Just stop it. It's okay to just admit Trump is unfit for office. Biden has been doing it competently and coup free for 3 years now. No twitter rants against Rosie O'Donnell and Kim Jong Un. No "perfect", phone calls. No laziness when it comes to getting an infrastructure bill passed. Decency in the WH again. No non stop procession of clowns rolling out of the car in his cabinet and top advisors. No firing top aides/cabinet members via tweet. No blabbing out state secrets to the Russians when they visit the WH. No pushing government business to his businesses. No ignoring a pandemic because it makes him look bad. No ignoring attending a remembrance for war dead because it's misting...
You don't have to vote for Biden, but just stop with the non-sense that he hasn't been a competent president. The job is probably too big for one person with far too many variables out of their control, but he's managing.