Face it you heathens... the Bible is VERIFIABLE HISTORY

Noticed you only named the Christian charlatans. There are also many non-Christian charlatans, don’t forget them too since you said you have disdain for all religions!
They aren’t on my television every week, you know. I’ll address the ones most prominent in my life. The next president certainly fits the description. As I said above, when you hold YOUR charlatans to your highest standards, when you can convert your own to the true faith, people might start listening. Leave the atheists alone until you manage that. Good luck.
You want to spread it? Live it. And clean up your own house first before you come to mine. Identify those misusing YOUR faith and address them before you try to convert anyone else. When I see Osteen out there ministering to the poor and opening his house to the dispossessed, I’ll have a lot more “faith” in his - and your -religion.
I live it and my house is clean. You’re saying I have to clean everyone else’s house now?

You understand that Osteen is a heretic right? Why am I responsible for him again?
They aren’t on my television every week, you know. I’ll address the ones most prominent in my life. The next president certainly fits the description. As I said above, when you hold YOUR charlatans to your highest standards, when you can convert your own to the true faith, people might start listening. Leave the atheists alone until you manage that. Good luck.
Can I be Dennis to your Mr. Wilson?
Um, people in the bible lived to be 600 years old, survived a global flood that was so massive that it somehow covered the entire earth, could be turned into salt, regularly talked to snakes, could create new people from ribs, and could be killed and be brought back to life with supernatural powers. Safe to assume that the bible is about as believable as Lord of the Rings.
A TV reality star, convicted felon, habitual liar, and narcissist was elected President. Imagine how future generations will view this through the lens of history. Historians might even find the miraculous events in the Bible more believable. :cool:
I live it and my house is clean. You’re saying I have to clean everyone else’s house now?

You understand that Osteen is a heretic right? Why am I responsible for him again?
lol…see? YOU call him a heretic but HE says he’s a Christian. And tens of thousands of people agree with him…maybe more. And they’re all in your Christian “house”. The way you view Islam is how I view all organized religions. They're all just structures created to control people. But I don't judge individuals based on the beliefs they happen to adhere to. What kind of people are they?

If there is a "heaven" that rewards your life on this sphere, there are atheists I know who will be going. There are Muslims I know who will be going. There are Christians I know who will be going. And there are plenty in all three groups who won't. You likely don't believe that. I know Brian doesn't. Read carefully... I. Don't Care. Keep your thoughts about my beliefs to yourself and I'll be more than happy to do the same concerning yours. Don't hold up one religion as the ONLY path while consigning everyone else to eternal torment. Feel free to believe it - feel free to believe any nonsense you like - but when you share it, I'll openly disagree.
A TV reality star, convicted felon, habitual liar, and narcissist was elected President. Imagine how future generations will view this through the lens of history. Historians might even find the miraculous events in the Bible more believable. :cool:
He was elected with overwhelming support from the same people who believe the miracles in the Bible.
He was elected with overwhelming support from the same people who believe the miracles in the Bible.
Season 3 Ugh GIF by Parks and Recreation
My point is you stereotype all Chrisitians by their worst members; lots of atheists do this.
Your point would be I've explained now multiple times. That's how you treat those who believe differently from you, though. Can a practicing Muslim go to Heaven? Even if they live a life devoted to service and sacrifice? That's your hypocrisy.
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It's certainly possible:

"Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience—those too may achieve eternal salvation.

“Although in ways known to himself God can lead those who, through no fault of their own, are ignorant of the Gospel, to that faith without which it is impossible to please him, the Church still has the obligation and also the sacred right to evangelize all men” (CCC 846-48, emphases added; footnotes omitted)."

It's certainly possible:

"Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience—those too may achieve eternal salvation.

“Although in ways known to himself God can lead those who, through no fault of their own, are ignorant of the Gospel, to that faith without which it is impossible to please him, the Church still has the obligation and also the sacred right to evangelize all men” (CCC 846-48, emphases added; footnotes omitted)."

Don't try changing the question. Apracticing Muslim would be aware of Jesus - he's a major player in the Koran but he is most definitely not divine. Any practicing Muslim would deny his divinity as a matter of faith. Can that person go to Heaven? Yes or no.
Don't try changing the question. Apracticing Muslim would be aware of Jesus - he's a major player in the Koran but he is most definitely not divine. Any practicing Muslim would deny his divinity as a matter of faith. Can that person go to Heaven? Yes or no.

I gave you the answer.

The answer is it depends on what that Muslim knows and does with the knowledge that he has. The Koran is wrong about Jesus so Muslim's don't know the truth.

In Saudi Arabia, for an example, Sunni Muslims aren't allowed to convert or be anything other than Sunni Muslim. They're not allowed to study the Gospels.

I believe God takes this all into account.
Next time someone tells me they believe in God, I'll say 'Oh which one? Zeus? Hades? Jupiter? Mars? Odin? Thor? Krishna? Vishnu? Ra?...' If they say 'Just God. I only believe in the one God,' I'll point out that they are nearly as atheistic as me. I don't believe in 2,870 gods, and they don't believe in 2,869.

Ricky Gervais
You should take a trip to Syria and see which religion is trying to insert itself into every aspect of life.

Pull your head out of your ass and look at the bigger picture. Obviously, some Christians hurt you but don’t generalize friend. 90% of us are just trying our best to mirror Jesus. But we ain’t Jesus and we will never be Jesus. So you gotta lower those expectations.

Remember, somewhere in Nigeria or Syria or Sudan or Chad or Kenya tonight there is another TarHeel who just wants to do their own thing but is having Islam slit across their throat.
Christianity did the same throat slitting thing, only a thousand years ago. Islam is just late to the game.
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Next time someone tells me they believe in God, I'll say 'Oh which one? Zeus? Hades? Jupiter? Mars? Odin? Thor? Krishna? Vishnu? Ra?...' If they say 'Just God. I only believe in the one God,' I'll point out that they are nearly as atheistic as me. I don't believe in 2,870 gods, and they don't believe in 2,869.

Ricky Gervais


Jesus was a real historical person.

All those other gods are fictional.
I gave you the answer.

The answer is it depends on what that Muslim knows and does with the knowledge that he has. The Koran is wrong about Jesus so Muslim's don't know the truth.

In Saudi Arabia, for an example, Sunni Muslims aren't allowed to convert or be anything other than Sunni Muslim. They're not allowed to study the Gospels.

I believe God takes this all into account.
Robert Jeffries and Jack Van Impe say Muslims and Jews are going to hell, although Van Impe sugar coated it a little when he was alive. It's always cracked me up that Jews are the chosen people, but don't believe in the divinity of Jesus. Ben Shapiro says he was a rabble rouser who led a minor rebellion and got killed for his troubles.
Robert Jeffries and Jack Van Impe say Muslims and Jews are going to hell, although Van Impe sugar coated it a little when he was alive. It's always cracked me up that Jews are the chosen people, but don't believe in the divinity of Jesus. Ben Shapiro says he was a rabble rouser who led a minor rebellion and got killed for his troubles.

It's blasphemy for any human to say which individual person goes to Hell, IMO.
Ezekiel 23 20 "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys, and whose emission was like that of horses." Now that's writing!!! All scripture is of divine inspiration.
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Ezekiel 23 20 "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys, and whose emission was like that of horses." Now that's writing!!! All scripture is of divine inspiration.

Would you throw out an entire library based on a single metaphor you thought was odd?
Most scholars today believe the core tenants of Jesus's life as told in the Gospels are true.

It’s “tenets” and yes, a historical figure named Jesus of Nazareth was one of many political figures that posited themselves as prophets/messiahs as political protest against Roman rule.
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It’s “tenets” and yes, a historical figure named Jesus of Nazareth was one of many political figures that posited themselves as prophets/messiahs as political protest against Roman rule.

And Jesus's followers were so convinced Jesus resurrected from the dead that they died preaching that message.
I gave you the answer.

The answer is it depends on what that Muslim knows and does with the knowledge that he has. The Koran is wrong about Jesus so Muslim's don't know the truth.

In Saudi Arabia, for an example, Sunni Muslims aren't allowed to convert or be anything other than Sunni Muslim. They're not allowed to study the Gospels.

I believe God takes this all into account.
where was that written?
lol…see? YOU call him a heretic but HE says he’s a Christian. And tens of thousands of people agree with him…maybe more. And they’re all in your Christian “house”. The way you view Islam is how I view all organized religions. They're all just structures created to control people. But I don't judge individuals based on the beliefs they happen to adhere to. What kind of people are they?

If there is a "heaven" that rewards your life on this sphere, there are atheists I know who will be going. There are Muslims I know who will be going. There are Christians I know who will be going. And there are plenty in all three groups who won't. You likely don't believe that. I know Brian doesn't. Read carefully... I. Don't Care. Keep your thoughts about my beliefs to yourself and I'll be more than happy to do the same concerning yours. Don't hold up one religion as the ONLY path while consigning everyone else to eternal torment. Feel free to believe it - feel free to believe any nonsense you like - but when you share it, I'll openly disagree.
Dang, should have told Stalin to keep his Atheism to himself….agreed?
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Jesus was a real historical person.

All those other gods are fictional.
so was muhammad, does that make islam the correct religion?
Most scholars agree there was some sort of "jesus" figure. The rest of the story is pure conjecture.
Why people don't trust common sense is beyond me. From the pagan origins/date, to word of mouth history, conflicting accounts (non eye witness to boot), to having a "council" pick and choose the texts that make up the new testament; these are all just a bridge too far to suspend my cognitive abilities. If you want to go to "who created it all", then that's a fair question.
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