Illinois play by play...

LOL at guys bashing Young for getting Tech'd by IMar. For cripes sakes sometimes you run into a buzz saw and there ain't a darned thing in the world you can do to stop said buzz saw.

Brandon and Kem should be taking notes from IMar about how a CHAMP wrestles. Pathetic effort from our two leaders.
Iowa home run hitters bunt for base hits is right on. Iowa has no champs. Perry's boys dominated Iowa's lack of getting to it.
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I'll stop here but listening to MI on the broadcast I've never heard him this angry. He is seething. I think he's seen enough ( TnT ). It is affecting him and to me, a fan but not a fanatic of Iowa wrestling this is troubling. Not to mention the wresting tonight. I love TnT but it seems the mojo aint there.
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It is one thing to wrestle flat if they were at Illinois but to be uninspired and underperforming at home is embarrassing.
Not trying to be the voice of reason or anything, but when the Hawks underperform at the NCAAs they get blamed for peaking too early and being run into the ground. Now they appear to be taking it slower and saving a little for the end of the year and they are catching crap. WOW, you guys are a tough crowd. Also, this is what a rebuilding year looks like.
So many excuses. Now we are saving it for the end of year? How about we just go win every meet? Is PSU saving it for the end of year? Brands could take a dump on the mat, eat it and you would spin it as a positive. So we are doing terrible against Illinois tonight because we are saving it for March? That is insane!
I've said this many times. Iowa does not have a team that will compete nationally until we get one or two guys who can roll into the semifinals or finals racking up bonus points.
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Now that was ugly. We're really lucky to win this, given the performance here tonight. Not a good conference start for the Hawks.
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