How fat is it where you live?

I wonder if any kind of mass is bad the older you get. You don’t see a lot of muscled up old people or obese people.
That reminds me of an old work buddy who played fullback/LB in D3 ball.
Shawn always said that big guys like him had limited days on this earth…
On the other hand, several friends were big guy/athletes who dropped pounds and are doing well years later.
I wonder if any kind of mass is bad the older you get. You don’t see a lot of muscled up old people or obese people.
Adipose tissue, especially visceral fat, is unquestionably harmful. Anabolic resistance is a real problem for aging seniors. There are effective strategies to counteract this problem.
I wonder if any kind of mass is bad the older you get. You don’t see a lot of muscled up old people or obese people.
Strength in your lower body is probably most critical for older people. If you can continue to move you will be healthier. If you have a hard time standing up your health may decline quickly. I do think being too muscular is a risk but to get to that level of muscle development it takes a ton of investment and isn't a realistic risk for the average dude. If you don't use gear you are probably not going to get to a size level that would have significant health risks.
Strength in your lower body is probably most critical for older people. If you can continue to move you will be healthier. If you have a hard time standing up your health may decline quickly. I do think being too muscular is a risk but to get to that level of muscle development it takes a ton of investment and isn't a realistic risk for the average dude. If you don't use gear you are probably not going to get to a size level that would have significant health risks.
What happens to the pumping iron guys that are huge in their old age. Do the drop a lot of that weight or does it turn to fat and is a detriment.

Be an interesting thing to study.
What happens to the pumping iron guys that are huge in their old age. Do the drop a lot of that weight or does it turn to fat and is a detriment.

Be an interesting thing to study.
This doesn't speak to muscle building but rather steroids but it is interesting from an intelligent guy that admits to using steroids.

eally enjoy his channel.
Much respect, dude. That’s a ton of work and unbelievable dedication - which is, I’m sure you’re aware - the absolute key to a desired outcome.

I got serious in 2002 when my dad died. Except for occasion breaks, I’ve been regularly lifting 3X/wk, about 75% compound exercises. Also completed more than a dozen marathons and a few ultramarathons along the way. Lost 37 ponds from my heaviest (212) and dropped a ton of body fat. Energy, mood, everything improved. I’m a lifer.
That’s awesome.

Even more awesome as I read it while sitting and eating my second piece of cold pizza. 😂
Interesting that we’ve (my daughter and I) seen very few overweight people this week over here in England and Ireland.
I think America has a processed food addiction and the culture promotes unhealthy diets.
And the UK is the fat country over there
Interesting that we’ve (my daughter and I) seen very few overweight people this week over here in England and Ireland.
I think America has a processed food addiction and the culture promotes unhealthy diets.
Overeating and too many Americans get far too little exercise. People elsewhere, including the UK/Ireland walk more
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such as pulp fiction GIF
I’m 200 pounds and 8 percent body fat at age 48.
And, you represent what percent of the population. At 66, I am 5’10” and 170. Don’t know my body fat %.
Luckily, I get to be very physical and active at work and play. In the next week or so I will help the neighbor in the hayfield.
Being big has benefits, but later in life it can be problematic.
No judgement, just realistic. One of my brothers is my size, two others are too heavy and having some issues.
Carrying more muscle mass later into life is a bonus, but spin it how’s you want
Overall Florida checks out, but Tampa Bay and Miami are probably in the 25% range. Miami definitely is. Would never live there, but there are beautiful people everywhere.
And by the governments definition I would be considered obese statistically. 5’11 265 lbs. Im probably 10-12% body fat. Cardio is not my strong suit lol.
Interesting that we’ve (my daughter and I) seen very few overweight people this week over here in England and Ireland.
I think America has a processed food addiction and the culture promotes unhealthy diets.

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It bewildering how much people believed fat turns into muscle literally. You'd think common sense would kick in.
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It bewildering how much people believed fat turns into muscle literally. You'd think common sense would kick in.
Or the, ask that weight lifting is high to ruin your joints…. Said by fat people in their 60s who were never in shape, and have two new knees and bad shoulders.
Would like to see original map by county. Obesity is one of those things where urban vs rural lifestyle makes a massive* difference.

*pun intended
My standard for obesity is looking at someone and saying “that dude/chick is fat.” The percentages reported are on par with my anecdotal experience.
I was going to say this. We can quibble about BMI and it probably isn't an ideal indicator but in general the trajectory follows what I see on an anecdotal basis day to day. There are WAY more fat people than when I was a kid in the 90s. That's for sure.
I was going to say this. We can quibble about BMI and it probably isn't an ideal indicator but in general the trajectory follows what I see on an anecdotal basis day to day. There are WAY more fat people than when I was a kid in the 90s. That's for sure.
Being fat was a status symbol back in the day related to gluttony.
Poor people could not afford to be fat. In this country now, poor people can almost not afford to not be fat.
I was going to say this. We can quibble about BMI and it probably isn't an ideal indicator but in general the trajectory follows what I see on an anecdotal basis day to day. There are WAY more fat people than when I was a kid in the 90s. That's for sure.
It's a decent population statistic but not a great individual statistic.
Probably already mentioned but in Iowa City area I’d consider it about 50/50 depending on where you are but the overall average kind of probably is not that great.
I didn’t read all 4 pages I only typed my opinion
And by the governments definition I would be considered obese statistically. 5’11 265 lbs. Im probably 10-12% body fat. Cardio is not my strong suit lol.
Have you actually gotten your body fat measured recently? Not trying to be a dick, but those stats are nearly impossible without gear for the overwhelming majority of humans.

10-12% body fat (meaning you are walking around with a visible six pack) at 5’11” and 265 pounds would put you in the top .0000000000000001% of humans on this planet.
Small Island somewhat close to Japan. Thankfully wife has dual citizenship.
Very cool. I find this fascinating and an attractive thing to consider. I mostly love living in the US, but we try to travel as often as we can, and seeing other ways of doing life is enlightening. Now we have young kids, so probably not going to happen for a while at least. Do you have the language down where you are?
You searching for 125lb wrestler for Iowa? I wanted our kids to wrestle if we ever moved back to Iowa, but they have zero chance to be close to lowest weights.
If you have one that can compete, sure! Sounds like Drake is moving up to 133, so we have a bit of an open question at 125.