Highly Rated Movies That You Think Are Overrated


The audacity to make this maudlin soap opera three hours long!

It seemed like this was highly-rated in its day, but it looks like its reputation has (rightfully) diminished.

This is going to really upset some people here.





And I can't really say that since I've never seen it. I fell asleep in the theater. Rented it several years later thinking it had to be better than that. Fell asleep again. And it wasn't just no-pic wife did the same. Both times.😴😴😴😴 To this day, we have no idea what that movie is about.
Since most seem to ignore the "highly rated" qualifier in the OP...I'll do the same.

Princess Bride. It's a weak attempt to be Monty Python-esque.
The Princess Bride Disney Plus GIF by Disney+

The audacity to make this maudlin soap opera three hours long!

It seemed like this was highly-rated in its day, but it looks like its reputation has (rightfully) diminished.
I think it’s a fun popcorn flick, but it definitely hasn’t aged well. I always liked Deep Impact more anyways.
Much like Elaine, I'll go with English Patient. The girl I was dating at the time came back from the rental store with 3 vhs tapes. I asked her what the three movies were? She said, oh it's just one movie called the English Patient. By the 2nd hour, I left and went to play with barn cats. I assumed she watched the rest of the garbage.

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