Hunter Biden jury HAS reached a verdict

Northern can just take his guilty plea and throw himself at the Court when he eventually gets caught for having 150 sick cats in his house.
Do you disagree with the premise that a person can plead guilty, save lawyer fees and gain benefit during sentencing?

There are certain times, yes. But that is not your call to make for any defendant.

Do you have any idea how many defendants get pressured into taking a plea rather than risk the worst before they have even seen the State's evidence. It is not the Defendant's job to prove their innocence, it is the State's burden of proof.

But if it makes you feel better the vast majority of those that feel pressured to plea guilty are indigent and / or minorities.

Let me know when you have reviewed the data and filed your thesis.
Listen, Hunter f'd up. Like stupid f'd up. But it seems the vast majority of it was substance abuse related. He'll have to do the time now. Hopefully, it can help him from continue his path away from Crack.

I have plenty of friends that are dumb enough to have concealed weapons permits and get hammered when they partied.......You know what criminal level that is in Iowa?
I did not say that.

What were you implying then? I have gotten numerous innocent people off. Were they tempted by an offer b/c they could put it all away. But the REALLY strong ones say, fuk it, I didn't do it and I'm not going to be buried someday knowing that I confessed to something I didn't do. That is their right. And that is when the burden for defense counsel is transferred from client. Build the best case you can. Call out bullshit police reports that don't correspond with video evidence. Calling out LEO for shutting off their badge cameras in the middle of an incident.

I'm not ripping all LEO and Prosecutors, as there some really good ones. But that is role of the barrister to hold their feet to the fire. Juries do not like when they have felt they have lied to either by witnesses or the prosecutor.
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You're full of shit. No one...NO ONE "in the middle of the political spectrum" can self-justify voting for a guy who claims he wants to be a dictator and promises to use the DOJ to target his political opponents. And before you start with the "both sides" horseshit...Trump broke the damn law. Multiple times.
You are a giant crybaby. It’s so cute.
St. Louis Hawk indicated that you can enforce gun laws without the expense of a trial.

No one is forcing a person to go to trial.
What sentence do you think is appropriate for Hunter's crime of lying about not being an addict on a form?