I'm not endorsing ANY one, single religion with the following statement.
Yes, they have survived.
They are, in part, the basis for this entire thread. It's fine if anyone wants to believe that the carpenter from Galilee was the "only" Son Of God. And, it's fine if anyone wants to ridicule anyone else who believes that. But, the words, the message, the emphasis on love and forgiveness and to love thy neighbor as thyself, have definitely survived the ages. Now, I can easily go along with those being immortalized because of the collective will and belief of the human race, and not because of one holy guy. In fact, that is exactly what I believe. But, some people like the "one guy" story. The downside is when the organized religions show up to pit one group against the other. Kinda like politics. It's an impediment to the advancement of society, culture and the species, in general. But, human beings have got to be right, above all else.