Highly Rated Movies That You Think Are Overrated

Nah you’re good. Avengers Endgame is sitting at an 8.4 on IMDB and ranked #78 in the top 250.

It’s also a 3 hour snooze fest and not very good imo.

Captain America: Winter Soldier/Doctor Strange was the apex mountain for the Marvel movies. They‘ve steadily gone downhill since.
lol, Endgame is a fvcking masterpiece. GTFO noob.
Casablanca never resonated with me though I love the cast.
I wouldn’t call it one of the all-time best movies but it was outstanding, especially for its time. There are a handful of scenes that I could watch over and over. My favorite was when the young Bulgarian bride came to Rick for advice. When she asks Rick if Capt Renault will keep his word, the look of pure contempt on Rick’s face as he said “he always has” was perfection.

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Going to trigger some people, but There Will Be Blood, while I can appreciate some aspects of it, isn’t even in Paul Thomas Anderson’s OR Daniel Day Lewis’ top 3. I just didn’t care, and Paul Dano was miscast, imo
The Big Lebowski

I will try not to take this personally, but
jeff bridges opinion GIF
I was thinking of the Big Lebowski as well. I just didn't get it.
Mad Max Fury Road
After JarJar Binks, I haven't watched a new Star Wars since (so all of the new ones basically)
V for Vendetta
For Lebowski, just let the absurdity wash over you and let go of anything making sense. Pretty enjoyable after that. That said, I couldn't get into Mad Max, so maybe I need to take my own advice.
For Lebowski, just let the absurdity wash over you and let go of anything making sense. Pretty enjoyable after that. That said, I couldn't get into Mad Max, so maybe I need to take my own advice.

Maybe I should eat a gummy and watch BL, see if I get it.
Perhaps you can drink a glass of human milk and get a sunburn to watch?

You first!

I've watched Fury Road twice now and it just is meh. We talked about it in another thread, I just don't get the hype.
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I was thinking of the Big Lebowski as well. I just didn't get it.
Mad Max Fury Road
After JarJar Binks, I haven't watched a new Star Wars since (so all of the new ones basically)
V for Vendetta
It’s the movie that kicked off Imogen Poots’ career. She gets bonus points for dressing like a Ravenclaw student.
Maybe I should eat a gummy and watch BL, see if I get it.
Perhaps you can drink a glass of human milk and get a sunburn to watch?

You first!

I've watch Fury Road twice now and it just is meh. We talked about it in another thread, I just don't get the hype.
I dig your style, man. Let's have a couple white Russians sometime.

It's good knowing he's out there. The Dude. Takin' her easy for all us sinners.

I wanted to like it. I fell asleep when trying to watch any of the trilogy. Peter Jackson falls in love with his footage and won’t cut out scenes for the betterment of his films.

Oh, I was just shit posting to support you! I thought they were pretty good, not great. I also didn't feel obligated to watch them all so have missed at least one I think.
Titanic. My wife (no pics) made me watch it for the first time about a year ago. My comment at the end of the movie was

"I'd be pissed if I was Rose's husband about the fact when she was on her deathbed, she wasn't thinking of her husband she spent most of her life with. It was of some poor bastard she spent a few days with 80 years ago"

Wife didn't appreciate that comment
The Joker
Shape of Water
Fight Club

I just saw Maxxxine and consider it one of the worst movies in the theater. Well rated and people clapped.
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Nah you’re good. Avengers Endgame is sitting at an 8.4 on IMDB and ranked #78 in the top 250.

It’s also a 3 hour snooze fest and not very good imo.

Captain America: Winter Soldier/Doctor Strange was the apex mountain for the Marvel movies. They‘ve steadily gone downhill since.

Ehh but if you got a 100 people to list off their top 10 movies of all time would Avengers Endgame make the list very often??

Maybe I am wrong but I don't think the super hero movies have the staying power that some of these other titles have.

If they do then I agree.
lol, Endgame is a fvcking masterpiece. GTFO noob.
I’ll give critics of Endgame this much. - if it has a flaw, to me it’s that there’s many callbacks to the previous films that if you missed any of them you wouldn’t get.
Maybe I should eat a gummy and watch BL, see if I get it.
Perhaps you can drink a glass of human milk and get a sunburn to watch?

You first!

I've watched Fury Road twice now and it just is meh. We talked about it in another thread, I just don't get the hype.
Yeah, I’ve seen both fury road and furiosa. Both are well-made movies, liked them. Just don’t think they’re masterpieces.
The Joker
Shape of Water
Fight Club

I just saw Maxxxine and consider it one of the worst movies in the theater. Well rated and people clapped.
Joker I’d have liked a lot more had they not shoehorned the origins of Batman in there. Also, we’re supposed to then buy that Batman’s archenemy is ~20 years older than him?

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