This is truly an incomplete picture. The Quran teaches their religion is to ultimately be a theocracy, and other religions can only be "tolerated" if they are fully subjugated and forced to pay the Jizya. And so-called "tolerance' means religions like Christianity can't preach to anybody but the camels. The proof is that there has not been, nor is there today, an Islamic controlled nation where I can preach to Muslims and start a church. Aaron Brooks would have a death sentence on him right now if he said this in in Saudia Arabia, Iran, Et al.
On the other hand, Christianity has zero commands to be a part of, let alone to be in control of, the government. The command is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. They are polar opposites in that regard. And any time that has happened in history it's been a gross abuse of the text.
However, this is a wrestling board and I'm not saying anything further. But I have practical experience in multiple Muslim nations and a lot more information on this topic from decades of examining it.