****Fulton County indictment watch thread****UPDATE Trump and 18 individuals indicted, Trump has been arrested. Powell, Chesebro & Ellis plead guilty

Tom there shouldn't be a sigh at all, the FBI said she did something wrong, but they felt it wasn't enough to bring charges, 6 years later you can see why it appears to be a double standard and people are pissed. Just acknowledge that for once will ya. and no I am not defending Trump, the best thing he can do is drop out. When Comey dropped that bombshell it probably cost her the election. So yea if she wouldn't have gotten in trouble with the FBI she would probably be president
NOOOOOOOOO!! There was “potential” violations. There is nothing close that Hillary may have done that’s in the same goddamn vicinity of all the shit Trump has done. Jesus Christ. You are right about Comey. What he did cost Hillary the election and put us into the mess we’re in now. Not to mention all the Republicans in leadership who STILL support a criminal who never should have been near the White House.

These clowns continue to lie because they’re cowards and afraid of a cult leader and conman. They could have dumped him 4 years ago. Your party is full of chickenshits.
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Tom there shouldn't be a sigh at all, the FBI said she did something wrong, but they felt it wasn't enough to bring charges, 6 years later you can see why it appears to be a double standard and people are pissed. Just acknowledge that for once will ya. and no I am not defending Trump, the best thing he can do is drop out. When Comey dropped that bombshell it probably cost her the election. So yea if she wouldn't have gotten in trouble with the FBI she would probably be president
Oh for FFS. How effing dare you people. There is nothing close to a double standard here. There was no criminal offense. Hillary committed the sin of not using best information security practices, a sin you could accuse pretty much all of Washington, specific examples include Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Jared Kushner.
Holy shit.

Again I find myself going in circles because everytime I engage with any of you 12 ****ing lemmings jump in.

Joe asked me what the significance of Fulton was, specific to it be "democrats", fulton county in a dem strong hold. When the next person jumped in it was "did it have to be there" it did not. The law was even provided which clearly says it did not.
IDK man, that statue pretty unambiguously states that venue "shall" be in the county where the crime was committed, unless another law provides otherwise. I ain't reading the rest of the Georgia code to find out if another statute might apply, but I'm not following your argument. A good test will be if the lawyers challenge venue as improper per se because that's not where the alleged crimes occurred vs. we want another venue because we don't think Fulton County will be fair.
So, I'm reading all the official stuff of the who's and what's from this - and what comes to mind is the ending scene from "All The President's Men" where the teletype is furiously tapping away all the highlights of the investigation, the convictions etc.

At some point, this "story" is going to be fully written. True, the medium will be different and we don't know the ending of the story yet - but something tells me something similar is going to happen here eventually.

We are getting some laughs at these people in Georgia trying to set up the stage for Willis. Clustermess.
You mean the one that clearly has an exception clause?


You asked WHT I linked it to dems. Fulton is a dem stronghold. You, of course, disappeared and let the other dipshits muddy the water.
Except where otherwise provided by LAW, not someone's feelings. Cite a specific provision that supersedes the general venue statute and you may have a point.
All these sam the butcher and Alice are making me hungry for meat and oh yeah kaitlan give me a call honey.

Im going to be up a while watching this.. I planned on taking a nap before World Cup game. Now, I think I'm going to put in a Chicago Style pizza around 1:00. I don't have jack shit to do tomorrow, so I'm going to enjoy this evening.

No pardons. No fed influence. He can get elected and still rot in jail.
Im going to be up a while watching this.. I planned on taking a nap before World Cup game. Now, I think I'm going to put in a Chicago Style pizza around 1:00. I don't have jack shit to do tomorrow, so I'm going to enjoy this evening.

No pardons. No fed influence. He can get elected and still rot in jail.
Looking forward to the press conference! Msnbc with fantastic coverage.
Im going to be up a while watching this.. I planned on taking a nap before World Cup game. Now, I think I'm going to put in a Chicago Style pizza around 1:00. I don't have jack shit to do tomorrow, so I'm going to enjoy this evening.

No pardons. No fed influence. He can get elected and still rot in jail.
Just set dvr for the game. Thanks!
@Whiskeydeltadeltatango I've made venue argument on dozens of cases. You are wrong here. Please just move on to your next argument. It really is pretty simple. You are either obfuscating or are just plain stupid. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and hope it is the former. Either way, you are beating a drum that makes no noise.

He Is Plain Stupid.

And Blinded By Loyalty For His Idol