Gold for the dude over the girl.

Because no one uses the word hermaphrodite. Plus I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s. Remember the snl skit with Pat? Should I call it Pat instead?
Does that hurt your feelings too?
Do you realize that kids today still say the same type of things we grew up saying only they have to use different words now?
Instead of calling someone a retard they say that kids acoustic. A play on someone being alone and it sounds similar to autistic.

Everyone on this board is an asshole. It’s just you find myself and other republicans as assholes. The republicans see you as an asshole. Neither agree on topics so the other is an asshole. The ones that try to reason and see both sides are the both sides assholes.
I don’t find other Republicans here assholes. I may disagree but they’re not assholes.

You are special. An asshole and also not very smart.
I don’t find other Republicans here assholes. I may disagree but they’re not assholes.

You are special. An asshole and also not very smart.
Kamala Harris GIF by PBS News

Also I’m the asshole but yet you are the guy that starts a thread bitching about his family being trump supporters. Get a life dude. I’m sure you tell them how much smarter you are all the time.
It's pretty easy to research this on your own, and any political scientist will agree with me. When Democrats voted for civil rights, southern white racists became Republicans. Wikipedia spells it out pretty succinctly.

“Many scholars have stated that southern whites shifted to the Republican Party after a civil rights culture change and accepted”. So liberal mafia, know as universities said so. Cool Jan.
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Because no one uses the word hermaphrodite. Plus I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s. Remember the snl skit with Pat? Should I call it Pat instead?
Does that hurt your feelings too?
Do you realize that kids today still say the same type of things we grew up saying only they have to use different words now?
Instead of calling someone a retard they say that kids acoustic. A play on someone being alone and it sounds similar to autistic.

Everyone on this board is an asshole. It’s just you find myself and other republicans as assholes. The republicans see you as an asshole. Neither agree on topics so the other is an asshole. The ones that try to reason and see both sides are the both sides assholes.
Doesn't hurt my feelings at all. That sketch was humorous, but you know what in the 80's and 90's doctor would have done a physical and labeled her as a female. End of story and done.
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Doesn't hurt my feelings at all. That sketch was humorous, but you know what in the 80's and 90's doctor would have done a physical and labeled her as a female. End of story and done.
And in the 80’s and 90’s a person born a male wouldn’t be participating in woman’s sports.
Doesn’t hurt my feelings either. I’ll never be a woman competing against men. I’ll also never be in the Olympics competing against someone with a competitive advantage.
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And in the 80’s and 90’s a person born a male wouldn’t be participating in woman’s sports.
Doesn’t hurt my feelings either. I’ll never be a woman competing against men. I’ll also never be in the Olympics competing against someone with a competitive advantage.
Fine. But in this case, she is a female. So what are you arguing?
Josh Shapiro uses an opinion piece that used 8 articles from 2017 to claim as fact to say there's no advantage.

That's what everybody says until they get punched in the face. Step in the ring Josh.

Joe Biden’s First Day Began the End of Girls’ Sports​

An executive order rigs competition by requiring that biological boys be allowed to compete against girls.​

Well actually she’s a hermaphrodite. I’m over it in this case though but you know there are plenty of other cases and Biden and Kamala support it
She doesn't though idiot.

an animal or plant having both male and female reproductive organs, structures, or tissue

Only female reproductive organs and structures.

Edit: Just saw IAFB2021 laughed at this, is he really so dumb that he puts out a term, that is clearly not factual, is shown it is not factual then laughs at it? Is this the evolution of the republican party? The lowest common denominator. Yet they think they can win. Wow.
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Well actually she’s a hermaphrodite. I’m over it in this case though but you know there are plenty of other cases and Biden and Kamala support it
Do human hermaphrodites exist?

Hermaphrodites don't exist. That is an outdated term implying that a person is both fully male and fully female, which isn't biologically possible. In fact, many people who are intersex consider that term derogatory and stigmatizing. Intersex and being intersex are the correct terms.
Do human hermaphrodites exist?

Hermaphrodites don't exist. That is an outdated term implying that a person is both fully male and fully female, which isn't biologically possible. In fact, many people who are intersex consider that term derogatory and stigmatizing. Intersex and being intersex are the correct terms.
^This guy orders soy lattes.
Much like if you’re a racist you are likely Republican. If you support men playing women’s sports you’re likely a Democrat. However. I’d be the numbers are what people like you think they are.
Basically just Huey on this board supporting this crap.
First, it's not confirmed that she was born male; there's a lot of speculation, but no definitive evidence. Second, I don't think most liberals support the idea that men who have transitioned to women should be allowed to compete in sports like boxing against cisgender women. Maybe I'm in the minority among liberals with this viewpoint, but based on my conversations with other liberals, I don't think I am.
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No, it was a dude with x y chromosomes and enough testosterone to get a boner.

There was no debate about sex vs identity this is purely sex and sexually, that person has an xy.

Side question, are they sterile?
She was born with a uterus and a vagina. If I had to guess and bothered to look, you probably used those items as prerequisites for being a woman in the past.

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