Frans Technical cost us game again?

Absolutely stupid move on Fran's part. Yes it was a bad call and the officials sucked as usual, but I'm tired of Fran's tantrums costing us games. We were down 2 with a minute left. You think we could have used those 4 points then???
Originally posted by Oculi Buteo:
Absolutely stupid move on Fran's part. Yes it was a bad call and the officials sucked as usual, but I'm tired of Fran's tantrums costing us games. We were down 2 with a minute left. You think we could have used those 4 points then???

What other games has Iowa lost due to Fran's tantrums. He only has 1 technical this year and Iowa won that game easily. Iowa lost this game because of horrendous shooting and terrible 2nd half defense. The timing of the tech was poor and probably not worth it but Iowa still had a chance to win. You aren't going to win shooting 27% from the floor.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Fran has a short fuse but the T was more then likely the end result of him letting the stripes know his opinion of the game they were calling every time they ran by the bench. They were as pitiful as the HAWKS were. Didn't play well enough to win and the same mistakes they've made all year long that cost them games continue to snatch defeat away from victory. Go figure.

This post was edited on 3/13 7:24 AM by gotaloadon
Originally posted by doughudd:
Pretty stupid to shoot 26% must be worst of the year
Stupid is what you just wrote. I guess our players decided they'd shoot 26%, so that doughead could call them stupid.
anyone who thought that T cost us the game is plain stupid!
26% people!!
That doesn't win in high school, let alone D1 basketball. Get a grip! Dfense took the second half off also..
Those two things equal loss....erase and look forward to next week

This post was edited on 3/13 8:21 AM by the24fan
Whether or not Fran's antics deserved a technical, the double standard for B1G coaches is absolutely ridiculous. If Fran deserves a technical there then Groce should've been ejected in the Iowa v Illinois game. If officials treat all the coaches equally and they are consistent with what is deserving of a technical then I don't have a problem with Fran getting a T there.
Hey you think Izzo or Bo Ryan would have gotten a tech acting like that? I have seen Izzo throw his hands up and scream at the reff running by and no T. With the two outside refs working the game one of them should have seen the ball bouncing on the rim and grabbed off of it. It was a two point game which would have tied it and Newbil wouldn't have a chance to shoot 2 freethrows and get his shot back after struggling. The rest is history. Sure we played ugly but you win ugly too and who knows what could of happened with out the Technical...
Originally posted by rillo 62:

After watching it again,i agree it wasn't goaltending. As far as the T, Fran shook his fist stalked the official down the sideline well outside the coaches box,all the while screaming something at him for a call he got right? Seems to me the Technical was more then justified.
Agreed. I thought he bottom of the ball was below the rim when the PSU player touched it, therefore no goaltending. Fran got the T that he deserved. Whether all other coaches would have got the same T is debatable, but Fran has earned his reputation with the officials so he should know better than anyone that he will always be on a short string.
The announcers saying that Fran's Ts usually fire up the tea was way off base, though. I can't remember a time that worked out that way. Seems they've usually been in close games where at the end every point mattered. Kind of like how the kicker we had after Kaeding had a really high percentage of made FGs, and I don't remember him missing a clutch late game FG, but it seemed whenever he missed one during the course of a game it always came back to haunt us.
Originally posted by El Simbolo:
The announcers saying that Fran's Ts usually fire up the tea was way off base, though. I can't remember a time that worked out that way. Seems they've usually been in close games where at the end every point mattered. Kind of like how the kicker we had after Kaeding had a really high percentage of made FGs, and I don't remember him missing a clutch late game FG, but it seemed whenever he missed one during the course of a game it always came back to haunt us.
x100. The tech yesterday did not help the team and I can't remember the last time it has. Just doesn't get them fired up.
Not really. The refs screwed us, and that planted to seed to be sure error on the side of being right... The $hitty play by the team is what cost us... Like a buddy of mine said, hopefully this got the bad loss out of the way.
Beilein just got a technical at the end of the Wisky-UM game because the officials did not call goaltending. It seemed like a ridiculous T on a coach who is one of the more mild-mannered great coaches anywhere. Apparently, someone hit the backboard when during a shot was around the rim, and he wanted goaltending.

Our favorite a$$hole, Dakich, says something like "if they are going to call that on Coach Beilein, then they should be calling technicals on coaches like Fran Mc all of the time." Someone really should do something to control the slanderous shit that sometimes flows out of Dakich's mouth.
Originally posted by HoustonREDHawk:

"Someone really should do something to control the slanderous shit that sometimes flows out of Dakich's mouth."
Is it Dakich's mouth or Fran's mouth that needs correcting?

Just wondering.
Originally posted by Floyd_Of_Rosedale:

Originally posted by HoustonREDHawk:

"Someone really should do something to control the slanderous shit that sometimes flows out of Dakich's mouth."
Is it Dakich's mouth or Fran's mouth that needs correcting?

Just wondering.
Fran seems to have a temper, but why would Dakich single out him, when there are several much better examples of coaches who should constantly get technical calls in the B1G? Watch MSU when it is not winning easily and tell me why Izzo almost never gets a T. OK, if you said he has earned respect, then why would Groce be able to berate officials almost non-stop? Fran seems to keep it bottled up most of the time, which is more than I can say for some others.
I think some of the refs are still treating Fran like a 'new guy' in the league. I would be willing to bet if Fran is still here 8 or 9 years from now other fans will be bitching about how much he gets away with.
Originally posted by LifelongHawk:

Originally posted by stillh8unlv:

Originally posted by LifelongHawk:

I'm not as certain as y'all seem to be that it was such a bad call. Haven't, and won't, take the time to review footage frame by frame, but on first view I don't think the shot still had a chance to go in.

In order to be goaltending, the ball must be above the rim. What may have happened is that the ball was already missed and coming off below the rim. The PSU guy's momentum grabbing it took it back up onto the rim. Obviously if he had originally touched the ball in the spot he took it too, goaltend, but when he first contacted the ball it might have already been a missed shot.

Still hate that Fran thinks when he is mad a tantrum is the way to go; that T was costly. Some seem calculated, but that was just a tantrum.
That shot had absolutely no chance of going it - buuuuut, the ball was still contacting the rim when the PSU guy palmed it. Blatant goal tending that 99.99999% of the time would be and should be called.
Here's the applicable part of the rule:

Section I-A Player Shall Not:
a. Touch the ball or the basket ring when the ball is using the basket ring as its lower base.
EXCEPTION: If a player near his own basket has his hand legally in contact with the ball, it is not a violation if his contact with the ball continues after the ball enters the cylinder, or if, in such action, he touches the basket.
b. Touch the ball when it is above the basket ring and within the imaginary cylinder.
c. For goaltending to occur, the ball, in the judgment of the official, must have a chance to score.

I saw a missed shot with no chance of going in and probably also below the rim. Under c, not a goaltend when he contacted the ball. The exception then applies to him carrying/pushing the ball back up on the rim. So, no goaltend.
The exception only applies for the offensive player. But in any event, I don't think you need the exception. In watching the game live, I thought it was an obvious goaltend. In looking at it again, it looks like the ball was halfway down even with the rim (not above it), and also had no chance of going in, so c. applies. Either way, it was not obvious, and I have to agree a coach should keep his cool in those situations and save the two free throws.
Originally posted by Guidotheguide:
I think some of the refs are still treating Fran like a 'new guy' in the league. I would be willing to bet if Fran is still here 8 or 9 years from now other fans will be bitching about how much he gets away with.
I'm pretty sure there is no conspiracy by the officiating crews to target Fran.....but my opinion is speculation.
Dakich on Coach Mccaffery's Tech:

"We saw that yesterday in the Iowa game. Coach got T'ed up. Team fell apart after that"
Originally posted by hawkeye ball:
Dakich on Coach Mccaffery's Tech:

"We saw that yesterday in the Iowa game. Coach got T'ed up. Team fell apart after that"
This is what's known as "after the fact bullshit".

Somebody go ahead and post some historical figures of won/loss records in games with Coaches who got T'd up? Then tell me how that really equates in a game that may end up with a total of 120-150 points scored?

How about trying this one out. Was there any other points in the game where 4 easy points were completely pissed down our leg? Check. Were there a couple or many missed layups anywhere along the line? Check. Were there at least a couple of wide open shots missed? Check. Were there ridiculously bad turnovers that resulted in loss of possession that MAY have been converted into points? Check.

A technical foul on a Coach or a Player in a game is one point in time that factors into the overall game. That's it and that's all. There are about 20 other places to look when losing a game that come FAR AND AWAY above or equal to the "devastation" caused by a T.

Now in Dickitch's case, he clearly has an axe to grind with Fran, to that I say good, it makes him look like a bigger piece of shit than he already is, IMO. Dickitch probably wouldn't have done it in Fran's case had Iowa won the game, but MANY a Basketball Broadcaster would be THE FIRST to point out how much Coach X's Team and the T he got awarded "fired up his players and led them to victory"! LOL!

In other words, IF your team wins, it's because The Coach got T'd up. IF you lose, it's because The Coach got T'd up. Simple, simple stuff. Straight from Cliche 101.
Originally posted by hawkeye ball:
Dakich on Coach Mccaffery's Tech:

"We saw that yesterday in the Iowa game. Coach got T'ed up. Team fell apart after that"
This was Dakich's second comment about Fran's T that I heard. I had a bigger problem with his first comment, which suggested that Fran constantly is on the officials and deserves to be T'ed up all of the time. Fran is probably somewhere in the middle of the league in terms of yelling at officials, but Dakich wants to single him out for some reason. The technical definitely hurt our chances to win against PSU, because it came so late in the game and it created a margin that we couldn't make up.
"For some reason", Houston?

I don't think Dan liked Fran pointing out he was NOT a B1G head coach