In a way, this is a good dialogue.
People who identify as Liberal are clearly able to express the points about society that they adamantly agree upon. Civil Rights, allowing others to live in their own respective peace, observing mutual respect for one another and our "property", peoples' behavior is of their own choice and should come with personal responsibility, etc., etc.. It's all a mutual agreement between all the posters in this thread. I see no religious zealots in this thread.
Where it gets muddled is when the liberal-minded people feel compelled to identify politically and believe that the only way we, as individuals, make ANY kind of difference, or push things ahead, is ONLY when we participate in the most corrupt and divisive institution since religion- POLITICS! The one or two here, like Natural, are always aligning themselves with "Democrats." Now, that's fine. But, the Democratic Party is a part of a social/political system that identifies and rewards people, not by their personal or individual character, but by the amount of power they can gain or offer in controlling the rest of the masses. That's what the system fuels itself on- Power! How much influence can a person, or group of people, provide for the institution, how much revenue can they generate, and how much property can they claim ownership over... that is what these "political parties" are meant to fulfill and maintain. They are institutions of acquisition. Whatever forms of acceptable social governance drips off of them is minimal. Politics is power. Liberal thought and behavior has no interest in power. Trying to pair politics with it only dilutes and detracts from it.
So, claiming there's some game going on, and the only way to play the game is wearing one of two uniforms, is fine. But, if you actually believe that these teams care in the slightest about the human condition improving, you're misleading yourself. We, as human beings, collectively evolve into our social behaviors based on our own instincts and the experiences we have and create for ourselves and each other. This invention called "government" is just the best we can do at the moment, in terms of having an exterior "code" for everyone to follow as a group, while we have our own ideas as individuals. The impediment is that superiority exists in human nature and government and religion is where it shows up in it's most dangerous forms. Trying to claim one political party is better or worse is like claiming Baptists are better than Methodists.