Disney CEO: “Retaliatory” DeSantis Is “Anti-Business”

Look closely. Those two signs are actually different. 🤔
Both have just three letters:
The 2016 one says “ABH”
The 2020 one says “ABJ”
the small print beneath just says “please”.

I do appreciate your response. Who helped you think of it?
There were candidates other than Trump and the Democrat in both of those elections. You had other choices. Your spin attempt is a complete failure. You are MAGA. I know it and believe you do too. As others have said, just own it.
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First of all, abortion should not even be in the political arena. I have always said that from day one.

Seriously, way back in the days of R v. W, the majority of legislators were men. What gave them the right to legislate women? So, women worked hard, all over the world, to change this.

We finally get to 2023, Men and women who kow tow to men are the ones driving this, once again. For a lot of us older women, it's like being pushed back into the 1950's. Even my parents, staunch Republicans believed it shouldn't be in government, just as religion should not be in government.

Read Thomas Jefferson!!

It's crazy.
First of all, abortion should not even be in the political arena. I have always said that from day one.

Seriously, way back in the days of R v. W, the majority of legislators were men. What gave them the right to legislate women? So, women worked hard, all over the world, to change this.

We finally get to 2023, Men and women who kow tow to men are the ones driving this, once again. For a lot of us older women, it's like being pushed back into the 1950's. Even my parents, staunch Republicans believed it shouldn't be in government, just as religion should not be in government.

Read Thomas Jefferson!!

It's crazy.
These 6 week bans are crazy. Good chance you don’t know you’re pregnant, and if you do, there’s very little time to thoughtfully consider options, schedule appointments, etc. before the clock runs.

I also read it would require two doctor appointments, which further complicates the issue.

Basically a de facto ban.
These 6 week bans are crazy. Good chance you don’t know you’re pregnant, and if you do, there’s very little time to thoughtfully consider options, schedule appointments, etc. before the clock runs.

I also read it would require two doctor appointments, which further complicates the issue.

Basically a de facto ban.
There was a time when I discovered that I was pregnant, but I figured it was 6 weeks. Imagine my surprise when the doctor said it was 12 weeks. Well, nature took care of things and I was eternally grateful, as I had been on tetracycline for 6 of those weeks.

It's always a sad thing, however, all you have to do is work with kids whose mothers were on large dose of tetracycline to see the effects of that drug.

But, a six week ban does not help anyone who has been prescribed drugs that knowingly cause birth defects.

It also does not allow for a bad amnio.
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Old woman insults? That’s not an amateurish attempt at an insult on your part or anything, is it?
Schwing and a miss. 😉
And hell yes I’ll vote for Ron DeSantis.
There are much bigger issues on America’s plate right now than a state legislature’s ban on abortions.
If that’s what you base YOUR vote on then who’s the idiot? Especially if your sig name is “global”. That’s got to be a joke.
This is so you. Abortion is no longer that important to you. You are a peach. Edit: MY vote is that you are an idiot. Also, what issues do you believe are more important to you as a woman? This was your big issue previously.
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Goldy has said previously that she would reexamine her support for DeSantis if he signed a bill further restricting access to abortion. He's about to have a post six week ban hit his desk. We'll see how she reacts.
Something about Charlie Crist, the dumbocrats, and Rick Wilson is my guess.
This is so you. Abortion is no longer that important to you. You are a peach. Edit: MY vote is that you are an idiot. Also, what issues do you believe are more important to you as a woman? This was your big issue previously.
Try to dissect what I wrote if possible.
I answered truthfully and said that I oppose the bill that would enact a ban after six weeks. I agree with my friend bcherod on this.
Now, that bill was not sponsored by the Governor- rather, one of the Republican members of the Legislature did. However, the Governor has indicated that he would sign it. I think the long term ramifications of that remain to be seen.
I don’t need access to an abortion and I’m past the time in my life when I would need one, but I too think that it should be a woman’s decision because it’s her body.

(I hope there will be a return to an earlier era when there was much greater caution about birth control and pregnancy prevention and it involved both the man and the woman sharing responsibility for that)
My statement- I thought- reflected my opinion that I believe there are very important world issues right now that our legislative bodies should have as higher priorities than meddling in reproductive rights. If some pollster were to ask me to name my top three issues I’m thinking abortion isn’t in there. I don’t think I’m alone on that.

If that still makes me an idiot in your judgment I frankly don’t see that as my problem. I don’t know you and quite honestly your opinion of me is of no importance in my life.
Try to dissect what I wrote if possible.
I answered truthfully and said that I oppose the bill that would enact a ban after six weeks. I agree with my friend bcherod on this.
Now, that bill was not sponsored by the Governor- rather, one of the Republican members of the Legislature did. However, the Governor has indicated that he would sign it. I think the long term ramifications of that remain to be seen.
I don’t need access to an abortion and I’m past the time in my life when I would need one, but I too think that it should be a woman’s decision because it’s her body.

(I hope there will be a return to an earlier era when there was much greater caution about birth control and pregnancy prevention and it involved both the man and the woman sharing responsibility for that)
My statement- I thought- reflected my opinion that I believe there are very important world issues right now that our legislative bodies should have as higher priorities than meddling in reproductive rights. If some pollster were to ask me to name my top three issues I’m thinking abortion isn’t in there. I don’t think I’m alone on that.

If that still makes me an idiot in your judgment I frankly don’t see that as my problem. I don’t know you and quite honestly your opinion of me is of no importance in my life.
Haha..... phuqing haha. You are now stating that abortion is NOT a top 3 issue for you. WHAT are the bigger issues for women of birthing age? You are stating that since you can't have kids anymore it isn't a top 3 issue. Totally 180. You are seriously a joke. Again .. what world issues are more important to you?
Haha..... phuqing haha. You are now stating that abortion is NOT a top 3 issue for you. WHAT are the bigger issues for women of birthing age? You are stating that since you can't have kids anymore it isn't a top 3 issue. Totally 180. You are seriously a joke. Again .. what world issues are more important to you?
Goldmom and I are real life friends with opposing political views, but we share the love of FSU sports. Yes, when we do see each other, we fuss at each other about our opposing views. Trust me, I know who she is, and what she believes in, and she knows me.

We first got into it politically about 15 years ago. We have learned to coexist.

That should be something the whole country should learn to do. She and I will never agree on political stuff. (Hey I keep trying to convince her)

But, whatever, none of y'all are going to separate a friendship over politics. Maybe something everyone should consider.
Goldmom and I are real life friends with opposing political views, but we share the love of FSU sports. Yes, when we do see each other, we fuss at each other about our opposing views. Trust me, I know who she is, and what she believes in, and she knows me.

We first got into it politically about 15 years ago. We have learned to coexist.

That should be something the whole country should learn to do. She and I will never agree on political stuff. (Hey I keep trying to convince her)

But, whatever, none of y'all are going to separate a friendship over politics. Maybe something everyone should consider.
Goldmom and I are real life friends with opposing political views, but we share the love of FSU sports. Yes, when we do see each other, we fuss at each other about our opposing views. Trust me, I know who she is, and what she believes in, and she knows me.

We first got into it politically about 15 years ago. We have learned to coexist.

That should be something the whole country should learn to do. She and I will never agree on political stuff. (Hey I keep trying to convince her)

But, whatever, none of y'all are going to separate a friendship over politics. Maybe something everyone should consider.
What comes around goes around. She has zero problem giving crap just goes into a hissy fit when given back. Your relationship with her is between the 2 of you. You are going to find out your friend is definitely no angel on here.
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What comes around goes around. She has zero problem giving crap just goes into a hissy fit when given back. Your relationship with her is between the 2 of you. You are going to find out your friend is definitely no angel on here.
I already know that.

But, I was honest in saying who I am. And, she knows my views and where I stand.

I shouldn't have to defend the fact that I know her and that we are friends.

She will totally back up what I have said. We have very different political views. I will not deny that I try and point out the error of her ways. :D

We have history, going back to our FSU days, a very long time ago. At least she is one that will still talk to talk to me, unlike a few of my "sisters". We are tightly bonded by those days, despite our differences politically.

There are some things that transcend politics. She, more than some of my other "sisters" has chosen to accept our differences and remain friends.

That in and of itself should mean something in the real world. And, that is the problem with today. People won't do that today.
What comes around goes around. She has zero problem giving crap just goes into a hissy fit when given back. Your relationship with her is between the 2 of you. You are going to find out your friend is definitely no angel on here.
It’s interesting that you define my stating and re-stating my political views as “throwing a hissy fit” which is a term used almost exclusively with a female.
How misogynistic of you.
Frankly I think that my positions on issues are consistent and well stated and perhaps that’s more threatening to the far left minority.
There are posters on here who have differing views and yet they don’t attack me on a personal level. That’s absolutely okay by me and I leave them be.
There’s no law that says we have to agree but I think there are some who’ve forgotten that and who immediately resort to talking 💩.
They feign shock when I shovel it right back.
They must either be young or they’re old guys in a state of arrested development.

Listen - I live in Florida and have learned to talk smack to the uf gators. It takes talent. 😉

And bcherod and I go waaay back in the day with mutual friends and a shared campus experience. We’re Nolegirls and that’s permanent!
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It’s interesting that you define my stating and re-stating my political views as “throwing a hissy fit” which is a term used almost exclusively with a female.
How misogynistic of you.
Frankly I think that my positions on issues are consistent and well stated and perhaps that’s more threatening to the far left minority.
There are posters on here who have differing views and yet they don’t attack me on a personal level. That’s absolutely okay by me and I leave them be.
There’s no law that says we have to agree but I think there are some who’ve forgotten that and who immediately resort to talking 💩.
They feign shock when I shovel it right back.
They must either be young or they’re old guys in a state of arrested development.

Listen - I live in Florida and have learned to talk smack to the uf gators. It takes talent. 😉

And bcherod and I go waaay back in the day with mutual friends and a shared campus experience. We’re Nolegirls and that’s permanent!
You are throwing a hissy fit. I have hit such a nerve with you. I don't care that you dish it .. you are just bad at the taking it. I hilarious how abortion is falling down the ladder of concern now that your boy is liking a 6 week ban. I still have no idea what your most important issues are. You refuse to answer that simple question.
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I'm old, but abortion is a major issue to me because it's the principle. Legislating women. What if the government legislated Cromartie (insert any guy here) for having so many kids with so many women??? How would you guys feel about that?

To borrow another post, and article, "greedflation" bothers me, a lot. Back in the '80's there was a book written about Japan, that the highest wage earner should not make more than 10x the lowest wage earner in a company. So, addressing big pharma, banksters, and insurance companies is important.

Frivolous lawsuits bother me.

Somewhere we have to address mental health issues. This notion that a healthy 20 year old should get disability because he has ADD is ridiculous. Kids are doing bizarre things because they have no HOPE. Life should not be a constant struggle.

Social Security and Medicare are issues. Rubio wants to do away with that, and DeSantis is on board. So you want to starve half the population of Florida by taking away something that they paid into their entire lives?
There is a point, and I believe it has already been reached, where Disney has a clear case of being targeted by DeSantis, the assistant urinalysis engineer...
Feels like they really thought they’d pull this Reedy Creek takeover and then be able to control Disney generally - programming, operations, etc. This goes way beyond “tax fairness” or whatever BS justification they’re selling.
This goes way beyond “tax fairness” or whatever BS justification they’re selling.
Of course this is physically impossible, but regarding tax "fairness", if Disney were able to pick up their entire Florida operation and move it to another state, how many hundreds of millions or more in tax breaks would states offer them? Disney brings way more to the state than they consume.
Between DeSantis's shadow presidential campaign and his war on Disney, does he have any time leftover to actually work on issues that are important to Florida residents and businesses?
This is, like most "culture war" issues manufactured and promoted by the right, designed to be a distraction from the fact that the Repubs NEVER take any action to help citizens with their most pressing needs.

Repubs won in '22 on "lowering gas prices," "stopping inflation," but would never actually take any steps to do those things, as that would affect the massive profiteering of their corporate allies.
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Florida Republicans: "this corporation is so big it's too powerful and bad for democracy"

Much like Trump doesn't understand who pays tariffs, Red Meat Ron obviously doesn't understand it's the consumers and local residents are the ones who are going to pay these tolls and taxes. I'm not sure who is the bigger idiot, DeSantis or those who continue to support him.

Y'all have to read this. It's priceless, and the comments are really really good, and entertaining.

Well, this certainly puts to bed the claim by several here (@The Tradition ) that it was about some governance/tax issue instead of him being angry that a company dared disagree with him.

In his remarks, he also was clear that the move to strip Disney of control over Reedy Creek was in response to its position on the parental rights bill. “We just had to look at this and say, ‘OK, do they have a quote, First Amendment right to be advocating for gender ideology in Kindergarten? Yeah, I guess. Is that honestly faithful to their fiduciary duty to their shareholders? I don’t think so. But that’s not really in my wheelhouse as governor, but what I can tell you as governor is that under no circumstances should the state of Florida be subsidizing woke activism by allowing them to have their own government. So we took it away.”
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I'm old, but abortion is a major issue to me because it's the principle. Legislating women. What if the government legislated Cromartie (insert any guy here) for having so many kids with so many women??? How would you guys feel about that?

To borrow another post, and article, "greedflation" bothers me, a lot. Back in the '80's there was a book written about Japan, that the highest wage earner should not make more than 10x the lowest wage earner in a company. So, addressing big pharma, banksters, and insurance companies is important.

Frivolous lawsuits bother me.

Somewhere we have to address mental health issues. This notion that a healthy 20 year old should get disability because he has ADD is ridiculous. Kids are doing bizarre things because they have no HOPE. Life should not be a constant struggle.

Social Security and Medicare are issues. Rubio wants to do away with that, and DeSantis is on board. So you want to starve half the population of Florida by taking away something that they paid into their entire lives?

So, do you have anything in common with goldmom?
Personally, I don't like what Disney did to copyright law, but I learned that they did indeed have very powerful entertainment lawyers doing copyright. (Not PTC attorney) They managed to change copyright law 3 times. So I laugh when I see what DeSantis is doing, when I'm not scared as hell about the consequences to the state.
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