How will Lia Thomas do at Swimming Nationals?


If you want to lose elections keep supporting the freaks!
Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics know they are men now women.
Only left-wing morans thing they are!
You are going to get killed in the midterms!!!
Joe Biden's administration has turned into the circus show!

Blacks, Whites, Asians, and Hispanics see it! Only CNN, MSNBC, and the USA Today don't!
they always disrobe separately, they then walk through jungle and meet for the first time to exchange introductions, compare tools, secure their maps and make a plan for survival. In this episode the unsuspecting male from South Africa pops out of the bush to meet his female partner, who has transitioned, at least partly, to the female she identifies as. Granted, she has a decent set of tits, but is also hung like a mule. ( I assume, it was pixelated ). The look on the poor South African's face said it all, but he was woke and quickly accepted his partner.
So that part went a little different this time?
So that part went a little different this time?
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It was a mistake to not move that after it was going to be that cold. Like I get that it's not usually that cold even there but when the forecasts are showing temps that bad, then you can probably find another venue.

Give the people who bought tickets their money back though.


If you want to lose elections keep supporting the freaks!
Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics know they are men now women.
Only left-wing morans thing they are!
You are going to get killed in the midterms!!!

Joe Biden's administration has turned into the circus show!

Blacks, Whites, Asians, and Hispanics see it! Only CNN, MSNBC, and the USA Today don't!
Hey look everyone, Ms. Sixers thinks this is Joe Biden’s fault. Which is the type of really “smart” posts we’ve come to expect from her. She’s really thought out this take well, as usual. Sixers is totally not a deranged idiot or anything.
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Fastest time in the 500 free prelims:
Still 9 seconds from Katie Ledecky's record.

NCAA Division I Championship Meet
2022 NCAA Division I Women's
Swimming & Diving Championships

Event 3 Women 500 Yard Freestyle
NCAA: N 4:24.06 3/16/2017 Katie Ledecky, Stanford
Meet: M 4:24.06 3/16/2017 Katie Ledecky, Stanford
American: A 4:24.06 3/16/2017 Katie Ledecky, Stanford
US Open: O 4:24.06 3/16/2017 Katie Ledecky, Stanford
Pool: P 4:30.81 3/17/2016 Leah Smith, Virginia
Name Year School Seed Prelims
=== Preliminaries ===

1 Thomas, Lia 5Y Penn 4:33.82
r:+0.74 25.01 52.39 (27.38)
1:20.06 (27.67) 1:47.88 (27.82)
2:15.31 (27.43) 2:42.95 (27.64)
3:10.66 (27.71) 3:38.57 (27.91)
4:06.36 (27.79) 4:33.82 (27.46)
2 Sullivan, Erica FR Texas 4:36.79
r:+0.66 25.35 52.37 (27.02)
1:19.74 (27.37) 1:47.41 (27.67)
2:15.49 (28.08) 2:43.61 (28.12)
3:11.93 (28.32) 3:40.60 (28.67)
4:08.95 (28.35) 4:36.79 (27.84)
3 Weyant, Emma FR Virginia 4:37.25
r:+0.72 25.91 53.30 (27.39)
1:21.09 (27.79) 1:48.83 (27.74)
2:16.52 (27.69) 2:44.33 (27.81)
3:12.60 (28.27) 3:41.02 (28.42)
4:09.69 (28.67) 4:37.25 (27.56)
4 McKenna, Paige FR Wisconsin 4:37.36
r:+0.75 25.61 53.15 (27.54)
1:21.24 (28.09) 1:49.46 (28.22)
2:17.70 (28.24) 2:45.89 (28.19)
3:13.97 (28.08) 3:41.77 (27.80)
4:09.63 (27.86) 4:37.36 (27.73)
5 Pfeifer, Evie 5Y Texas 4:37.39
r:+0.77 25.85 53.16 (27.31)
1:20.90 (27.74) 1:48.85 (27.95)
2:16.81 (27.96) 2:44.91 (28.10)
3:13.10 (28.19) 3:41.46 (28.36)
4:09.85 (28.39) 4:37.39 (27.54)
6 Forde, Brooke 5Y Stanford 4:38.19
r:+0.68 25.56 53.00 (27.44)
1:20.81 (27.81) 1:48.72 (27.91)
2:16.62 (27.90) 2:44.64 (28.02)
3:12.67 (28.03) 3:41.03 (28.36)
4:09.94 (28.91) 4:38.19 (28.25)
I'm so torn on these issues. I truly want trans women to be able to be the person they feel most comfortable as and live life to the best. At the same time there are certain advantages that being born with male equipment gives you in athletic competitions that hormone suppression won't do away with. Things like longer arms and legs for example, better respiratory advantages. Those things can't be done away with due to surgery or hormones. That does give them an unfair advantage over women competing at the same level.

So I don't know the right thing and I'm glad it's not my place to figure it out. I'm not going to attack transitioned women who are competing, and I'll do my best to make them feel welcome in events I'm participating in if the rules allow it. At the same time I'm not going to get angry at women who do think it's unfair. There's got to be a middle line somewhere, but we're so early into this that we simply don't know what it is yet. For a while we'll have to live in some form of grey that feels unfair to someone.
I'm so torn on these issues. I truly want trans women to be able to be the person they feel most comfortable as and live life to the best. At the same time there are certain advantages that being born with male equipment gives you in athletic competitions that hormone suppression won't do away with. Things like longer arms and legs for example, better respiratory advantages. Those things can't be done away with due to surgery or hormones. That does give them an unfair advantage over women competing at the same level.

So I don't know the right thing and I'm glad it's not my place to figure it out. I'm not going to attack transitioned women who are competing, and I'll do my best to make them feel welcome in events I'm participating in if the rules allow it. At the same time I'm not going to get angry at women who do think it's unfair. There's got to be a middle line somewhere, but we're so early into this that we simply don't know what it is yet. For a while we'll have to live in some form of grey that feels unfair to someone.
That's exactly what I believe. Lia Thomas is competing according to NCAA rules most of which have been in place since 2011. She is not cheating. She didn't change her sex so she could dominate Women's Swimming. If people are angry with the rules then take it up with the NCAA, but calling Lia he or it is just being vindictive.
That's exactly what I believe. Lia Thomas is competing according to NCAA rules most of which have been in place since 2011. She is not cheating. She didn't change her sex so she could dominate Women's Swimming. If people are angry with the rules then take it up with the NCAA, but calling Lia he or it is just being vindictive.
What should we call Lia?
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I'm so torn on these issues. I truly want trans women to be able to be the person they feel most comfortable as and live life to the best. At the same time there are certain advantages that being born with male equipment gives you in athletic competitions that hormone suppression won't do away with. Things like longer arms and legs for example, better respiratory advantages. Those things can't be done away with due to surgery or hormones. That does give them an unfair advantage over women competing at the same level.

So I don't know the right thing and I'm glad it's not my place to figure it out. I'm not going to attack transitioned women who are competing, and I'll do my best to make them feel welcome in events I'm participating in if the rules allow it. At the same time I'm not going to get angry at women who do think it's unfair. There's got to be a middle line somewhere, but we're so early into this that we simply don't know what it is yet. For a while we'll have to live in some form of grey that feels unfair to someone.
Yep. Maybe compete regular season but not post-season in individual sports? Team sports is a bit trickier. Those I’d be okay with biological males staying in those domains. Girls transitioning to male would be fine in male sports.
Wasn't even top 500 last year in the men, to a D1 champion on the women's division in one year.

Robbed spots from women who deserved them.

ESPN said the response was muted. I don’t think too many were thrilled about this.
What should we call Lia?
We should call her what she prefers which I believe would be Lia, she, or her certainly not it, he, or him. If posters are honest they would admit the reason they chose those terms was to deny her gender idenity or insult her, they certainly weren't confused about how she identifies.
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Get rid of pronouns or add a couple more.
Why would we need new pronouns for someone who identifies as a woman? I will agree that new pronouns might make it easier for non binary people, but that's not the case for Lia.