If he loses this election and if (probably more like when) he runs for election in 2028, Rs will nominate him again in a landslide. His base among Republicans is way too strong.
I've gotta agree with you. He'll be old as ****, but they'll still kiss his ring. They've had every opportunity in the world to ditch him since he lost in 2020 and they haven't done it yet. Jan 6th, liable for rape, convicted felon and they still love him. There's zero reason to think they'd do it before 2028.

You’re high if you think we will see an 82 year old Trump get the nomination, let alone be able to form complete sentences. The dude is losing it.
You're high if you think the Republicans will get rid of him before he's ready to leave. There's too much $$$ to be made off his idiot supporters for him to step down unless something major happens with his health.
I think he fades fast after the election. There’s no way he will run again. He’ll be a fart in the wind soon enough.
I hope you're right but I just don't see it happening unless he has a stroke or major heart attack.
I've gotta agree with you. He'll be old as ****, but they'll still kiss his ring. They've had every opportunity in the world to ditch him since he lost in 2020 and they haven't done it yet. Jan 6th, liable for rape, convicted felon and they still love him. There's zero reason to think they'd do it before 2028.

You're high if you think the Republicans will get rid of him before he's ready to leave. There's too much $$$ to be made off his idiot supporters for him to step down unless something major happens with his health.

I hope you're right but I just don't see it happening unless he has a stroke or major heart attack.
I could be way off, but it seems to me the rats are already starting to flee the ship. I think we see a massive win for Kamala(not a great candidate, but she’s not Trump). I do also think his health will start declining which will be the nail in the coffin. I mean the dude can barely make any sense half the time.
Music is a matter of taste. However:

Country music is made for simplistic, common audiences.

Contemporary music is made for the more sophisticated culture which can morph into levels of genre. Hence - contemporary.
I don't disagree that country inherently is simplistic - particularly bro country/top 40 - but it is also broadened immensely in the last 30 years.

Every genre has the simplistic/made for everyone branch of their musical tree, but I'd contend that country music has the deepest roots and widest branches.

Here's the most country sounding song ever about mind altering drugs, religious fallacy and universal love.

Well if Trump loses in November, you can bet these congressional Republicans will hope you forget their blind loyalty to Trump because I bet they all distance himself because the chances Trump will be alive or out of jail by 2028 is pretty low.. They might even use the patented "I barely knew the guy" lines.

The satisfying thing will be watching them all publicly turn their backs on him in the media. There won't be enough chances between yard time and lights out for personalized angry tweets for all of them.
No kidding. The whole Iraq thing got ignored overnight by the GOP.
I could be way off, but it seems to me the rats are already starting to flee the ship. I think we see a massive win for Kamala(not a great candidate, but she’s not Trump). I do also think his health will start declining which will be the nail in the coffin. I mean the dude can barely make any sense half the time.
He's barely ever been able to make sense haha, although it has gotten worse as of late. I guess I just don't trust the Republican party enough to give them any sort of benefit of the doubt to make the right move until it actually happens. We were all told that they'd move on from him after his loss in 2020 but they doubled down on him. I guess time will tell!

I just have a hard time seeing them moving beyond him without him saying he's done. And he won't do that because it would be admitting defeat.
I could be way off, but it seems to me the rats are already starting to flee the ship. I think we see a massive win for Kamala(not a great candidate, but she’s not Trump). I do also think his health will start declining which will be the nail in the coffin. I mean the dude can barely make any sense half the time.

I think truth be told a significant amount of the GOP is ready to move on from Trump but they can’t figure out how to push him aside.
I, personally, can forgive but no one is really sorry. They just keep going deeper down the rabbit hole. Hell, Trump personally attacks many of these people's spouses(Cruz and Haley) and they still support and endorse him.

The Republican base literally worships the man. They aren't moving on from him anytime soon.
That leaves a shit ton of voters fvcked without a party. I’ve damn near given up on politics. I sure as hell don’t want to argue about it on here as much as I used to.
That leaves a shit ton of voters fvcked without a party. I’ve damn near given up on politics. I sure as hell don’t want to argue about it on here as much as I used to.
I am definitely without a party now.

Other than to do my civic duty to vote against Trump, I really don’t know where I go from here.
I, personally, can forgive but no one is really sorry. They just keep going deeper down the rabbit hole. Hell, Trump personally attacks many of these people's spouses(Cruz and Haley) and they still support and endorse him.

The Republican base literally worships the man. They aren't moving on from him anytime soon.
You’re better than me. I don’t forgive Elise Stefanik, Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, etc…no way. They care more about their power than the American people. They suck.
I am definitely without a party now.

Other than to do my civic duty to vote against Trump, I really don’t know where I go from here.
Maybe you go on a personal journey of redemption which you can sell to the Hall mark channel? Call it “Ragnar walks the Earth” and just let the lord guide your way. I expect 50% of the proceeds.
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I think he fades fast after the election. There’s no way he will run again. He’ll be a fart in the wind soon enough.

Still hoping for that minor stroke, that leaves half his face paralyzed and massively slurred speech.
Then we can all imitate him & mock him, like he does to other folks w/ disabilities...
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I've gotta agree with you. He'll be old as ****, but they'll still kiss his ring. They've had every opportunity in the world to ditch him since he lost in 2020 and they haven't done it yet. Jan 6th, liable for rape, convicted felon and they still love him. There's zero reason to think they'd do it before 2028.

You're high if you think the Republicans will get rid of him before he's ready to leave. There's too much $$$ to be made off his idiot supporters for him to step down unless something major happens with his health.

He gives them permission to be racists and bigots.

That's what the majority of the GOP is these days. They no longer stand for any "conservative" values - they've completely changed the makeup of what the entire party stands for. Big Biz and American Oligarchs have taken advantage of this to get their big tax breaks, and now they literally own it.
I don't think so. I think the republicans will split but not flee to a 3rd party.
Dems don’t want a third party. Too many of them would leave as well. You forget that the Democratic Party isn’t much different. You have radicals and people closer to the middle there as well.
A third party where people aren’t dead set of having to be this way or that way and can actually compromise would be great.
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I am going to go out on a limb and say the Republican party in 20 years is going to look radically different than it does now.

What we are seeing now is one last gasp of trying to stay relevant by preventing change. Losing to a younger woman of color will demonstrate that the party is completely out of touch and getting worse as the boomers die off. The party will be remade and it will be much further left than it is now.

And when the Republican party moves back to the left, it will reabsorb many people who used to be Republicans who have been voting Democrat the past few years.
I'm not so sure about that. This change in the Republican Party might have its champion in the Dear Leader but there is no going back to what it was. This change that we have witnessed is bigger than one man and is a reflection of the altered demographics of the country. It has similarities with what we saw in the 60's with the Dixiecrats becoming the core of today's Republican Party and is in some ways an extension of it. That was primarily race based and resulted in a long term shift in political affiliation between white and black, North and South, urban and rural. Now what we've seen over the last 10 years is a huge shift where educational attainment and gender are far and away the 2 largest factors in political affiliation with the Dems becoming the party of highly educated men and particularly women and the Republicans less educated women and particularly men, with race still a factor, but not to the same extent as gender and education. This shift is driven by a Republican populist message targeted primarily at disaffected men who feel as though their economic and cultural importance is waning in today's society. As long as that message resonates with male voters, a major shift in messaging is unlikely.
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I'm not so sure about that. This change in the Republican Party might have its champion in the Dear Leader but there is no going back to what it was. This change that we have witnessed is bigger than one man and is a reflection of the altered demographics of the country. It has similarities with what we saw in the 60's with the Dixiecrats becoming the core of today's Republican Party and is in some ways an extension of it. That was primarily race based and resulted in a long term shift in political affiliation between white and black, North and South, urban and rural. Now what we've seen over the last 10 years is a huge shift where educational attainment and gender are far and away the 2 largest factors in political affiliation with the Dems becoming the party of highly educated men and particularly women and the Republicans less educated women and particularly men, with race still a factor, but not to the same extent as gender and education. This shift is driven by a Republican populist message targeted primarily at disaffected men who feel as though their economic and cultural importance is waning in today's society. As long as that message resonates with male voters, a major shift in messaging is unlikely.

It will go back, when Russian FSB and trolls no longer perpetuate fraud and propaganda on the gullible American population.
Only, American oligarchs and technocrats will continue to try to do it, for similar reasons.
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