If Joe Biden really cares about this country…

God no. Absolutely God no. Trump was worse than I expected. Way worse. His answers went nowhere. He looked every inch a clueless old man. Not sure why you can't admit it?
Trumps answers have never gone anywhere. That hasn’t changed in eight years. Don’t try to project Biden’s cognitive issues onto Trump. Trump is who he’s always been. A rambling fool.
Why would Biden get beat? Jefferson Davis running against Abraham Lincoln. That's the fact and the comparison. Biden is old and frail but not a rapist, 34 felonies and counting, stealing from charities, insurrection leading tax fraud piece of shit person.
Because no sane American believes these bogus charges are true
Yeah, no to Newsome.

There are much less divisive candidates out there that many moderate voters could get behind. How things are going in big cities in California does matter to voters.

None of this post is about Trump. Please don't turn it in to one.
Couldn't agree more. Theres a set of people that LOATHE Newsom. He himself has a shady past. Also toss in San Francisco being a $hithole but looking absolutely beautiful for a Chinese Dictator and there you have a ton of ammo against him.
The opposite of the Biden administration is a domestic terrorist organization so yea. This isn't hard.
Winning a presidential election as a dem with the electoral college is, in fact, hard. It gets a lot harder when you give your opponemnt ammo with a horrific performance like last night

Unlike MAGA my loyalty is to the country, not 1 man. He needs to step aside if he wants to rescue us from Trump a second time
The one thing all politicians have unfortunately, is an ego. Joe is going to have to get the Nixon treatment….unless his wife or his sister tell him to step away.
If Barack told him it was time and said he would say it in public, he’d go.
Biden’s handlers, cabinet, and team don’t want him to quit.

I think getting Biden to quit would be easy if everybody around him wanted to do it. Be like telling your 80+ year old parent we had been at Pizza Ranch long enough and it’s time to go home.

Either party wins in a blowout if they just picked a different candidate. Which is so crazy to think about.
Well, I didn't watch because 1) I've got 40+kids at a tech competition that runs 12-15 hours a day (nearly 8,000 middle and high schools students from across the country, Germany, Turkey, and Korea are competing) and 2) nothing that could have happened last night would have changed my vote. Given what I'm hearing, it seems to be inevitable that Biden will be "encouraged" to withdraw. First thing that should happen at the convention.

If they have any sense, they'll draft Whitmer and pair her with Buttagieg. Newsome simply has too much Cali baggage. Harris was NEVER going to have national appeal.
Well, I didn't watch because 1) I've got 40+kids at a tech competition that runs 12-15 hours a day (nearly 8,000 middle and high schools students from across the country, Germany, Turkey, and Korea are competing) and 2) nothing that could have happened last night would have changed my vote. Given what I'm hearing, it seems to be inevitable that Biden will be "encouraged" to withdraw. First thing that should happen at the convention.

If they have any sense, they'll draft Whitmer and pair her with Buttagieg. Newsome simply has too much Cali baggage. Harris was NEVER going to have national appeal.
A Whitmer/Buttigieg ticket is a dream scenario. Moderate, pro business without being too pro business, articulate, capable of understanding today’s complex issues. This ticket would destroy Trump. They win the Dems, the moderate soccer moms, the never Trumpers, they would get the youth out to vote - which Biden will not.

It’s a landslide victory. The only question is why the democratic power brokers won’t pull the trigger on this. What kind of crazy groupthink happens that allows them to continue to push a Biden second term?
A Whitmer/Buttigieg ticket is a dream scenario. Moderate, pro business without being too pro business, articulate, capable of understanding today’s complex issues. This ticket would destroy Trump. They win the Dems, the moderate soccer moms, the never Trumpers, they would get the youth out to vote - which Biden will not.

It’s a landslide victory. The only question is why the democratic power brokers won’t pull the trigger on this. What kind of crazy groupthink happens that allows them to continue to push a Biden second term?
Pete is consistently one of the most popular Dems out there and also well known. This ticket would ease a lot of the nervousness from Dems right now.
Pete is consistently one of the most popular Dems out there and also well known. This ticket would ease a lot of the nervousness from Dems right now.
If you break it down by swing state they easily carry Michigan obviously. I think they lock up Wisconsin and Pennsylvania without much trouble. Arizona and Nevada are perhaps slightly tighter but still go blue. They lose Georgia because too many African Americans are homophobic. North Carolina is a toss up but likely goes to Trump;

Still a 61-32 swing state electoral college advantage to team blue if it played out this way.
Convinced? If you saw what I did tonight, he does have a health concern. The fact that his wife is letting him do this is nutty.
This is almost exactly what my no pic RN wife said. When they see someone like that,
a) They help the family and/or a social worker get the wheels in motion to address the patient's living situation,
b) They try to eliminate that person's access to car keys and firearms, and
c) They are dubious that they will even see that patient again for his or her next six-month check up.
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A Whitmer/Buttigieg ticket is a dream scenario. Moderate, pro business without being too pro business, articulate, capable of understanding today’s complex issues. This ticket would destroy Trump. They win the Dems, the moderate soccer moms, the never Trumpers, they would get the youth out to vote - which Biden will not.

It’s a landslide victory. The only question is why the democratic power brokers won’t pull the trigger on this. What kind of crazy groupthink happens that allows them to continue to push a Biden second term?
I like the ticket, but I'm not sure it would be as successful as you believe. Whitmer is a woman and I believe there are still people that don't believe a woman should be President. Also MAGA would be using her record with covid restrictions against her. Buttigieg is great as well, but I know there are people who won't vote for him because he is gay. It's a dream ticket for someone like me that is a liberal democrat, I'm just not sure how many undecided voters the ticket would bring.
This is a combo of a Ginsberg/Feinstein situation. Ginsberg because he’s too stubborn and concerned with his own legacy to put the country first and Feinstein because everybody around him is going to let it happen because they all get their power by having him in office.
I wouldn't worry about it dems, I'm sure what we saw last night was an AI generated video altered deep fake just like all the videos we see daily of him tripping and mentally "wandering off". We know this because this is what the White House and the media have been telling us right wing media is doing
Why would Biden get beat? Jefferson Davis running against Abraham Lincoln. That's the fact and the comparison. Biden is old and frail but not a rapist, 34 felonies and counting, stealing from charities, insurrection leading tax fraud piece of shit person.
The Democrats have done it to themselves Chis. They could have centered the campaign on Trump's unfitness for office going back to late last fall, at the freaking least after he became a convicted criminal, but they didn't do that--instead the nuts proposed debates! Put Trump on the same stage as Biden and pretend this is a normal campaign against a normal legitimate candidate.

This was easy, pound away at Trump's unfitness, and repeat over and over to any questions about why there weren't going to be debates that they weren't going to diminish the Presidency by putting Biden on stage with a criminal rapist insurrectionist.
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So effing what? Doesn’t mean it can’t happen this year….
I'm obviously very very very nervous right now as a Dem. But what gives me hope is that we've already seen a real time, highly messy, and very public and embarrassing change of leadership at a very high level in Washington. It was done by the Republicans. When they booted McCarthy. And replaced him with Johnson. It can be done. Rs did it. And the Dems must do it.
The tide is already turning. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if Joe announces he not running in a few weeks.

what she said yes GIF by
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