If Joe Biden really cares about this country…

Tough call. There's nothing saying that another ticket will beat Trump. The most important thing is to keep a dangerous lunatic like Trump out of office. If that means Biden stepping aside, so be it. Hell I would fully support a guy like Romney rn if that meant no Trump.
Tough call. There's nothing saying that another ticket will beat Trump. The most important thing is to keep a dangerous lunatic like Trump out of office. If that means Biden stepping aside, so be it. Hell I would fully support a guy like Romney rn if that meant no Trump.
I don’t think Biden can win now.

I think this coming fall, as fatigue sets in further from campaigning, his performances will actually get worse.

It’s time.
If Trump truly cared about the country....OH HE DOESN'T AND NEVER WILL..


And anyone not in Trump’s cult can clearly see that.

That doesn’t mean enough moderates are going to be comfortable with voting for a vegetable.

@Huey Grey is right. Keeping Trump out of the White House is paramount. This race should not even be close.
I don't either. Dems need to find a replacement asap. Keeping a sicko lunatic like Trump from getting back in power is way too important
Will you admit that you failed to see the writing on the wall? In the 5th post below, you couldn't see any reason why Biden should not be the candidate while republicans have seen that Biden is not calling the shots.
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The tough part is that a lot of the people who have Biden’s ear have jobs in the White House, etc. that go away if Biden drops out of the race. They’d rather see him stay in with a 20% chance of winning then drop out and they are unlikely to get jobs under the next administration, even if another dem wins.

All that said, any democrat with some power needs to be uniting to get Biden off the ticket. Tonight was a disaster and he’s only getting older the next 4 months.
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That’s not the point, Chis, and you know it.

If you want to persist with that position, expect to lose your poop in November. Biden can and likely will get beat.

And after tonight, I will not fault anyone who can’t in good conscience vote Biden.
Why would Biden get beat? Jefferson Davis running against Abraham Lincoln. That's the fact and the comparison. Biden is old and frail but not a rapist, 34 felonies and counting, stealing from charities, insurrection leading tax fraud piece of shit person.
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Tough call. There's nothing saying that another ticket will beat Trump. The most important thing is to keep a dangerous lunatic like Trump out of office. If that means Biden stepping aside, so be it. Hell I would fully support a guy like Romney rn if that meant no Trump.

I think everyone would support Romney right now over both of these guys. But it's not a choice we gave ourselves.
He needs to be convinced to have a “health concern”. Let Gavin newsome win this
Im not sure Newsome would want to risk running this late in the campaign process. He will be POTUS at some point if he wants. Entering at this late stage is risky for his ambitions.
I hope he realizes that if he loses to Trump nothing he has accomplished in his career will matter...losing to that piece of shit will be all he is remembered for
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Why would Biden get beat? Jefferson Davis running against Abraham Lincoln. That's the fact and the comparison. Biden is old and frail but not a rapist, 34 felonies and counting, stealing from charities, insurrection leading tax fraud piece of shit person.
Appreciate you staying on message Chis, but the majority of people in this thread know Trump sucks. That’s why we are distraught that dem party is wheeling out this bad of a candidate. I’ll still vote for Biden but many independents won’t. He’s just too frail at this point. Someone like Mayor Pete would have wiped Trump of the stage tonight.
Convinced? If you saw what I did tonight, he does have a health concern. The fact that his wife is letting him do this is nutty.
He doesn’t have a health concern. He’s just very old and that came across. It looks bad. It’s an optics thing. He looked better further into the debate, but that’s not saying much.
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Appreciate you staying on message Chis, but the majority of people in this thread know Trump sucks. That’s why we are distraught that dem party is wheeling out this bad of a candidate. I’ll still vote for Biden but many independents won’t. He’s just too frail at this point. Someone like Mayor Pete would have wiped Trump of the stage tonight.
Again, the choice isn't hard and AGAIN I voted for the email lady knowing all of this!

And anyone not in Trump’s cult can clearly see that.

That doesn’t mean enough moderates are going to be comfortable with voting for a vegetable.

@Huey Grey is right. Keeping Trump out of the White House is paramount. This race should not even be close.
Take any of the other candidates from 2020, like Cory Booker, or Pete, or Amy, and tell them that they have to drop dinner with their families tonight and shred Trump on that stage with no prep. And they would. With ease. They would have feasted on him. That's how inept Trump is. That's out unfit he is to be president. How clueless he is. But Joe couldn't. He needs to step aside. Trump wins otherwise.
Take any of the other candidates from 2020, like Cory Booker, or Pete, or Amy, and tell them that they have to drop dinner with their families tonight and shred Trump on that stage with no prep. And they would. With ease. They would have feasted on him. That's how inept Trump is. That's out unfit he is to be president. How clueless he is. But Joe couldn't. He needs to step aside. Trump wins otherwise.
For me, tonight actually made things more clear. This is why a grotesque monstrosity of a felon like Trump can still be neck and neck in polls. It’s not simply how loathsome the MAGAs are, and they are horrid. It is also become Biden IS too old. It’s terrible. If the Democrats can’t get him to step aside, we deserve what will happen. We are giving the nation a terrible choice.