happy pride day homos

The human race originated from mutations of apes who had sex and reproduced. Or are you one who believes humans were created from dirt?
When Atheists get to Heaven.

Well, FVCK!
Angry Season 3 GIF by Parks and Recreation
I am more familiar with the line of make sure to thank a straight person for making your existence possible during your pride month.
WTF does this even mean? Is it supposed to be some kind of "gotcha" to the LGBT community, trolling them because they can't biologically reproduce with their partner? Pretty damn weak and extremely bigoted.

FTR, I don't know of a single member of the LBGT community that despises heterosexuality, most of them share very strong love with their parents, and almost all of them are terrific human beings that don't spew hate in the least. You need to grow up and educate yourself.
WTF does this even mean? Is it supposed to be some kind of "gotcha" to the LGBT community, trolling them because they can't biologically reproduce with their partner? Pretty damn weak and extremely bigoted.

FTR, I don't know of a single member of the LBGT community that despises heterosexuality, most of them share very strong love with their parents, and almost all of them are terrific human beings that don't spew hate in the least. You need to grow up and educate yourself.
It’s a joke. Nothing more.
Looks like you didn’t read through the thread from yesterday that got locked. Huey sure doesn’t like heterosexual people.