Do you have any posters on ignore?

I stopped counting at 100. Again, they are mostly four posters. One in particular in his manic phases is the bulk of the list. And, as someone else mentioned, a lot of them have migrated away to the On3. There were some real s***bags that left to follow Blaine over there.
I have one person blocked but I don’t remember why and their profile is dead.
I have 83 on ignore (just counted) most of them prob the same person. I also put people on ignore that i don't really mind only because they clutter up the board with 10-15 threads every day.

Can we make contact, you and me? Test, test, test.

J/K, I also block many here, 63 accounts in total although most of them are long gone and the active ones are trash so I don’t miss them at all. I may work harder now to catch your total.
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I have a few. At least one or two who I think have left or gotten a ban hammer.
He has me on ignore because he hates to be reminded that he voted for Trump in 2016 and started this mess.

Especially when he’s whining about SCOTUS and the guy he voted for put three of them on there.
I just reviewed my list, and 3/4 of the handles are inactive, or are handles that I haven't seen since the rapture of HROT. The rest are still around, but the most flaming of the racists, sexists, LGBTQ haters, and general malcontents. A couple never posted on the OT board, they were the most uncivil of the crowd in the Lounge. The ones that turned each thread into a pissing match in between 3-4 of them.
There are a lot posters I just run my eyes past, but wouldn't put on ignore. Someone mentioned OiT. He isn't around, but I'll use him as an example. His schtick just go so old. I would see that he'd made a post and roll right past it. There are a handful like that I roll past without reading or responding to.
He was a bit more fun handle name wise than the others I had blocked, but I finally blocked @Scruddy tonight. Still on 1-2 actual people I have blocked. His was like one of four Ryan accounts who liked to pretend they were minorities.
Did you find my post about the coalition of communities of color and realize that I was correct about being a PoC? couldn't face the music? I'm guessing that's what it was :)
The bulk of your list is comprised of four posters. I think one person is responsible for at least ten handles on your list. You do you, but I find The Cainer and FSUTribe76 to be odd additions.
Menace, RunRonnie, TC, World Series….?
You made your point about this after the first 40 times you mentioned it to him. Now it’s just stalking.
Nope, Every time he throws a fit about SCOTUS decisions, he needs a reminder of what he did. I’m sure your boyfriend appreciates you coming to his defense though.
Only the dickhead Nebraska troll on the football board, It’s really more than one but they are all the same idiot.
Same. Him and IowaLaw. That’s it.

And the Husker guy most likely has some mental health issues. He needs help, like for real.
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Nope, Every time he throws a fit about SCOTUS decisions, he needs a reminder of what he did. I’m sure your boyfriend appreciates you coming to his defense though.

I've lost track of this back and and forth. Who are you referring to?
Only a few. And only if there are not respectful to people that might actually dare to have a differing opinion. I don't care what opinion posters have, just as long as they are respectful to other opinions

and a few that are obvious trolls
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I resisted it for a long time but finally got fed up with a particular poster and put him on ignore. Have to admit it’s better, although all the “ignored content” notes can sometimes get in the way.

How about you?
25 handles, but I think it is maybe 2 or 3 humans. If not, they all act like the same POS.
I’ve had this poster on ignore since I was a kid.
I have a few I’ve ignored over the years but it’s rare. There are posters I totally ignore when I’ve seen they’ve commented on a post of mine. Don’t even care to see what they had to say because it’s usual a troll or jibberish.
I have 19 on ignore. A couple I neither rwcognize the name nor recall why I put them on ignore - it may have been aby mistake or while I was pui. The rest I certainly did intentionally because they annoy me, and I post here for fun. If the vast majority of someone's posts are irritating, I swe no reason to not discontinue reading what they have to say

Jinx. I have the same amount on ignore. I think 10 of them are the same person.

I have both democrats and (more) republicans on ignore. Male and female.

It boils down to two questions:

“Is the poster likely an asshole/douche?”

“Should they know better?”