Didn’t figure you for a both sides guy. When all of these chickenshits, who bent the knee to rapist conman are gone, then maybe we can discuss a new Republican Party. Mitch McConnell isn’t the guy to be shaping it. I’ll say the same thing to you I did to Shawn…let me know which one of these Republicans in Congress is one I should support. Cowards all.
You’re arguing with yourself.

My point is there is a reason these guys are cowards. They have too much power and live too well. Impose term limits and maybe more of these clowns will do the right thing.

Let’s stay friends, Tom. I hate Trump and MAGA but that doesn’t mean I’m suddenly a liberal or Democrat. Keep that in mind the next time you accuse me of both sides.
Tweet from a mental health professional that has been observing Trump for years.

It's only gonna get worse, unless there are multiple resignations from some of his craven high-level political strategists.

He might want to quietly approach the DOJ and discuss some sort of plea deal. Time is running out.
150 Mil is chump change to Tay, you fat orange pus filled shitgibbon.
It's also likely very untrue. It wouldn't surprise me if she gained financially from it (I don't at all think they was her motive) There are more people that hate Donold with a passion than there are that like him. I'm guessing any boycotts were negated by those of us who hate the orange turd who have supported her even more because of her making the endorsement. You are correct though even if she did lose all that it's a drop in the bucket for her.
Why do you have to be ok with it? It’s not your party. Like I said, I don’t expect you to ever forgive or forget. Even if the Republicans move to the middle (they won’t), they still aren’t a party you would vote for.
I have voted Republican MANY times. I would still vote for Jim Leach if he was my Congressman. I voted for Branstad his last election…so fail.
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My problem with this is that we’re just supposed to forgive and forget all these Congressional Republicans that were to afraid for their own political careers to stand up to who they know is a godawful human. I don’t agree with Kinzinger and Cheney on the issues but honest to God they are about the only 2 Republicans worthy of someone’s vote. Sununu isn’t. Haley isn’t. They’re cowards also. All those cons in Congress are effing trash people who aren’t in it for us.
They all need to go. At this point they are all complicit and they need to be purged. It needs to happen so that everyone knows if anyone tries to go down a similar road that people who follow will have repercussions. Letting them off the hook will just allow for possible greater problems down the road. Burn the republican party completely down and make them start over. That's their punishment for hanging on to this loser for so long.
They all need to go. At this point they are all complicit and they need to be purged. It needs to happen so that everyone knows if anyone tries to go down a similar road that people who follow will have repercussions. Letting them off the hook will just allow for possible greater problems down the road. Burn the republican party completely down and make them start over. That's their punishment for hanging on to this loser for so long.
Yep. It will be a long time before I even consider voting Republican
He might want to quietly approach the DOJ and discuss some sort of plea deal. Time is running out.
That would be a stunner. And admitting so much has been a sham.

That's what he's currently fighting w/ himself internally - coming to grips with the reality of what others see. He has no clothes. Losing his grandiosity and what likely awaits him is a mind ____ for him.

He's too far gone mentally, so I don't see him looking for a deal. But, never say never.
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Amen, brother.

I am disappointed by the GOP. I really am. I still can’t believe this is where we’re at.

I know it’s easy to pile on other Republicans now, but I think the real issue is the amount of power these people have and don’t want to give up. That’s why we need term limits.

I can promise you, if convenient to do so, Democrats would do whatever they needed to stay in office as well. So, don’t be so glib.
At least the Dems get rid of some of their trash...Bob Menendez.
You’re arguing with yourself.

My point is there is a reason these guys are cowards. They have too much power and live too well. Impose term limits and maybe more of these clowns will do the right thing.

Let’s stay friends, Tom. I hate Trump and MAGA but that doesn’t mean I’m suddenly a liberal or Democrat. Keep that in mind the next time you accuse me of both sides.
Then don’t pull a both sides.