I just got my 7th covid vaccine!

Zero for me.

If/when I survive COVID, and if my experience is mild, I may relax my vigilance somewhat. Or not. I tend to follow the science.

Unless/until that happens, I'm playing it safe.

We all take risks. In the absence of emergency mandates, we get to choose which risks we're willing to take.
I had it at the start of the pandemic.
Nothing respiratory, everything to do with intestinal.
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Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIF

I’m a naturalist brah, if you’d get your head out of big pharms ass, you’d realize that the natural world has all the answers to your ailments. Do you think Jesus would get these vaccines?
don't get the vaccine/boosters if you don't want to

but realize how many people used to die of infectious diseases back when all we had was "the natural world"?

"the natural world" doesn't have some magical cure for ailments..."the natural world" doesn't care if you die or not
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don't get the vaccine/boosters if you don't want to

but realize how many people used to die of infectious diseases back when all we had was "the natural world"?

"the natural world" doesn't have some magical cure for ailments..."the natural world" doesn't care if you die or not
Yes, I realize that, and modern medicine definitely has its place. That said, I’ll stick to my natural remedies and not do everything big pharm tells me I should do.
How many times have you had COVID?

I'm almost positive I had covid twice.

The first time was in January of 2020. I had a strange cough then tested positive for antibodies.

Another was in 2023. My Dad had covid and I caught it from him at Easter. It was pretty scary. I felt weak for about 4 days.

I had 3 vaccines at that point. If I didn't get vaxxed, I could have caught the dead.
don't get the vaccine/boosters if you don't want to

but realize how many people used to die of infectious diseases back when all we had was "the natural world"?

"the natural world" doesn't have some magical cure for ailments..."the natural world" doesn't care if you die or not
..."the natural world" doesn't care if you die or not.

Consequently, your government, the FDA and Big Pharma don’t care if you die or not from a vaccine.

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You get vaccinated to protect other people who refuse to get vaccinated?
You get vaccinated to protect yourself from the virus sequelae AND protect people who are UNABLE to be vaccinated, or who may not get full protection from the vaccine.

It's not hard to understand, here.
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I’m willing to risk whatever dangers and long-term side effects that MIGHT come with a covid infection before I’d ever risk my (or my children’s) health getting injected in order to protect others.

Am I my brother’s keeper? 🤷‍♂️
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Got mine Friday… that and the flu shot. Sore arm and achey body from Friday night to this morning. (I felt like I was in a roll-over). I feel fine now….no fever of anything else, just achey. Dont know if it was the Covid or flu shot, though.
Doing both of mine this Friday. Hopefully I don't experience what you did.
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