HWC $146,785 Raised! Goal- 100K

You guys/gals rock! I have been talking about big donors, endowments etc.. but every donation..$10,$20,$30,$100. They ALL add up!
Just so you know... They make a difference. It helps.

Thank you, Thank you,Thank you
"Hawkeye Wrestling Club Donation Receipt

Donor Contribution : $101.00

Payment Method : Online Transaction

Website :

Thank you for your donation. This will serve as your 501C3 receipt.

Filled : Wed, 05 Apr 17 19:20:29 -0500"

Even threw in a buck for the great San Souci

I woulda thought 2 cents was more appropriate for Sans...........silly me. ;)
Hawkeye Wrestling Club Donation Receipt

Donor Contribution : $250.00
Payment Method : Online Transaction
Website :

Thank you for your donation. This will serve as your 501C3 receipt.

Filled : Wed, 05 Apr 17 22:05:17 -0500

Very cool Ed.

"Can Novak comment on whether a monthly auction could take place for those donating using a $50 per month annual subscription? There is no reason the club couldn't sign up 1,000 people for the auto pay. It would take phone calls and door to door but the end result would be worth it."

You guys are giving me so many ideas its making my head spin ( in a good way)

I have been taking notes-- will try to prioritize and see what we can get done ! Just imagine if we had some cooperation from Admin/IClub/Foundation ( more on that later) We could top any other club donations EASY with our fanbase