I’m going to end up voting for Trump (Just kidding Chishawk)

So...maybe you are the one that just doesn't get it. Some would say the same thing about the big guy. And you want to talk about compromised? My question still stands, if the charges against him weren't "fact", did he lead the country better? Don't implode on me.
And they would be sadly mistaken.

Compromised, only someone utterly brainwashed by the wingnut media bubble would even consider Biden 1/100th as compromised as the Trump crime family. The charges against Trump are beyond a doubt proven facts. He tried to rig an election and encouraged a violent uprising against the elected government of the United States. Anyone who doesn't realize this is either entirely brainwashed or an absolute idiot. Trump was an embarrassment to our nation as its so-called leader. His term as president has done lasting harm to our nation, our allies, and the world as a whole. If he were to be re-elected, it could well mark the end of our democracy. All you have to do is read Project 2500 to see his plans. Anyone who backs Trump is basically a traitor to our nation.

And they would be sadly mistaken.

Compromised, only someone utterly brainwashed by the wingnut media bubble would even consider Biden 1/100th as compromised as the Trump crime family. The charges against Trump are beyond a doubt proven facts. He tried to rig an election and encouraged a violent uprising against the elected government of the United States. Anyone who doesn't realize this is either entirely brainwashed or an absolute idiot. Trump was an embarrassment to our nation as its so-called leader. His term as president has done lasting harm to our nation, our allies, and the world as a whole. If he were to be re-elected, it could well mark the end of our democracy. All you have to do is read Project 2500 to see his plans. Anyone who backs Trump is basically a traitor to our nation.
You don't think the laptop is real?
You don't think the laptop is real?
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Income taxes, yes.

Trump is a pos but blaming him for this is disingenuous at best. Biden could change it. He could have changed it 3 years ago. It's the way it is because Biden wants it to be.

By Executive Order? Please explain to me how a sitting US President has the power to unilaterally change tax laws in this country.


Anyone who took the time to actually learn about the tax law pushed by DT Barnum and his merry band of GOP grifters understood that the tax breaks would expire for a certain class of tax payers. Not for corporations. Not for those in the highest tax brackets.

This country continues to pay for what happened in 2016. Nearly everything "the Email Lady" said would happen has happened.

Caveat Emptor.
So...maybe you are the one that just doesn't get it. Some would say the same thing about the big guy. And you want to talk about compromised? My question still stands, if the charges against him weren't "fact", did he lead the country better? Don't implode on me.
No, nobody reasonable could say that. You must be very troubled. I am sure you have to be embarrassed to be this gullible. Sad to see you hate democracy.
Trump is a POS, I haven't voted for him, and won't vote for him.

If I ONLY had the choice between Biden and Trump, and was forced to vote for one of them, I'd vote for Trump, based on better policies.

General policies - edge Trump
Presidential demeanor - edge Biden
Mental acuity - slight edge Trump
Picking a cabinet (competency) - edge Biden
Picking a cabinet (policy) - edge Trump
Fiscal policy - slight edge Trump
Tax policy - slight edge Trump
Foreign policy - edge Trump
Trade policy - slight edge Biden
Energy policy - big edge Trump
National security (border) - big edge Trump
National security (debt) - slight edge Trump
2A - Big edge Trump
Federal Regulation - big edge Trump
DoJ - slight edge Biden
Court Appointments - edge Trump

That's some funny shit right there
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So...maybe you are the one that just doesn't get it. Some would say the same thing about the big guy. And you want to talk about compromised? My question still stands, if the charges against him weren't "fact", did he lead the country better? Don't implode on me.
OK, take out the 91 charges against him. Take out the fraud and sexual abuse judgments against him. Take out the bible-selling cons he is doing because he's broke and has no shame. Take out all the vile things he has done before and after his presidency. Yes, Biden has led the country better. We no longer have a stupid small man who has no idea of the world around him and can't interact with people above the most basic levels.

Trump can't be president again. We Americans do have our problems, but we deserve someone better than that.
OK, take out the 91 charges against him. Take out the fraud and sexual abuse judgments against him. Take out the bible-selling cons he is doing because he's broke and has no shame. Take out all the vile things he has done before and after his presidency. Yes, Biden has led the country better. We no longer have a stupid small man who has no idea of the world around him and can't interact with people above the most basic levels.

Trump can't be president again. We Americans do have our problems, but we deserve someone better than that.
Got it, Coach H.
By Executive Order? Please explain to me how a sitting US President has the power to unilaterally change tax laws in this country.


Anyone who took the time to actually learn about the tax law pushed by DT Barnum and his merry band of GOP grifters understood that the tax breaks would expire for a certain class of tax payers. Not for corporations. Not for those in the highest tax brackets.

This country continues to pay for what happened in 2016. Nearly everything "the Email Lady" said would happen has happened.

Caveat Emptor.
So, the sitting president now can't do anything with both houses of congress for two years, BUT the sitting president before him is fully to blame. Makes complete sense.
So, the sitting president now can't do anything with both houses of congress for two years, BUT the sitting president before him is fully to blame. Makes complete sense.
tax rates are established by legislation, signed by a president

you're saying a reasonable expectation is that every president comes in and completely rewrites the tax code?

what about environmental regulations? or civil rights? or voting rights? should we expect every president to pass all new legislation for every issue?
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tax rates are established by legislation, signed by a president

you're saying a reasonable expectation is that every president comes in and completely rewrites the tax code?

what about environmental regulations? or civil rights? or voting rights? should we expect every president to pass all new legislation for every issue?
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So, the sitting president now can't do anything with both houses of congress for two years, BUT the sitting president before him is fully to blame. Makes complete sense.
We've explained why it makes sense you just don't have a functioning brain
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how is that a strawman?

its what you are arguing...that presidents should be expected to rewrite all existing legislation

i'm just showing how dumb that expectation would be in reality...and why we don't do that
You are putting words on my mouth in order to make my argument more outrageous and more easily defeated. Strawman.
You are putting words on my mouth in order to make my argument more outrageous and more easily defeated. Strawman.
the only thing i'm doing is replacing "tax code" with "environmental regulation" or "civil rights" in your expectation that sitting presidents should be solely responsible for federal legislation (with no credit or blame going to a president that advocated for or signed that legislation)

feel free to explain why that expectation should only apply to taxes
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the only thing i'm doing is replacing "tax code" with "environmental regulation" or "civil rights" in your expectation that sitting presidents should be solely responsible for federal legislation (with no credit or blame going to a president that advocated for or signed that legislation)

feel free to explain why that expectation should only apply to taxes
It applies to taxes because there is a problem with taxes. If there was a problem with environmental regulations or civil rights that needed fixing, then yes, I would expect a president with both houses of congress to do something about it. You dont?
It applies to taxes because there is a problem with taxes. If there was a problem with environmental regulations or civil rights that needed fixing, then yes, I would expect a president with both houses of congress to do something about it. You dont?
you're saying this like that exact scenario didn't occur after the 2016 election until the 2018 midterms

no, that's an unrealistic expectation
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tax rates are established by legislation, signed by a president

you're saying a reasonable expectation is that every president comes in and completely rewrites the tax code?

what about environmental regulations? or civil rights? or voting rights? should we expect every president to pass all new legislation for every issue?

Joe Biden entered the Senate in 1972,.. Simply based on tenure alone, he is probably more responsible for the current state of affairs in Washington DC than practically any other human being on the planet.
Joe Biden entered the Senate in 1972,.. Simply based on tenure alone, he is probably more responsible for the current state of affairs in Washington DC than practically any other human being on the planet.
the whole point of our system of government is that no one person has much power

even presidents need A LOT of help/buy-in from other people to make major legislative chagnes
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you're saying this like that exact scenario didn't occur after the 2016 election until the 2018 midterms

no, that's an unrealistic expectation
It's unrealistic to expect a president and congress to handle problems with taxes, environmental protections and civil rights? Ok, you're not a serious person. Have a great day.
It's unrealistic to expect a president and congress to handle problems with taxes, environmental protections and civil rights? Ok, you're not a serious person. Have a great day.
why do you think obamacare is called obamacare? shouldn't we call it trumpcare? or maybe now it would be bidencare?