The second most wins in school history.....and people want to move on. That just sound like sheer stupidity.
"can’t get that done in 10 years" That's the same thing people were saying about winning the B10 tournament, prior to his getting it done this year. It's factual, and therefore fair, to say that he hasn't gotten it done, BUT it is not established that he can't....and as the program continues to improve it appears that the chances are good that he will get it done.
Let’s not act like the fans are asking for much. It’s two consecutive wins in the tournament. That’s act as if it's easy or simple to achieve....and yet in the history of Iowa basketball, how many times has it been done? In the entire history what, 8 or 10 times in our ENTIRE history? We just won 26 games in a season for ONLY THE SECOND time in our entire history. We just won the B10 tournament for only the 3rd time in our entire history?
Firing coaches who are consistently producing successful teams, producing good players, and good citizens/students is a really really dumb move in my opinion.