Hawkeye pbp

Escape DJD with 15 to go ....fu#$
Clark in on single but time runs out.
DJD takes neutral. riding time.
Ryan Taylor does not look like a kid with a losing record today. Surprised he handled Conway.
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Clark with a TD...god it's ugly working out of JDJ's "offensive tie". Clark has a wing in, JDJ based up though....we're just sitting out there cranking on it....end...... 7-3 Clark.
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I'm at the little tourney now, can't stream here. Thanks for the updates. JDJ is a problem child. Pretty sure Zane R. would grind Nerf into little chips.
Unless Thorn pulls something out of his @ss it will be Grothus vs Thorn. I would have preferred Sabatello
BS vs. Burcher (fOSU)

I missed the 1st minute but no score.
BS in on single and gets it 2-0.
BS down, gets the escape 5-1, single 7-1.
(Guilbon just beat Jordan )
Escape, BS with another TD. 9-2....40 seconds left, BS has him on his belly, pulling near wrist out, hammerlock on the back and time runs out as he's cradled up almost.
fOSU takes neutral. BS still going forward. Warning on OSU for stalling, BS in on a shot, trying to come through the back, gets there and has the TD. 11-2
Back to the near wrist, hammerlock....time runs out....12-2 BS.
Coop vs. Ryan (fOSU)...Coop with a quick shot but nothing. Some good action but no points. a lot of handfighting. Coop with a double on the edge, Ryan almost turns it into a cradle on the edge, OOB.
1 minute left.
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Coop going heavy on the colar, Ryan not doing a lot really. 15 left.
0-0 going to the 2nd.
Ryan goes down. Caution Cooper for false start.
Spiral by Coop but Ryan is getting to his feet....OOB
Heavy spiral again, almost catches him in a suckback. Still spiral, Ryan to his feet, now we get hit for stalling on top. 1"12 left
Hanging on the spiral, Ryan rolls through, both guys are just doing nothing, we ride him OOB again. 30 left
Each guy gets a caution...that's 2 for us, spiral, Ryan to his feet, we cut him loose....1-0...OOB...on restart we get in deep but time runs out.
0-1 start of 3rd...we go down.
Coop is out and goes back in for a single, defended, underneath in a FHL....SM.
1-1 we have 1:44 in RT
30 left...just handfighting, now we're in a FHL....ryan quickly out from underneath....trying to get the sumo point hard....nothing.....Coop wins on riding time....2-1
PR vs. Isaac Jordan
Gives up a TD a minute in. 0-2
Earns an escape....1-2
PR in on a single, defended for the go behind TD. 1-4
end of period.....Jordan goes down.
Escape IJ 1-5
IJ in on a HC for the TD 1-7
Escape 2-7
IJ drops in on another head on outside single and gets it. 2-9
End of 2.....over 2 minutes of RT
PR goes down. Escape 3-9
PR in on a HC deep, trying to limp arm out....blood time...nothing.
Isiah Martinez appears to have been in a match with Berger from Neb....14-11
PR back in on HC, gets rolled through and gives up the TD. 3-11, 45 left.
IJ catches us in a nearside cradle on our standup and sticks us.
Meyer vs. Wanzek (MN)

1:30 in and first real attempt almost got Meyer a single but nothing. Meyer working a little more now. :45 to go, head to inside single, comes to the feet. runs the pipe, sits him to his but and gets the TD. 15 seconds to go and we ride him out. 2-0 to the 2nd.
Meyer goes down.
Escape and a locked hands on MN so it's 4-0.
Meyer another head on inside single to the right side and gets it. 6-0 , minute left.
Double thigh pry to spiral , kid gets to his feet and we hit a tilt from the feet and get 2 NF. 8-0