Empathy for Perry Shooter


HR Legend
Sep 1, 2004
Feel more sorry for the victims, of course, but also feel bad for the perp. 17 year old kid, dealing with whatever demons possessed him, felt this desperate and took his life…at 17!

Go ahead and take the frequent “that POS deserved to die” position like I heard when I said the same about the Omaha mall shooter years back, but an open heart feels sad for such a young shooter as well.
I feel bad for the victims, victims friends, victims family and the entire community. I don't feel an ounce of anything but disgust towards the shooter

People going through struggles have my sympathy but once that line is crossed it's gone. I'm not saying the OP is wrong just not how I see it.
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...and his parents.

They must be shell-shocked on this, and utterly devastated for the families of his victims.
I will not feel bad for the shooters parents. If the reports are true that the gun he used was from the house and wasn’t locked up and secured, they can get fvcked
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Nothing wrong with feeling sad for the loss of life, provided that sadness doesn't lead to letting someone off the hook for a heinous act (providing the shooter had lived). You can feel sadness and require accountability all at the same time.
The guy died, what kind of accountability do you think will happen?
Feel more sorry for the victims, of course, but also feel bad for the perp. 17 year old kid, dealing with whatever demons possessed him, felt this desperate and took his life…at 17!

Go ahead and take the frequent “that POS deserved to die” position like I heard when I said the same about the Omaha mall shooter years back, but an open heart feels sad for such a young shooter as well.
I for one wish they hadn't done themselves in, I preferred they went to trial and then to prison for however long they would have lasted in the joint.

This alphabet society that is being created breeds these monsters.
I can feel empathy for them, yet still want them to be held accountable

Those are not mutually exclusive things.
After years and years of mass shootings, tolerance or empathy for a shooter or their family (especially if the guns were acquired from them) ends the moment people just going about their daily lives get killed or injured

If there is nothing that we can do to stop any of this like the 2A nutters keep reminding us of, then we should shun these individuals.
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Hey everyone let’s not at all fix any of the true issues we intrinsically know to be wrong with us. Right now.

Let’s just continue to ignore them. It’s been such a great solution based idea since it started happening.

/s. For anyone who needs it.
I'm sure you're part of it.
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Feel more sorry for the victims, of course, but also feel bad for the perp. 17 year old kid, dealing with whatever demons possessed him, felt this desperate and took his life…at 17!

Go ahead and take the frequent “that POS deserved to die” position like I heard when I said the same about the Omaha mall shooter years back, but an open heart feels sad for such a young shooter as well.
I agree with you. Not to the point of equivalence, but I hate to see people hurting and you don’t do stuff like this without being severely down. Sympathy/empathy only go so far, but I definitely feel some. I have a 17yo. I don’t think he’d do that, but I know he and his friends all have the teenage stuff they’re going through, and some more than others and I hope they all have healthy outlets so that stuff doesn’t build up to this level.
It’s terrible what happened but until we hear the entire story and all the relevant facts, I’m not going to say what I want toward the shooter and his parents. I can’t imagine the sixth graders parents right now and what they are going through sending their child to school and never coming home due to a shooting at school.

I know people don’t want to hear this but we have a mental health issue in this country that must be taken care of first and foremost. It needs to be disgnosed then the guns must be pulled from these homes. If for good, then for good. This has to stop.
It’s all apart of Bernie Sanders America. School shootings are going to be normal when you don’t give people a sense of purpose and perspective.
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I know people don’t want to hear this but we have a mental health issue in this country that must be taken care of first and foremost. It needs to be disgnosed then the guns must be pulled from these homes. If for good, then for good. This has to stop.
We already know what it is; it's a constant drip of negativity, me-ism, cynicism, cyber-bullying, etc...everything associated with social media. Studies are now showing how what was supposed to connect us, is making us feel isolated, depressed, anxious and for the most susceptible, angry. And it's significantly more harmful for adolescents; especially those going through puberty. (also, don't forget the toxic political climate)

However, nothing will be done about it. If the NRA and gun manufacturers aren't going to lose billions for the greater good of society, then Facebook, X, Snapchat, IG, etc. certainly aren't going to forfeit billions for the greater good of society either.

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But how to identify before the act?
If there is absolutely nothing that can be done where this keeps happening, i will have disdain for a shooter and their family. They can go fvck themselves.

I no longer have any empathy for families of a shooter.