For those voting Trump because of inflation…

Well, considering you haven’t answered my question about why inflation would be better under Trump or why he restores honor and integrity in the White House, I would say please save me some time and actually answer the OP.

I’m just right of center and a former Republican, so I’m aware of how much money government wastes.
Good lord. How about just take away all those things…and inflation would have been lower. And I don’t care about honor and integrity in our president, I don’t look up to them and they aren’t a hero of mine. Just stay out of my life and stop making it worse, which is what Biden is doing to this country.
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Good lord. How about just take away all those things…and inflation would have been lower. And I don’t care about honor and integrity in our president, I don’t look up to them and they aren’t a hero of mine. Just stay out of my life and stop making it worse, which is what Biden is doing to this country.
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Heres the problem with Biden right now. The prinicpal anchor weighing him down cant be fixed by better econmic news. It's the never ending border disaster. Period.

When he loses in November, look back and think of how much better his chances would have been if he had simply closed the border. This is his literal albatross. And there is no changing it now.

Maybe Trump shouldn't have killed the border bill
You don’t realize there were Trump supporters being arrested during that summer. They were part of the problem.Now do 1/6.
What are your thoughts on farm and Wall St. bailouts?
So you give Biden no credit for infrastructure bill? Your party voted against it but take credit for the good it does in their districts.

You seem to be okay with a country, who in my life has been our biggest threat, just taking over countries because their leader wants his communist world view back?

How many times do people here have to go over this stuff with you? 69? Tree-fiddy? 420?

Like Trump and his supporters, chonk is a piece of shit human
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What leads you to believe inflation would be better today had Trump not had the election “stolen” from him?

And whatever happened to restoring “dignity and honor” in the White House? That’s all the “Christian” right could talk about at the end of Clinton’s presidency.

I don’t get it. Help me understand.
It's amazing how the effects of Trump's tariffs on inflation have somehow been completely left out of the conversation.
Like Trump and his supporters, chonk is a piece of shit human
Well u sound like a wonderful person, message board posting gets u agitated to the point of name calling huh. Go to a democratic board if u just want everybody to agree with you and stroke ur ego. How insecure are you to just group everybody who has other opinions into a group of piece of shit humans. You have no idea what someone’s life is, what their career is, what their reasons are for forming their values and opinions. How about focus on being a better person, you might be a little happier in life. You have some room there if u r a person who resorts to name calling on a message board that is meant to have conversation.
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You've got over 5,000 posts here in less than a year just with this handle. I bet you're a hard worker. If you even have a job.
He has too many handles to count. Kind of gutless. Have a handle. Stick by it. Take any heat headed your way. But dont chickenshit out, like he does.
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Maybe Trump shouldn't have killed the border bill
First off, no one thinks that the problem on the border is the Republicans problem.

Second, perhaps you can answer me how many border crossings a day did the bill the Republicans vetoed allow? Zero? Because that’s the kind of bill I’m looking for one that allows zero crossings unless one has been approved in advance. Like every other legal immigrant prior. And let me tell you, my profession is filled with legal immigrants. And legal immigrants do a fantastic job. I guarantee you that not one foreign medical graduate, who now practice in the United States, crossed the border illegally. All these new immigrants have to do is do it right. And I’m for increasing legal crossings. Increasing quotas etc.
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BLM riots - how many billions of property damage took place, dems had no concerns with these riots

Foreign policy - how many billions have we sent to Ukraine…Russia attacked because The Big Guy is weak and won’t do anything.

Student loan forgiveness - illegally doing this, and somebody is always paying the bill.

Build better back/ better build back / build something act - The big guy doesn’t even know the name of the act…where does those trillions go?

I can go on…how much time do u have
"The big guy is weak". You are obviously talking about Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser. You know... Putin's love buddy and lapdog. You know... "go ahead and attack another country, id encourage him to do it"... Trump.
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What? The streets are filled with these fools and none of them are working at these millions of unskilled jobs you insinuate are there for the taking?
Because they cant get work permits, you dumbphuque!
Once here, let’em work and move on…..shitsmoritz…..there are jobs to be had… YOU don’t want….what is your damn problem Here….other than being really dumb, really obtuse and anti-immigrant?
Because they cant get work permits, you dumbphuque!
Once here, let’em work and move on…..shitsmoritz…..there are jobs to be had… YOU don’t want….what is your damn problem Here….other than being really dumb, really obtuse and anti-immigrant?
LOL at you, you silly SOB! When the the wind shifts, you'll be telling me they're only here because rich, evil, Republicans lure them in and work them for $1 and hour! 🤡 Do you ever tire of making yourself look like a complete asshole here?
Which farmers do you know doing this and be specific?
Ever farmed for a living?
All of the ones I know. I grew up in a very large farming community and worked on a hog farm. They all get their freebies, take advantage of every tax loophole they can find, but throw a temper tantrum at the idea of someone else getting something free. I don’t know what else to tell you. This is in addition to mostly being handed, HANDED FOR FREE millions of dollars worth of farm ground and assets.
All of the ones I know. I grew up in a very large farming community and worked on a hog farm. They all get their freebies, take advantage of every tax loophole they can find, but throw a temper tantrum at the idea of someone else getting something free. I don’t know what else to tell you. This is in addition to mostly being handed, HANDED FOR FREE millions of dollars worth of farm ground and assets.
Having trouble with the word specific, eh? What laws have they broken? Do they not work and put capital at risk? Are they receiving EBT cards and welfare checks for doing nothing and providing nothing?
I was speaking hyperbole of you couldn’t tell. My point is farmers DO get more than their fair of freebies while simultaneously bitching about other people getting handouts. It’s ridiculous.

lol. Yeah, sure you were. For someone speaking hyperbole, you sure seemed to dig your heals in several more times. Just admit you were lying to try and get people riled up hoping no one would call you on your bull shit. I ****ing despise people that pull that nonsense.
lol. Yeah, sure you were. For someone speaking hyperbole, you sure seemed to dig your heals in several more times. Just admit you were lying to try and get people riled up hoping no one would call you on your bull shit. I ****ing despise people that pull that nonsense.
He's some farm kid who couldn't hack it and his old man ran him off.......
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lol. Yeah, sure you were. For someone speaking hyperbole, you sure seemed to dig your heals in several more times. Just admit you were lying to try and get people riled up hoping no one would call you on your bull shit. I ****ing despise people that pull that nonsense.
Bc I’ve seen this shit first hand and the fact that all of you ignore the notion is laughable. You can despise me for a made up reason, IDGAF honestly. I have nothing to prove to you.
Having trouble with the word specific, eh? What laws have they broken? Do they not work and put capital at risk? Are they receiving EBT cards and welfare checks for doing nothing and providing nothing?
Minimal financial risk to them, if any. EBT and welfare checks are still free money like they get. You must be one of those who got rich off the backs of your heritage and the government. It’s okay, I understand why you’d have your panties in a wad over it.
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Bc I’ve seen this shit first hand and the fact that all of you ignore the notion is laughable. You can despise me for a made up reason, IDGAF honestly. I have nothing to prove to you.
You just keep throwing shit against the wall with ZERO'll fit in well here with the sisters of marx!
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Minimal financial risk to them, if any. EBT and welfare checks are still free money like they get. You must be one of those who got rich off the backs of your heritage and the government. It’s okay, I understand why you’d have your panties in a wad over it.
How does one "get rich off the backs of their heritage?" I'm 1/2 Irish....the lowest dirt out there.........yet willing to work......
This is true, that’s a horrible look. I would have rather seen Johnson bring it to the floor for debate and transform it into something better. It had some really good things in it, but it had some holes too.
"Some holes?" 🤡 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🚓🚨🤡
How does one "get rich off the backs of their heritage?" I'm 1/2 Irish....the lowest dirt out there.........yet willing to work......
Should have said “family history” my bad. But you don’t deny it, so I guess semantics doesn’t really matter?
Bc I’ve seen this shit first hand and the fact that all of you ignore the notion is laughable. You can despise me for a made up reason, IDGAF honestly. I have nothing to prove to you.

The notion of what? You blatantly lying about farmers being the biggest welfare recipients on the planet? It flat out isn’t true.
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