****Fulton County indictment watch thread****UPDATE Trump and 18 individuals indicted, Trump has been arrested. Powell, Chesebro & Ellis plead guilty

Now... @hawkbirch .... Correct me if I'm wrong here, but if someone like @Whiskeydeltadeltatango heads down to Fulton County and confronts the members of the GJ and convinces them to "change their vote", we get a mistrial...

Right? 😉
Pretty much but how would I know? I went to law school but there is surely some moran on the internet that knows more.
I'm happy with the indictments......but I really could have went without HRC tonight. She needs to stear clear of this completely. Don't feed the MAGATS


Keep whacking the hive here.
Rip the band-aid off, and start throwing them in cages as they fly out to commit more crimes.
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If he called farmer JoeBob to find some votes at his pig farm in rural Georgia, whisky might have a case, but he didn’t, he called the capital. Whiskey just needs to take the L and move on.

But he CAN'T just "take the L" and move on.

He HAS TO BE the MAGA who finds the hole in the Prosecution's case here, so he can text that off to Trump and be the MAGA Who Saved MAGAville!!!!
But he CAN'T just "take the L" and move on.

He HAS TO BE the MAGA who finds the hole in the Prosecution's case here, so he can text that off to Trump and be the MAGA Who Saved MAGAville!!!!
Did you physically pound your keyboard/phone when typing this?

I'm not finding a hole in shit dipshit, I'm telling you how, or more accurately was engaging in a bet, for how I think this is going to go.

Those 11800 votes Trump needed to find, were at a state level.
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while this is fun to watch, the sad thought continues that he has proven he literally can murder someone in front of every one of his voters and still not lose one vote is ****ing pathetic. Seriously, you are clueless morons that deserve to lose the right to reproduce.

How the **** can he still run, let alone be leading the Republican candidacy.
while this is fun to watch, the sad thought continues that he has proven he literally can murder someone in front of every one of his voters and still not lose one vote is ****ing pathetic. Seriously, you are clueless morons that deserve to lose the right to reproduce.

How the **** can he still run, let alone be leading the Republican candidacy.
Two camps. The brand loyal Republicans like Goldmom who know they keep voting for a POS, but can't break from their favorite brand. Then you have the types who not only think Trump should be able to shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue because he is Jesus
Did you physically pound your keyboard/phone when typing this?

I'm not finding a hole in shit dipshit, I'm telling you how, or more accurately was engaging in a bet, for how I think this is going to go.

Those 11800 votes Trump needed to find, were at a state level.
Reminds me of the Iowa State boards years ago. (maybe still) Iowa would win 24-7, but some ISU fans were just convinced that they were the much better team and would win the big 12 north.
Holy shit I'll spell it out.

They are going to point at prejudices, such as this example, and the trial itself will be declared a mistrial at this point would be a mistrial because the grand jury was prejudiced. And that any jury selected from that area would be prejudiced. I think you are the only one saying the Grand Jury was a mistrial.
Exactly how would they be prejudiced? I’ll eat some popcorn while I watch these gymnastics. The supposed leak occurred while they are in the grand jury.
Those of you that disagree with me on Hillary, so be it and I respect your opinions.

However, at some point we need to bring this country back to normalcy. HRC's career is over. However MAGATs hate her with a passion.

Her getting involved only potentially taints a guilty verdict(s). I hate Trump and his supporters and I think most of them are a lost cause. There is nothing to gain by her influence, and a lot more hatred to be spun up. IMHO
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Those of you that disagree with me on Hillary, so be it and I respect your opinions.

However, at some point we need to bring this country back to normalcy. HRC's career is over. However MAGATs hate her with a passion.

Her getting involved only potentially taints a guilty verdict(s). I hate Trump and his supporters and I think most of them are a lost cause. There is nothing to gain by her influence, and a lot more hatred to be spun up. IMHO
She was just on Maddow tonight as previously planned not knowing this would be breaking . A delicious coincidence and she would have been a great President. 2016 was a colossal failure.
Did you physically pound your keyboard/phone when typing this?

I'm not finding a hole in shit dipshit, I'm telling you how, or more accurately was engaging in a bet, for how I think this is going to go.

Those 11800 votes Trump needed to find, were at a state level.

The State Capital is in Atlanta, Here Is proof

So when criminal activity went on in regard to trying to illegally get Georgia to “find” votes he was talking to people that worked at the Capital in Atlanta.

Picture in your mind that this happened in Iowa, The State Government is in Des Moines, Here is proof,


So if we draw a parallel between Iowa and Georgia it would seem that both states run their Government through the Capital, You seem to feel the Government should be run from oh I don’t know Knoxville or Decorah?
She was just on Maddow tonight as previously planned not knowing this would be breaking . A delicious coincidence and she would have been a great President. 2016 was a colossal failure.
She was just on Maddow tonight as previously planned not knowing this would be breaking . A delicious coincidence and she would have been a great President. 2016 was a colossal failure.

I don't think she would have been able to get much done. Obstructionist GOP would have fought tooth and nail.

I'm sorry, but even to left leaning independents she is like scratching a chalkboard. I don't care for her. However, she obviously was a better option than Heir Trump
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It was a state wide election. Those "11800" votes were not in Atlanta
I fear I may be getting trolled, but it's the situs of the allegedly criminal conduct that determines venue, not the "location" of the votes they were after. The unsealed indictments will show more, but what is known publicly now is that the pressure was put on Fulton County officials and on the secretary of state, an officer of the state government that is headquartered in Atlanta. If operate an online criminal conspiracy from my home computer that deals with goods all over the state, venue is proper where I live and do the crime, not any random county where the goods may have been located.
Holy shit I'll spell it out.

They are going to point at prejudices, such as this example, and the trial itself will be declared a mistrial at this point would be a mistrial because the grand jury was prejudiced. And that any jury selected from that area would be prejudiced. I think you are the only one saying the Grand Jury was a mistrial.

Holy shit, you’re impressively stupid.
Exactly how would they be prejudiced? I’ll eat some popcorn while I watch these gymnastics. The supposed leak occurred while they are
The difference in your comparison is the voting demographics of the state and atlanta/DM.

Whiskey is scanning thru Truth Social posts like mad right now, to find the "holes" in the case here.

And why Fulton County is just "what the Dems picked" for indictments.....
That's a hell of a narrative.

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