If Joe Biden really cares about this country…

For me, tonight actually made things more clear. This is why a grotesque monstrosity of a felon like Trump can still be neck and neck in polls. Biden IS too old. It’s terrible. If the Democrats can’t get him to step aside, we deserve what will happen.
Vote for Biden. Simple as that.
He doesn’t have a health concern. He’s just very old and that came across. It looks bad. It’s an optics thing. He looked better further into the debate, but that’s not saying much.

It’s a cognitive health issue. You’re right, it’s a natural part of life.
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I think everyone would support Romney right now over both of these guys. But it's not a choice we gave ourselves.
Well Romney didn't run but if he had run as a Republican he would have gotten destroyed so let's not act like it was a choice anyone ever had
Will you admit that you failed to see the writing on the wall? In the 5th post below, you couldn't see any reason why Biden should not be the candidate while republicans have seen that Biden is not calling the shots.
I was wrong. Joe doesn't have it. At the same time it's clear that Trump's mind is in the same boat. His answers tonight we're largely gibberish. It was sharks and batteries all over again. Neither would be able to finish a second term.
Take any of the other candidates from 2020, like Cory Booker, or Pete, or Amy, and tell them that they have to drop dinner with their families tonight and shred Trump on that stage with no prep. And they would. With ease. They would have feasted on him. That's how inept Trump is. That's out unfit he is to be president. How clueless he is. But Joe couldn't. He needs to step aside. Trump wins otherwise.

I still don't know that he wins but I can see how people will vote Trump or sit this out.
I was wrong. Joe doesn't have it. At the same time it's clear that Trump's mind is in the same boat. His answers tonight we're largely gibberish. It was sharks and batteries all over again. Neither would be able to finish a second term.
Props to you for admitting you were wrong. I respect you more for it.

I know Trump is getting older and he is not the same as he was 8 years ago. Having said that, Trump exceeded my expectations tonight. I thought Trumps answers were spot on tonight. The reason you didn't like Trumps answers is because you are a democrat, not because they were necessarily bad answers.

Trump is still old though. I like the group of young people supporting Trump, so even if Trump ages poorly going forward, I like the people who are backing him up. I do not care for Bidens supporting cast at all.
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Agree but that doesn't win elections, especially with the electoral college handicap dems have to overcome. I will vote for him if he stays but will also be surprised if he actually wins. Too much at stake, hope he realizes that
The opposite of the Biden administration is a domestic terrorist organization so yea. This isn't hard.
Props to you for admitting you were wrong. I respect you more for it.

I know Trump is getting older and he is not the same as he was 8 years ago. Having said that, Trump exceeded my expectations tonight. I thought Trumps answers were spot on tonight. The reason you didn't like Trumps answers is because you are a democrat, not because they were necessarily bad answers.

Trump is still old though. I like the group of young people supporting Trump, so even if Trump ages poorly going forward, I like the people who are backing him up. I do not care for Bidens supporting cast at all.
Ukraine, is an ocean away. Heard that same line of thinking pre WW2. Now instead of Germany and Japan. It’s Russia and China. Trump’s inability to understand long term alliances is terrifying.
Ukraine, is an ocean away. Heard that same line of thinking pre WW2. Now instead of Germany and Japan. It’s Russia and China. Trump’s inability to understand long term alliances is terrifying.
I leaned into him repeating that line as well that means so much less than 1935 as well. Telling!
'Merica, ladies and gentleman.

Where (currently) the only real two choices for the next presidential election, later this year, are a morally corrupt & mentally declining old man Putin-stooge criminal or an even older man who is continually showing the effects of his aging and declining faculties.

Ukraine, is an ocean away. Heard that same line of thinking pre WW2. Now instead of Germany and Japan. It’s Russia and China. Trump’s inability to understand long term alliances is terrifying.
We did not get in these wars under Trump. These are Biden's wars. Don't take Bidens failures and try to place them on Trump.

Biden is all in on expanding NATO by adding Ukraine. This is provoking Russia. Biden is starting these wars and is funding them as well. Its time you own what your guy has done.
Props to you for admitting you were wrong. I respect you more for it.

I know Trump is getting older and he is not the same as he was 8 years ago. Having said that, Trump exceeded my expectations tonight. I thought Trumps answers were spot on tonight. The reason you didn't like Trumps answers is because you are a democrat, not because they were necessarily bad answers.

Trump is still old though. I like the group of young people supporting Trump, so even if Trump ages poorly going forward, I like the people who are backing him up. I do not care for Bidens supporting cast at all.
God no. Absolutely God no. Trump was worse than I expected. Way worse. His answers went nowhere. He looked every inch a clueless old man. Not sure why you can't admit it?
We did not get in these wars under Trump. These are Biden's wars. Don't take Bidens failures and try to place them on Trump.

Biden is all in on expanding NATO by adding Ukraine. This is provoking Russia. Biden is starting these wars and is funding them as well. Its time you own what your guy has done.
Putin has been adding every former Soviet Republic back to mother Russia he can. I’m not blaming Trump for Putin invading Ukraine. But his lack of understanding the nature of what Russia does and why NATO exists.
Is yet another reason to keep him away from power.