So is 170k rich?
Im referring to 25% of AGI. So yes, as with all of our taxes, AGI is adjusted gross income so less than we actually make yes. All of us.You understand that to collect 25% of a million…or more…dollars, the top rate has to be higher than 25%, right? For billionaires, their top rate would have to be much higher. You don’t expect someone making $30K to pay 25% in federal taxes, I assume.
I’m good with that plan.
Uhhh… yes? That’s top 5% of household incomes in the US, let alone what it is in Iowa.
Ya, penalize hard work, knowledge and success, a great recipe for destroying innovation. Let's be clear, the dems only want to stick it to successful Americans because they are jealous and most libs are lazy. (Hey rich guy, you worked 80 hours a week invented products that make everyone else's life easier, now give me your hard earned money.That 380K affects them a helluva lot less than $3800 does to most middle class people. Republican tax cuts save them millions. It saves the middle class a few hundred if we're lucky. Trump's tax cuts did basically nothing for me at all. That's the part that isn't "fair".
Ya, penalize hard work, knowledge and success, a great recipe for destroying innovation. Let's be clear, the dems only want to stick it to successful Americans because they are jealous and most libs are lazy. (Hey rich guy, you worked 80 hours a week invented products that make everyone else's life easier, now give me your hard earned money.
What's stopping @joelbc1 is that he doesn't really want to send the government more money. He either wants just you to send more or you and he both to send more. It isn't about him paying his own share that he believes is fair. Its about him getting everyone else's money for projects and causes he thinks we should spend money on. His money alone doesnt move the needle. That is always the motivation.Nothing stopping you from sending the state a check.
We might be talking past each other. Are you talking about a 25% top marginal rate or a total federal tax rate on the wealthiest of 25%? If it’s the former you’re talking about an enormous - HUGE - tax cut for the very wealthiest people.Im referring to 25% of AGI. So yes, as with all of our taxes, AGI is adjusted gross income so less than we actually make yes. All of us.
So sure 25% of 1 million requires an actual gross income of higher than a million to get to an AGI of 1 million. What is your point?
Here is the graph again. So you'll concede that taxing that group at higher than 25% is unfairly confiscatory?
Federal income tax is progressive as a whole, but less so at top
Exactly.I believe IRAs go in pre tax but get taxed coming out.
You pay tax on any investment it's just a matter of paying it when it goes in or when it comes out, that's why the power of zero is what it is.
A flat tax is not even part of the reason for why Illinois has high taxes and is broke...
What's stopping @joelbc1 is that he doesn't really want to send the government more money. He either wants just you to send more or you and he both to send more. It isn't about him paying his own share that he believes is fair. Its about him getting everyone else's money for projects and causes he thinks we should spend money on. His money alone doesnt move the needle. That is always the motivation.
Im talking not about the top marginal tax rate. I am talking about an effective tax rate on AGI. Like the graph says.We might be talking past each other. Are you talking about a 25% top marginal rate or a total federal tax rate on the wealthiest of 25%? If it’s the former you’re talking about an enormous - HUGE - tax cut for the very wealthiest people.
The point isnt that we shouldnt all pay tax. The problem comes in when people complain certain people pay too little.Well yeah, no kidding. We live in a society and we should all be thankful it’s not just my income supporting our roads, bridges, and educating our children because it wouldn’t be enough.
Not so Gus. I will send them what is required…”render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s….” That is NOT the issue. It is pure pandering and lunacy to not require someone like me to not “owe” the state one cent of income tax when I am acquiring income at levels I scarcely met during my working days! It allows me to contribute more $) to other charities J favor, though. But I just don’t understand the reasoning here…it’s not like I am struggling day to day to make ends meet. Most retirees I know are in a similar boat as I.What's stopping @joelbc1 is that he doesn't really want to send the government more money. He either wants just you to send more or you and he both to send more. It isn't about him paying his own share that he believes is fair. Its about him getting everyone else's money for projects and causes he thinks we should spend money on. His money alone doesnt move the needle. That is always the motivation.
The question is, I guess, how much is enough? Someone should be able to say that there is a top percentage one should pay. No matter what their income is. Leftists dont seem to know what that is.Well yeah, no kidding. We live in a society and we should all be thankful it’s not just my income supporting our roads, bridges, and educating our children because it wouldn’t be enough.
And they should be because they worked and did their part. Paid their tax. Did the responsible thing for 3-4 decades most likely. There should be breaks for seniors. Everyone complains about people leaving Iowa. This is designed to keep them from leaving Iowa by giving them another, of many, reasons to stay. You could always move to the East and they will take your money.Most retirees I know are in a similar boat as I.
And they should be because they worked and did their part. Paid their tax. Did the responsible thing for 3-4 decades most likely. There should be breaks for seniors. Everyone complains about people leaving Iowa. This is designed to keep them from leaving Iowa by giving them anther, of many, reasons to stay. You could always move to the East and they will take your money.
The question is, I guess, how much is enough? Someone should be able to say that there is a top percentage one should pay. No matter what their income is. Leftists dont seem to know what that is.
When the man on the street is confronted with facts, as I have laid out in the chart, they are shocked as to the rates real people actually pay. Not the classic, probably imaginary number, Warren Buffets secretary supposedly pays.
Medicare is funded about 90% through payroll taxes. A small percentage is from social security.Someone who is better at the investing stuff could chime in on this. Social Security is more than retirement it’s also disability. Would you also come out ahead if you had to buy disability insurance?
You realize that's not how things work, right? It absolutely amazes me you believe the things you type. You literally aren't capable of learning.Ya, penalize hard work, knowledge and success, a great recipe for destroying innovation. Let's be clear, the dems only want to stick it to successful Americans because they are jealous and most libs are lazy. (Hey rich guy, you worked 80 hours a week invented products that make everyone else's life easier, now give me your hard earned money.
That's why I donate to charities, I don't consider the government a charity. The government is more of a grifter than a charity.I really didn't want this to turn into a shitshow. I encourage folks to just think about kindness to all.
No that is not how things work. Everyone owes taxes to support society, however, no one should be penalized for making money.You realize that's not how things work, right? It absolutely amazes me you believe the things you type. You literally aren't capable of learning.
That's why I donate to charities, I don't consider the government a charity. The government is more of a grifter than a charity.
Dude...this is FAR more complex than what your brain is telling you it is. People have tried to explain to you how the wealthy skirt paying taxes, the advantages they have in doing it, but you don't care. Hell, you think Donald Trump is one of those people who actually EARNED whatever wealth he has. The rules for people like him are vastly different than they are for the middle class. It sucks that you don't know this.No that is not how things work. Everyone owes taxes to support society, however, no one should be penalized for making money.
What do you believe the highest tax rate should be as a percentage one should have to pay regardless of income?
Why should there be “breaks” for seniors? Are we an endangered species or something? Hell, we already get 10% discounts off of meals! So a “senior” shouldn’t have to pay income taxes to a state whose services he/she use essentially for free?And they should be because they worked and did their part. Paid their tax. Did the responsible thing for 3-4 decades most likely. There should be breaks for seniors. Everyone complains about people leaving Iowa. This is designed to keep them from leaving Iowa by giving them anther, of many, reasons to stay. You could always move to the East and they will take your money.
The system was designed to keep the wealthy from gaining too much control. He who has more money controls the game. Or so the theory.I see nothing bad about looking at every taxpayer and saying " you take home 75c for every dollar you make, go make as much as you can". That to me, seems as fair as anything can possibly get.
Or 70 or 80 or whatever that number is.
5000 a month dam ShaniquaI know someone who works for the social security administration in Michigan. This once Democrat changed to Republican many years ago changed primarily because of repeated witnessing of the following:
The amount of Shaniqua's in their late 20's, who roll in with their big nails, pink sweat pants, and glitter cased iPhones, copping an attitude because they had to wait for 20 minutes for their meeting, and complaining because they think they should be getting more than the $5,000 a month they already get because they have 5 kids with 5 different dudes.
Billions upon billions of our tax dollars each year go to that exact situation.
Thank you but I wasn’t talking about social security. SSIMedicare is funded about 90% through payroll taxes. A small percentage is from social security.
There’s always been a cap on SS tax ($168k). I would rather have a cap than uncapped, after $200k of AGI you are taxed an additional .8%.What about the cap on SS wages? I suppose you support that as well
There’s always been a cap on SS tax ($168k). I would rather have a cap than uncapped, after $200k of AGI you are taxed an additional .8%.
If I trusted how the government would spend the money I would be open to the uncapped discussion. Why should a person be punished if makes more and works harder?
What needs to be investigated is how public servants make $175-225k a year and are worth $200m. That needs to be reformed, not the tax code.
There’s always been a cap on SS tax ($168k). I would rather have a cap than uncapped, after $200k of AGI you are taxed an additional .8%.
If I trusted how the government would spend the money I would be open to the uncapped discussion. Why should a person be punished if makes more and works harder?
What needs to be investigated is how public servants make $175-225k a year and are worth $200m. That needs to be reformed, not the tax code.
All the flat tax plans I’ve seen eliminate existing exemptions (understanding that is the source of tax code length and complexity).I swear, people hear “flat tax”, and they think it means taxing gross income at the same, single rate. It doesn’t. It means “taxing taxable income at the same single rate”. You still have all the deductions and adjustments.
Senators Rick Scott and Mark Warner would like a word.Show me one public official that is worth 200 million.