How Our Democracy Is Rigged - in 56 Seconds

I always ask and never get a response. Give a detailed answer how the United States doesn't meet this definition:

  1. a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives

That's a good definition, but the OP states the presidency and the Senate are "anti-democratic" institutions. Why? He says the way we elect Presidents violates "one person, one vote" and the way we elect the Senate violates "one person, one vote." He has defined our democracy as a "direct democracy." So we aren't a democracy as OP defines it.

We are a democracy as defined in your quote - a representative democracy.

Representative democracy, political system in which citizens of a country or other political entity vote for representatives to handle legislation and otherwise rule that entity on their behalf. The elected representatives are in turn accountable to the electorate for their actions. As a form of democracy, representative democracy exists in contrast to direct democracy, in which all citizens directly vote on laws to be passed and other issues. Most modern countries are representative democracies . . .

Finally, the Supreme Court was intented to be anti-democratic so it could protect unpopular rights and unpopular people. OP bitching about an anti-democratic Supreme Court reminds me of the John Birch Society going after Earl Warren.
I would rather read the words of a man who foresaw the self destruction of America than listen to a partisan shill and his 60 second sound bite.

And whatever traditional American mores defined as good and bad, moral and immoral, base and praiseworthy, the sovereign has redefined and redefined until all such ideas have lost their meaning. Is it any wonder that today’s Americans feel that they have no say in how they are governed—or that they don’t understand how that came about?

Such oppression is “less degrading” in democracies because, since the citizens elect the sovereign, “each citizen, hobbled and reduced to impotence though he may be, can still imagine that in obeying he is only submitting to himself.” Moreover, democratic citizens love equality more than liberty, and the love of equality grows as equality itself expands. Don’t let him have or be more than me. “The only necessary condition for centralizing public power in a democratic society is to love equality or to make a show of loving it. Thus the science of despotism,” Tocqueville despairingly concluded, “can be reduced . . . to a single principle.”

That's a good definition, but the OP states the presidency and the Senate are "anti-democratic" institutions. Why? He says the way we elect Presidents violates "one person, one vote" and the way we elect the Senate violates "one person, one vote." He has defined our democracy as a "direct democracy." So we aren't a democracy as OP defines it.
Saying violations of "one person, one vote" are violations of democracy isn't the same as defining democracy as direct democracy.

When voting for Senators, where each state gets 2 Senators, the vote of a Vermonter carries much more weight than the vote of a Texan. When voting for Reps in the House, each voter's vote is more nearly equal.

The way we elect Reps is democratic - in the representative democracy sense of the definition you were responding to and agreed with - but is not direct democracy. The way we elect Senators is neither. The Electoral College makes election of the President non-democratic, as well, for a similar reason. And since the President and Senate alone pick Supreme Court Justices - cutting out the only democratic part of the other 2 branches - that's not democratic either.

Instead of abusing the understanding of words like "democracy" why don't just admit you don't like democracy, if that's the case. We'll disagree, but that's a position you're entitled to take if it's what you prefer.
That's a good definition, but the OP states the presidency and the Senate are "anti-democratic" institutions. Why? He says the way we elect Presidents violates "one person, one vote" and the way we elect the Senate violates "one person, one vote." He has defined our democracy as a "direct democracy." So we aren't a democracy as OP defines it.

We are a democracy as defined in your quote - a representative democracy.

Representative democracy, political system in which citizens of a country or other political entity vote for representatives to handle legislation and otherwise rule that entity on their behalf. The elected representatives are in turn accountable to the electorate for their actions. As a form of democracy, representative democracy exists in contrast to direct democracy, in which all citizens directly vote on laws to be passed and other issues. Most modern countries are representative democracies . . .

Finally, the Supreme Court was intented to be anti-democratic so it could protect unpopular rights and unpopular people. OP bitching about an anti-democratic Supreme Court reminds me of the John Birch Society going after Earl Warren.
The presidency is absolutely undemocratic in that it’s not a position elected by the people. Not even remotely. A state votes 50.1% to 49.9% for a candidate but those votes aren’t actually FOR their preferred candidate. They elect a group and that entire group represents the candidate who barely won the popular vote. Add to that that the tiny number of voters in Wyoming carry more weight then millions in another state and the presidency is about as undemocratic as it could be absent a coup.

But I am glad to see you abandon the stupidity that the US isn’t a democracy. It’s just not a complete democracy.
The presidency is absolutely undemocratic in that it’s not a position elected by the people. Not even remotely. A state votes 50.1% to 49.9% for a candidate but those votes aren’t actually FOR their preferred candidate. They elect a group and that entire group represents the candidate who barely won the popular vote. Add to that that the tiny number of voters in Wyoming carry more weight then millions in another state and the presidency is about as undemocratic as it could be absent a coup.

But I am glad to see you abandon the stupidity that the US isn’t a democracy. It’s just not a complete democracy.

All the roadblocks against direct democracy were INTENTIONAL.

The founders were rich men and they designed the government to protect them from the unwashed masses.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

― Alexander Fraser Tytler
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He didn’t vote for Trump twice and won’t do so a third time. You calling anyone an idiot is hysterical.
I’m not voting for either crotchety old mummy either.
Continuing to insist that I will only shows that you have nothing else on which to base your negativity towards me.
I’m not voting for either crotchety old mummy either.
Continuing to insist that I will only shows that you have nothing else on which to base your negativity towards me.
Voting twice for a narcissistic buffoon who proudly cheated on every wife he ever had and told you that you were so ****ing stupid that he could commit murder and not lose your vote is more than enough to justify all negativity. That you will absolutely do so again is just more shit icing on the cake.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

― Alexander Fraser Tytler
You gonna vote for Trump again in November?
100% youre voting for Trump again
Are you voting for Biden again?

That man wants to deny citizens the opportunity to pass on their wealth to their descendants. Some of us took risks and had failures and successes. We want to pass on our assets.
I fear it is coming where liberals will tax so much everything will have to be sold. Our present laws could be changed.

I am 71 and I have seen people just revel in others failures. Most do not want others to succeed.
Are you voting for Biden again?

That man wants to deny citizens the opportunity to pass on their wealth to their descendants. Some of us took risks and had failures and successes. We want to pass on our assets.
I fear it is coming where liberals will tax so much everything will have to be sold. Our present laws could be changed.

I am 71 and I have seen people just revel in others failures. Most do not want others to succeed.
Ofc I'm voting Biden again. And what world are you living in? Boomers aren't passing their wealth down.
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Will you please stop trotting this out you complete and utter MORON! I've called you on this over and over yet you never learn. Just ****ing stop already

The country was founded based on a protest over "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!"

And even then, only property-holding, white men were represented.

Because you know, no one else had anything that could be taxed.

No one ever envisioned our political system to be a "democracy".
Saying violations of "one person, one vote" are violations of democracy isn't the same as defining democracy as direct democracy.

When voting for Senators, where each state gets 2 Senators, the vote of a Vermonter carries much more weight than the vote of a Texan. When voting for Reps in the House, each voter's vote is more nearly equal.

The way we elect Reps is democratic - in the representative democracy sense of the definition you were responding to and agreed with - but is not direct democracy. The way we elect Senators is neither. The Electoral College makes election of the President non-democratic, as well, for a similar reason. And since the President and Senate alone pick Supreme Court Justices - cutting out the only democratic part of the other 2 branches - that's not democratic either.

Instead of abusing the understanding of words like "democracy" why don't just admit you don't like democracy, if that's the case. We'll disagree, but that's a position you're entitled to take if it's what you prefer.
They would have to use brain power to understand it in this manner and that's too much for them. You are obviously correct in your assertion... but that assertion absolutely crushes Rs because they aren't interested in actually doing good for the country. If they were they would adjust their platform to meet the needs of the people they represent. But they just want power and to force others to live how they want. So actually having a free and fair system is not allowed.