Prohibition of private companies from requiring proof of vaccinations.
His private war with Disney because they don't agree with his politics.
Opposition to any truthful teaching of history when it comes to racial relations while mandating they teach about how people suffer under communism. Basically using dog whistles to keep the far right as angry as possible, taking his part in the war on higher learning if they don't teach things how he thinks they should be taught (i.e. how Fox News thinks they should be taught).
His treatment of illegal immigrants, using them as political pawns instead of treating them as human beings.
His treatment of gay people, which speaks for itself.
You could also double mark the "private vindictive war" with Disney because he 1) disagrees with their position of LGBQ rights and 2) has decided to use his political position as a weapon
You could add his formed a department to chase down illegal voting, didn't vet the situation correctly and had people arrested (primarily black, who now seem to all have charges being dropped) again, using his office and power to enforce his personal opinion about voting fraud.
His fiscal irresponsibility of forming a voting gestapo what has so far been very ineffective (and frankly should result in people suing him and the state).
He was very deceitful on his personal use of vaccines compared to his public position on vaccines as it fed the MAGA base in FL. Take what you want on the resulting deaths in FL, that argument will never get through to some folks.
He repeatedly tried to use his position to silence free speech during the COVID years.
He has done nothing to improve the gun laws in Florida
Series of laws restricting voting access that have since been struck down and found unconstitutional.
Disagree with his position on abortion.
He is a spineless lapdog for supporting Trump when it benefitted him, and backed away eventually not because he disagreed, but because it was politically beneficial (this is both a personal and political position), but also utter lack of a spine.
He screwed over a personal friend of mine who was working in the FL House of Reps.
He wears white gogo boots to survey hurricane damage.
But Herky can't express why he likes him. That pretty well sums up the self proclaimed party of free thinkers. Have strong opinions but cannot express or communicate any of them when asked.
edit - he also just comes across as a bit of an ass, he isn't as clever as he thinks he is and besides a couple of fan favorite snarky comments in his debate with Crist, he was owned and looked like someone kicked his dog.