There is absolutely nothing in the desmoines register article that supports your ludicrous rant. KF's recruiting 'system' worked well for a while, but they have seen that 'some' changes needed to be made and are working diligently to improve it. There is no magic formula, or 'manual' to it, you have to find a system that works for your particular institute and situation. And, as I and others have shown on numerous occasion, attrition has hurt the program more (starting with the rhabdo event, that was caused by these dangerous energy drinks) than 'lack' of recruiting or 'hustling' (whatever that means?)...Say what you will about wins and losses, but when it comes to putting in EFFORT in recruiting, Kirk Ferentz lags behind almost every other coach in the midwest. While lowly ISU coaches, who make a fraction of Ferentz's staff, and have nothing to sell to recruits other than hope and prayers, are out busting their A$$ses in California, Texas, and Florida begging, borrowing, and stealing to get athletes to at least visit Lames, Kirk and Brian are phoning it in and settling for kids from Cedar Rapids and Solon. Pretty sad, but the recruiting spending numbers from the Des Moines register don't lie.
If we want to compete with the big boys, we need to pull recruits from talent rich states like the rest of the Big 10 does.
If anyone has any ideas on improving retention of recruits it would be much better time spent that these ignorant posts.