are requesting certain colors?

In my city, local officials are tasked with many things including driving interest, tourism, and commerce in the area. It often involves signs, banners, lights, etc. that might even involve deciding / requesting certain colors.

Because if the Mayor of Jacksonville wants the bridge to be all the colors of the rainbow that's way more important than say the billion dollar stadium deal she supposed to be working on...

In my city, we have more than just a mayor and they're capable of tackling more than one thing at once.
In my city, local officials are tasked with many things including driving interest, tourism, and commerce in the area. It often involves signs, banners, lights, etc. that might even involve deciding / requesting certain colors.

In my city, we have more than just a mayor and they're capable of tackling more than one thing at once.
And since our Mayor is a Democrat AND an FSU Alum she can do no wrong, amirite?
(Note: she’s actually doing a pretty good job)
One could wonder, or someone could file an injunction with the court if it bothered them THAT much. I doubt it will go very far since you know he's within his authority here and since no one's use of the bridges are restricted, it seems it's everyone else who is crying this time.

But feel free to try in the courts, we can call it "Don't say Bridge" that strategy worked great for Disney.
Why do rainbow lights bother DeSantis so much?
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Zero complaints about Donna so far.
By all accounts the woman is working her behind off every day and she’s pulled back the rugs where things were swept for years and finding out that there is SO much in our city that needs changing.
Fixing. Repairing.
She and the Governor were both born here. They make it their business to get along.
She’s from an old respected family with Arab roots (Syrian/Lebanese) who are a sizable community and who have sizable political and business influence, and her late Uncle served as a Mayor here too.
She’s savvy enough to distance herself from this nothingburger which has already died down.
Like me she’s waiting to understand why red white and blue now signals exclusion and again like me she’s likely confounded as to why none of the screamers, whiners, and perpetually angry can’t give an answer.
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Precisely. Who’s “excluded”? What American would or should be offended?
I don't think anyone if offended by the color of the lights. I think people are confused as to why it's being mandated that bridge lights MUST be red, white and blue from 5/27-9/2.

Do you know the reasoning or need that drove this vitally important legislation?
I don't think anyone if offended by the color of the lights. I think people are confused as to why it's being mandated that bridge lights MUST be red, white and blue from 5/27-9/2.

Do you know the reasoning or need that drove this vitally important legislation?
To trigger the lefties on this board. 4 Pages deep I have to say "Mission Accomplished."
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Maybe because pride month and the pride flag/insignia are both political in nature. There is no place for political displays on state property.

And that doesn't even begin to address the fact that what you do in your bedroom is your business. So stop throwing your sexuality in everyone's face.

Everything is political. The flag is political yet we fly that everywhere.

And throwing sexuality in everyone's face what does that mean? Does that mean I can't hold my wife's hand because I might be throwing my heterosexuality in someone's face?

What about our kids. . . my wife and I's heterosexuality is pretty responsible for them. Are they not allowed to appear in public? I mean if a man and a woman are walking in public and they are followed by 3 kids that look a lot like them, people are gonna come to some conclusions that we made them. . . probably via sex. And thus they would be able to conclude that not only are we heterosexuals but we had sex . . . with each other. At least 3 times but probably more.

Or are there different rules for heterosexuality and homosexuality in your view?
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I don't think anyone if offended by the color of the lights. I think people are confused as to why it's being mandated that bridge lights MUST be red, white and blue from 5/27-9/2.

Do you know the reasoning or need that drove this vitally important legislation?
Read. This. Slowly.
Cities are not being “mandated”. They don’t have to light anything if they don’t want to.
Our FDOT controls ALL bridges in Florida and the local municipalities are required to submit requests for certain lighting themes - not just Pride themes or RedWhiteBlue or a local sports team color be it high school or pro. It’s been routine for a long time. Our seven bridges here have those requirements too and our Acosta Bridge is
The best one for showing itself off with the
Light shows. It’s beautiful and the majority of all residents love the look.
You and the others don’t GAS about that. You think you’re just attacking RDS. Attack away. He won by a landslide and the small rabble rouser component is still proving that they’re sore losers.
I don't think anyone if offended by the color of the lights. I think people are confused as to why it's being mandated that bridge lights MUST be red, white and blue from 5/27-9/2.

Do you know the reasoning or need that drove this vitally important legislation?
The Manatee County commissioner objected to the Pride lights. Sounds like DeSantis got involved and mandated red, white and blue.
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The Manatee County commissioner objected to the Pride lights. Sounds like DeSantis got involved and mandated red, white and blue.
She is either up for re-election or feels obligated as a member of a particular community.
One commissioner in a state with 25 million residents.
“sounds like” what it is…a nothingburger that’s already died down but you don’t live here and you wouldn’t know.
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Read. This. Slowly.
Cities are not being “mandated”. They don’t have to light anything if they don’t want to.
Our FDOT controls ALL bridges in Florida and the local municipalities are required to submit requests for certain lighting themes - not just Pride themes or RedWhiteBlue or a local sports team color be it high school or pro. It’s been routine for a long time. Our seven bridges here have those requirements too and our Acosta Bridge is
The best one for showing itself off with the
Light shows. It’s beautiful and the majority of all residents love the look.
You and the others don’t GAS about that. You think you’re just attacking RDS. Attack away. He won by a landslide and the small rabble rouser component is still proving that they’re sore losers.
But if they want to light their bridges from 5/27-9/2 the lights are required to be red, white and blue, correct?
She is either up for re-election or feels obligated as a member of a particular community.
One commissioner in a state with 25 million residents.
“sounds like” what it is…a nothingburger that’s already died down but you don’t live here and you wouldn’t know.
I was answering his question.

It wasn’t a “she,” it was the Manatee commission chair. Hillsborough, Manatee and Pinellas counties have to approve Skyway lighting. The Manatee chair said he thought the lights were being politicized and rejected the request for the Pride and Gun Awareness lighting displays, among others. The LGBTQ community appealed to FDOT but never heard back.

A couple months later FDOT announced the summer red, white and blue mandate.

Let me know if I can help educate you on anything else going on in “your” state. I don’t live there, but I do read.
I was answering his question.

It wasn’t a “she,” it was the Manatee commission chair. Hillsborough, Manatee and Pinellas counties have to approve Skyway lighting. The Manatee chair said he thought the lights were being politicized and rejected the request for the Pride and Gun Awareness lighting displays, among others. The LGBTQ community appealed to FDOT but never heard back.

A couple months later FDOT announced the summer red, white and blue mandate.

Let me know if I can help educate you on anything else going on in “your” state. I don’t live there, but I do read.

Episode #1,734,012 of MAGAs Don't Read
I was answering his question.

It wasn’t a “she,” it was the Manatee commission chair. Hillsborough, Manatee and Pinellas counties have to approve Skyway lighting. The Manatee chair said he thought the lights were being politicized and rejected the request for the Pride and Gun Awareness lighting displays, among others. The LGBTQ community appealed to FDOT but never heard back.

A couple months later FDOT announced the summer red, white and blue mandate.

Let me know if I can help educate you on anything else going on in “your” state. I don’t live there, but I do read.
Tell me which libbie site you sourced for that.
Those three counties are somewhat dissimilar demographically by the way.
As I’ve said previously FDOT controls those bridges statewide and must “rubber stamp” requests for lighting changes.
Those are two very different groups who want a specific color theme. Each may have created an objection for whatever reason. Who needs the aggravating bitching?
I think FDOT just came up with this “summer of patriotism” as a kind of reset button.

I appreciate your generous offer for sharing your knowledge on issues in my state.
Should I allot five minutes or do we need ten for any Q&A?
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